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Some possible obscure questions Ive had for a long time

The Fisher King

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Nar, Aiel "get every girl that can learn to channel".


Spark or not, they get them.


Egwene comments on it in tSR.


Or so they claim. Egwene notes that distinction.


The Wise' Ones who could channel found every last girl with the spark born in her, those who would develop the ability to channel sooner or later even if they did not try to learn. They claimed also to find every girl without the spark who could learn if instructed


But I will add that even if they do find them all, it doesn't mean they all get trained. Sparkers, like Aviendha and Amys, get pushed into it, but notice that it is only when Aviendha is close to sparking (as noted by Egwene, she could be sensed, therefore by Moiraine's comments in the Eye of the World she was close to the change) that the preasure gets put on. If a woman had the ability to learn they would not put as much pressure, and there are many Aiel women who do not wish to be Wise Ones.


There is also the point that the rings and the collumns have a fatality rate to them which would winnow the numbers also.


Yeah isnt it right that a learners strength can be felt even f they havent learned? Isnt Egwene a learner, and Nynaeve a sparker?


Only with specific testing.


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