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DAES DAE'MAR - The White Tower & Warders Yard Newsletter - May 2010


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Welcome to the New, Improved Daes Dae'mar!


To Celebrate May (like we need a reason ::)), we bring you a shorter, snazzier and hopefully even more enjoyable Newsletter  ;D


Read on, and let us know what you think!



Editor in Chief



by Charis Sedai



ALRIGHT! Here we go!!



Been gone for the last couple weeks, or even longer? Or can you just not keep track of what's going on? Here's what's been happening at the White Tower!


There were a huge amount of new Aspirants this month. The new novices are:



Grara Aran




Ivien Tarkand





There have also been several of new Algai! They are:






There was one returning member this month. Niamh, of the Green Ajah- yes, not the same as Niamh Sedai of the Blue Ajah, has returned to the Tower. Welcome back, Sister!


There was one Promotion this month! Congratulations to Mirshann Uuranor, the new Head Clerk of the Gray Ajah!


There were three Raisings this month:

Both Amadine and Kathleen were raised to Accepted, and Amadine has been accepted to the Red Ajah.


Also, Marta Sedai has been raised to the Shawl, and to Sisterhood of the Red Ajah.


Congrats Ladies!!


There have been two new Souvra Bonds this month! Congratulations to:


Adella and LilyElizabeth


Little Miss (Limi) and dragonsworn1991 (Pete)


Lastly, there has been one new Warder bond this month!

(Yes, I'm congratulating myself)


charis sedai and Talmanes


That's all for us! See you in June!



by Marta Sedai



Hello everyone! Want to see what' coming up in the White Tower Social Group? Well, this is the right place for you!!! Read on and you will find out more about Events and Anniversaries ;D And you will know what to watch out for in the next month, and who to Congratulate to on their Anniversarie!


As far as upcoming Events are concerned, we have a most interesting one prepared by the Grays!

It is the Midsummer Festival, in the Gray Ajah in the White Tower Social Group, from  June 12th - 19th. Don’t forget to visit and be a part of discussions on summer gardens and food, a thread on easy how-to instructions for outdoor party decorations and favors, and games with prizes awarded at the end of the festival!

See you there!!!


Want to know who bonded the past Junes? In this month of happiness cause the year is not even close to end, but still the weather changes in most parts of the world, and becomes hotter... Well that is something you can see in here. There weren’t many bondings but those which did happen, are historical!


The one Warder bond:


June 11th, 2006., Tiren Sormia from the White Ajah and  goldeneyes see thread here


Souvra Anniversaries can be seen below:


June 1st, 2009., Elgee from the Red Ajah and Rasheta Ardashir from the Green Ajah

June 2nd, 2008., Taymist from the Red Ajah and Nynaeve from the Yellow Ajah see thread here

June 4th, 2006., Maria from the Blue Ajah and Niamh Sedai from the Blue Ajah see thread here

June 13th, 2006., Serenity and BlingBling

June 23rd, 2008., Kara J from the Green Ajah and Mystica from the Red Ajah see thread here

June 25th, 2007., Elgee from the Red Ajah and Kara J from the Green Ajah, see thread here





by Boopsie aka Wayward Fool



Hello happy readers of the Daes Dae’mar! I am pleased you could join us today. Because it is definitely an exciting day! Yesitisyesitis!


I'm [glow=white,2,300]Boopsy[/glow], your co-editor, part time interviewer and all-round nice guy. And while some of you have been abusing my Closet® space, this is not going to be the article that discusses that. *ahem*


This issue we speak to the new shiney Gray head lady who’s not afraid TO PARTAAAAAYYYY! Looking at the parties she’s been rolling out on the Gray Board, it is going to be an era of streamers, booze, song and se- I mean fun. *nods* So, without further ado, let’s go this interview started. Presenting… [glow=black,2,300]Mirshann Uuranor[/glow]!


Boopsy(B): Hello!


Mirsh(M): Oh my Light, where did you appear from?


B: From there! (Points vaguely to a corner)


M: What?


B: Nevermind! Hi! I’m Boopsy! And I am here because everyone wants to know the new Gray Head. And apparently you’re the new Gray Head and no one else was free to talk to you and the Novices were getting boring and the trouble with the weather lately, what with global warming causing the sheep in the White Tower gardens to turn somewhat purple and colour and only THIS morning was the gardener sayin-


M: What in Light’s name are you talking about and why are you covered in chocolate? Also, how did you get into my room? I’ve Warded it!


B: Ah hah! Questions! Which reminds me…  How do you feel as a new Head of Grays?


