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The pointy end goes there[ATTN: Jocelyn]


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Owan stood at the entrance to the archery field. One of the scouts had requested training. He thought about that for a second and shook his head. There was a good natured ribbing between most of the branches of the Band.


He looked at the piece of paper again that had the request. The shortbow..not exactly the strongest of bows but able to be used from horseback and in tight spots. He had used it a few times but prefered the longbow.


He had given a note to one of the privates to get to her telling her to meet him at the yard this morning. Hopefully this scout would be punctual and on time for a change. He took up his longbow and walked to the start of the field. He could at least get a little practice of his own in while waiting for her.


Owan Bloodeye

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Miria hummed to herself as she stepped lightly through the citadel, making her way towards the archery field. Her blonde tresses were secured with a ribbon for the occasion, as she dids not want any distractions. It was a good feeling, getting back into training. Adjusting the way her short bow was hung over her shoulder she smiled to herself. She'd heard many archers make fun of the short bow, claiming it to not really be an adult weapon in comparison to the long bow, but Miria's small stature made maneuvering with a long bow difficult at the best of times. Besides, she'd shown many a critic that she could handle the weapon perfectly fine.


Still, she had a feeling she would be swallowing some of her pride today, the note informing her that Owan would train her. Who better to further her skill with than an archer? There was a good natured rivalry between the divisions, but in the end, they were part of the same army, and as she was learning, the Band looked after it's own. Another smile crossed her features at that thought, there was certainly one member in particular who gave her a lot of special attention, who made her feel the way no one else ever had. As usual it had been a struggle to say goodbye to Kedyn that morning, but she did not want to start on the wrong foot with the archer by being late, regardless how tempting Kedyn's kisses were.


Arriving at the designated place, Miria watched in silence for a moment as Owan practiced, before approaching him, slinging her bow and quiver off her shoulder to hold them in her hand. "Miria is my name, I'm here for the training sir." She greeted him with a charming smile, her dimple flashing briefly in her cheek as she waited for her first instructions.



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