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Bahamut Lagoon


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Excellent!  Via points.  One earns points for starting threads, pleasing superiors, playing games, doing various tasks available, etc.  Then one uses points to buy OP levels which raise your rank.


Seriously? :o  *impressed*  How is it done?!?!?!?!?  I didn't even think it was possible....


That's true, since they just haven't been up to par.  *is hoping that FFXVII will be epic*


Hm, no, never heard of it.  Is it also RPG? 

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Interesting, so in the BT, it literally PAYS to spam eh? Hmmmm  8)


Ok let me tell you my trick. You see that Espers give certain level bonuses on top of learning spells right? So what you need to do is level up someone to have High strength and/or HP. To do this, equip two EXP EGGS and fight Tyrannosaurus' in the forest near the veldt (good way to steal some ribbons as well and learn meteo). Idealing one should have 9999 HP or just high HP and be able to dish out BIG damage with a regular sword.


Now go to the Colosieum and equip the Atma Weapon blade..you know the lightsaber looking weapon that does damage based upon your hp). Equip the black belt relic and offering. If he doesn't sneeze you out in the beginning..you'll whip his butt..especially if he tries to attack you. Which basically means you cant lose! Just sav ebetween matches. Can pick up all sorts of goodies  8)


OMG...SUIKODEN IS THE BEST. You can find a PSX emulator and play Suikoden I (quick to finish) and Suikoden II (best of the series). If your not hooked after these two...which i doubt, theres 3 more games. Warning tho, Suikoden IV isn't so hot. This series allows you to have single duals, party battles, and army battles. You can build you own castle and customize...heck, you can get 108 playable characters! THe series is epic..and games are literal sequals. Like Suikoden II takes place 3 years after Suikoden I, etc.

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Interesting, so in the BT, it literally PAYS to spam eh? Hmmmm  8)

Yup. ;D 


Ok let me tell you my trick. You see that Espers give certain level bonuses on top of learning spells right? So what you need to do is level up someone to have High strength and/or HP. To do this, equip two EXP EGGS and fight Tyrannosaurus' in the forest near the veldt (good way to steal some ribbons as well and learn meteo). Idealing one should have 9999 HP or just high HP and be able to dish out BIG damage with a regular sword.


Now go to the Colosieum and equip the Atma Weapon blade..you know the lightsaber looking weapon that does damage based upon your hp). Equip the black belt relic and offering. If he doesn't sneeze you out in the beginning..you'll whip his butt..especially if he tries to attack you. Which basically means you cant lose! Just sav ebetween matches. Can pick up all sorts of goodies  8)

Ah, good thinking.  I've done a good deal of damage to him before, but never enough to defeat him....Too bad I can't do it with Shrike (Shadow) though; he's usually like 10,15 levels above the rest. ::) :D


OMG...SUIKODEN IS THE BEST. You can find a PSX emulator and play Suikoden I (quick to finish) and Suikoden II (best of the series). If your not hooked after these two...which i doubt, theres 3 more games. Warning tho, Suikoden IV isn't so hot. This series allows you to have single duals, party battles, and army battles. You can build you own castle and customize...heck, you can get 108 playable characters! THe series is epic..and games are literal sequals. Like Suikoden II takes place 3 years after Suikoden I, etc.

Dude, that sounds awesome.  Does it have to be an emulator though? 


Oh, and as a side note, do you play mafia Kar?


Just started. Playing my first one right now (Lily's Tarot Mafia)!  8)

Ah.  The reason being, I was considering doing a Bahamut Lagoon themed mafia..... ;)



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A BL themed mafia would definately be sweet...but then so would an FFVI theme game. I think you and I would be the only ones who know what BL is  :-\


Yep, just level him with the right espers. You'll be able to do it. Of course....its a shame you can't do the infamous trick to kill ANYTHING in FFVI on him. Vanish him, then x-zone or doom  ;)


Well if not emulator, the games were released in english in the US for playstation and playstation 2 :) Really, I HIGHLY recommend the series. The DS Suikoden game and Suikoden Tactics are skip-able tho...not really cannon in my book.

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Just thinking about it makes me grin. [/wouldn't give Palpaloes or Matelite a good role] ;D


I agree, FFVI would be awesome too, but I think Al Jenn is doing a FF one or something so that's sorta covered. 


True, but the lack of control makes it that much more exciting. ;) :D


Sweet!  Cause I have a PS2, and only my SNES emulator really works.  *wants to get the game*


You ever played Chrono Trigger?

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Oh he is? Might be one to check out!


Haha, well I remeber this awesome trick I had on that game to get like..999 excalibers. In the World of Balance I wento to Zozo and tried to sketch and invisible Gabblegak..the game bugged out and I fled battle...then looked in my inventory and BEHOLD! Not sure if they ever fixed it.


Oh Locke, if there is any rpg series to play, Suikoden is a DEFINATE win.I cant recommend it enough. In fact game saves from the rpevious games can be used on the next...although I heard it might not work on a PS2. Gotta play it in order, but good luck finding Suikoden II in the store unless you have Netflixs. Its like being sold for 110 dolalrs used...and Im not selling my copy. Suikoden 3+4 are easy to find. But 2 + 5 are best in the series.


Chrono Trigger? Of course, loved it! Hated Chrono Cross tho -_-



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Indeed, I plan on playing it. [/hoping to be Locke] ;)


Huh, that's....nice... :D  I once experienced a glitch in a game where I got to walk on lava.  I tried again, but I burned and died. :-\


Chrono Trigger was awesome.  I got the new version for DS and enjoyed the additions somewhat.  I never played Chrono Cross.




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I didnt know they made a DS version. I know that added in some anime cutscenes, which is cool. But I heard they added some lame Chrono Cross tie ins as well. Frankly I HATE CC, shouldn't be cannon. Basically, Square took a previous game 'Radical Dreamers', and gave it a rework to market it as a sequal. *sigh* Then again, CC also tries hard to be Suikoden-esque with multiple characters.


Haha, well I would assume you'd be Locke!  8) *ponders* I wonder who I'd be? But then I'd worry, as most people are fans of the newer FF games....so being a character from those wouldn't be so flattering in many cases haha

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I saw it in a store randomly on day, and proceeded to go home and research it to see if it was worth getting.  In the end I did.  It's now with a friend of mine that I converted. ;)  Yeah, the cutscenes were ok.  Some of them were cool, but some of them were kinda meh.  They didn't really do much fighting in them so I guess that disappointed me.  I'm not sure, but I think the tie in may be the last cut scene they added at the end. *shrugs*


I'd be cool with anyone from the 6th game.  Cause they're the best. ;)

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