M: What? Oh… I know the Gray Ajah has been very quiet for a long time, so it doesn’t seem like there’s much to work with.  But I’m excited because that just means there is a lot of room for me to work in and I’ve got a lot of ideas.  Like a clean canvas on which to work my magic. ;D But why are you-


B: Well! What changes do you hope to make during your term then?


M: Well, I’ve already done some by revising and updating the stickies in the Gray Ajah forum.  And I’ve got some more surprises for later that I think people will enjoy. Is this an interview?


B: I had apples for breakfast. I’m sorry I thought we were saying random things. Anyway… What is the Gray Ajah supposed to be about?


M:  Our Ajah’s mission statement reads “To promote community through service and hospitality by our widely varied interests, talents, and hobbies.”


Basically that means that as Grays we are very into sharing our interests and hobbies with the community here and get to know people better in the process.  Part of that is learning how to balance all of our interests so we can have time for everything we love and the friends with which we love to share our interests.


B: You have a mission statement? Wow! Way cool! I wanna be Gray too!


M: You can’t be Gray. You’re Blue. But for aspirants to the Gray… Raising is just the beginning! :D


Once you are absolutely sure you have found your home, you are our family.  And once you are Raised to full sister or brother of the Shawl, you have the full rights and responsibilities that go along with that.  You are the lifeblood of your Ajah. <3


B: I am?


M: No I meant the Aspirants. Pay attention. I don’t have all day. And you’re dripping chocolate all over the carpet.


B: Club soda. It’ll do the trick. Or install a chocolate moat. Think you about it. Adds colour too. Everything is so gray.


M: Gray is a beautiful color; you just haven’t been paying attention to all the lovely gray things around you.  (Google “grayscale images” and you will see. ;) )


Computers have 254 shades of gray.  And gray is used everywhere.  It is a very important color.  Gray is used to define areas of light and dark in pictures and makes some portraits look more professional when the picture is completely in “grayscale”. 


So even if you don’t like gray, you can’t live without it. ;)


B: Is this com’puter a new fangled ter’angreal?


M: What?


B: (Distracted by a door) What is that room?


M: Oh! Yeah, that’s our Gray closet.


B: Closet! What’s in there?


M: You’re welcome to help me find out. ;)


I’ve been trying to clean them out.  So far, I’ve already found Yelenia and Mashin Shin.  :P


B: Bah. Maybe later. Also, what are you like outside the Tower? (Ie, Offline.)


M: Naked.  I mean, boring. :P


I’m a relatively new Graphic Design student that is now on Summer break. (Thank the Light for that. :P )  I’m also a full-time Domestic Engineer. ;) 


I’m 32 and living in Austin, Texas, but I don’t really like the city much, but it looks like we’re stuck here for a while.  I’m originally from Idaho.  I have three cats which I love to bits and a husband whom I also love to bits, but in different ways. :P  I'm also a big she-geek and love geeky humor.


I like cheese, chocolate, and I sniff yarn.  But only wool yarn.  I don’t know why.  I just like it. cheeseeni.gif


Also I’ve been having thoughts about raising an army of gray kitties with which I would kill my enemies with cuteness.  Or allergies.  Whichever. :D


B: (Yawns) Been there done that.


M: Really? Where are the kitties?


B: Oh, around. (Looks around shiftily.) ANYWAY, why did you decide to be the Gray head again?


M: I think I may be a glutton for punishment.  I blame Mystica for taking me off of the Chair of Remorse. tug.gif :P My turn to ask the question. Why are you in my room?


B: Am I? (Disappears in a flash)


M: What the- (Shakes head) I think I might have had too much ooquai last night. Damn Gray parties.


So, we will be back with an interview of someone important next month. Feel free to email us or PM us or just reply to this thread suggesting who we should interview next. Now, back to those yummy Novices.




by Al Jenn


May was an extremely busy month here at the White Tower. We had several activities:


Baby Making Machine Game - Who's your baby!?!?!? : All the participants were paired up and had babies. Everyone had to guess who both the beautiful and hideous spawns parents were. AlannaLynn won the event and Player ended up reproducing with Jason to create the future of DM.


Red Ajah: Cultural Exchange Week; Cultural Corner : The reds took us around the world to experience different cultures, places, and traditions.


Feast of Fools : The Greens played havoc with the tower. Aes Sedai were turned into aspirants and aspies took over the WT. Adella was the MoN, Verb the Amyrilin, Charis Jr. the Keeper, Ed2funy the Soul, Kathleen the Captain General, and Amadine and Alanna were sitters. 


The Black Tower also showed up and were aspies as we exchanged with them and had soldiers over there.


Trivial Pursuit: The White Tower battled the Black Tower in Wheel of Time Trivia. Claire dominated the game and won a well, but close, earned victory for the White Tower.


Harry Potter Mafia Madness : Currently going, who knows who will live and who will die.


