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Seanchan: The TV Tsar Tryouts


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My lovely ladies and gentlemen of these boards,


As many of you have noticed, our recent Overlord, Emperor, has been conspicuously (and sadly) absent from almost all things DM recently.  Since he is currently the TV Tsar and moderator of the TV subboard, it has fallen upon me to pick up his lack of activity in regards to updating news.  It's getting harder for me to do this, as much as I love bringing TV news to the masses.  So, I have decided it is time for this torch of love to pass on to another, more active, but no less media loving, fortunate from the masses of our beloved Community.


So, who is willing to step up and become one of my subcommanders.  This person will have complete mod status on the TV subboards and my gratitude.  This job entails updating the boards with news, funny anecdotes, and pictures, as well as trying to keep activity up and discussion generated.  I realize everyone is very busy (except for Ed (I literally don't think he sleeps (I'm positive that he just lurks, waiting for his opportunity to respond to a post (or poring over his mafia notes)))) and so, as such, I don't expect the new Tsar to update the news everyday or be active everyday.  However, I do expect a good deal of activity because you WILL be given some level of official responsibility and your goal is to please the masses (which, in turn, exist to please me).


Please PM me if you have a desire to obtain this prestigious - and slightly powerful - position.


Your Overlord,



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