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Tales of Ta'veren II - A Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game


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On Tales of Ta'veren II, a time of great change has come to the world. The Dragon Reborn, savior of mankind, marches his legions onwards in an epic struggle against the Shadow, and for the sake of his own Empire. Noble houses, Queens and Kings, vie for power against one another in the intricate and intriguing game known as Daes Dae'mar, while common citizens find themselves pulled into the inexorable weavings of the wheel of time. Everyone has a part to play, even if they do not know it. A new age is about to occur, the wheel turns, but will it be an age of men and women, or a dark age of complete shadow?


Tales of Ta'veren II is an online text-based roleplaying MUSH, where you play and write the story of individual characters in an alternative Wheel of Time universe. Never MUSHed or roleplayed before? No problem! The staff and helpers will educate one and all, and if you are not ready to make your own character, then choose from a list of pre-made characters from all different factions, complete with built in relationships, secrets, and plots. Get started on your own character today, or take one we've offered to you! Quality fantasy role-playing awaits.


Telnet Address: tales.mushserver.com 6250

Website: http://www.users.on.net/~charmer/

Connecting Instructions: http://www.users.on.net/~charmer/GuideToConnecting


We would like to announce that May 2010 will be double XP month! This is an excellent opportunity to get started with a new character as all XP awards for RP are doubled!


News from Cairhien: Tear, ally of the Dragon's Empire, is under siege by a mysterious force of channelers from the south. The Dragon Reborn has put out the call to the people and armies of Cairhien and Andor, to the Black Tower and to the Aes Sedai, to rise up and crush this culmination of the threat against the Empire. Soldiers, healers, channelers, nobility and other hangers-on are required for this major plot! The first significant battles have been fought as the Dragon seeks to encircle the enemy and his allies rally for the decisive final stand!

  • 2 months later...

Latest News from Cairhien: The Black and White Tower have established a joint Academy, the first of its kind since the Breaking, in order to foster collaboration and research in the future. The Lord Dragon has demanded that the building be monumental and glorious. While the war to the south continues to rage, the climate in Cairhien has become restrictive, with curfews imposed and random checks carried out by guards. The governing nobles are spooked after a recent enemy attack on home territory and scrutising all suspicious activity with a close eye.


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