WT & the DM World Class : This class finished up with a large group of aspirants. You've seen them and will see them running around everywhere. Be ready for a lot of new raisings to accepted/man'shima which means they'll be joining disciplines and Ajahs shortly.


Coming up the Gray's will sponsor a midsummer festival. Be ready for food, entertainment, and a good time in their comfortable Halls.


The Dormitories are having a change of leaders. There will be new aunts and uncles leading the aspirants shortly. If you wish to be a house aunt or uncle PM Lor.




We had two people graduate College, feel free to congratulate them in the Gray's halls.


Dah'mir has graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art.

Crystal Tipps has graduated with  Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Costume with Performance Design.


Liitha is figuring out details for her wedding, stop by Me'Arearth and see if you can offer any great ideas.


Claire has asked the members of the white tower to step forward and help one of our own. On the main WT page, stickied is a thread where someone here could use help. Please check it out and do what you can.




Shameaso made a short return for a week and stopped by to say hello to everyone.


Reyn Sedai came back to the reds after a long LoA, feel free to stop by the Great Hall and let her get reacquainted with everyone.


Corki has taken up as Sword Commander of the Me'Arearth Discipline.


Vanion has stepped down as Sword Commander of the Ren'Shai Discipline.


Mirsh is the new head of the Gray Ajah!



by Al Jenn


Wonder what's been going on around the Tower?


A couple of the dormitories were looking at getting mascots... aka. pets. There may be some fluffy animals around the tower grounds soon.


Al Jenn and Amadine got into some mischief and were scolded by the Keeper. They wrote an apology in the Aspirants quarters.


Wolfies party continues along with a dance on the aspirant board. Loran poped in for a brief visit again.


The Newsletter is looking for some motivated aspirants to help out, for more information see the Aspirant boards.


The greens stopped by to show their appreciation for the warders... *Wink wink nudge nudge* You know what I mean. They brought tasty treats and thanked the warders.


Warders mostly talked about movies and their swords, go figure. Although Ireond is attempting to lure the Red's onto Cuen'e'eren boards.


The moat after elusively jumping and flowing all around the white tower has finally settled down in the Warders Yard. There will be no more miraculous throwing of white clad novices from anywhere in the tower grounds.


The Warders have asked that visitors treat their boards and all their members with equal respect. There have been many new members looking for unbonded warders. The warders ask that a bond be developed from a friendship instead of searching out for people to bond then developing friendships with them.


The Blues contemplated which fantasy world would be the best to live in and the mafia won in the Buffy game the Blues hosted.


Browns are still lost in their books and haven't really come out. The whites must be following them since few have seen much of twinflower although Jeran has occasionally come out of studying.


Pete has accused Myst of secretly loving the color pink. Myst has rejected such ludicrous claims and now they are battling it out in court.


The Reds and Greens are as active as ever. Be careful not to get tied up when you visit. They have had bondings, birthdays, and new members galore. Stop by either the new Phoenix Lounge or the new Emerald Inn before talking with the greens about health, warders, and bonding or the reds about dreams, passion, and all things red.


The Yellows are as vibrant as ever. Bela is on a mission to paint everything in the tower top down pink. Wish her luck before she makes her way to the Reds...


The aspirants are incredibly active. Thorkin chases his mentor's (Of the fine art in wooing women) bonded, Bela. However Bela got trapped by Daruya as Karasayl came chasing them in. Meanwhile Eel is making mischief and has claimed Kara as her pet. Needless to say all these people running around causing a ruckous everywhere is impossible to follow. When you see one dart by just grab them by the collar and you'd most likely be justified in punishing them like Daruya and Nyn plan on doing. *Winks*




by Limi



Oh, and the Blue's handle is Niamh Sedai.  :) 


*double posts because mafia has broken her will to edit*


*is again thwarted in her logic and bows down to the Reds* You have defeated my logic from both sides. I surrender.


My first thought was: do we get to keep you as spoils of war?  ;D


My second thought was: Twinnie's gonna armwrestle us for you ... and man that White is a MEAN armwrestler! She cheats by waving Vanilla Slices under your nose  :(


My third thought was: Ima need a Shiny to distract Kara, or she's gonna kick my butt for points 1 and 2  ;D



Wise man once said "If woman starts twitching, wise man will have quick feet."  ;D


Music is like candy, you have to throw away the rappers.


*slaps Alanna Jr.*

I am a more important woman than you, dammit!





*looks at Limi*


Wise man once said,"If woman looks you in the eye with a tear. Get out quick before you do anything she says."





Of course I do.  ;D


especially when cleavage is involv....I mean uh, nevermind. 


This is all I heard, and therefore I'm now in complete attention!  ;D


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