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Questions to ask as you write your backstory...


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I am currently putting together a campaing using the A Game of Thrones d20 RPG system (I'm setting it several months before the outbreak of the Blackfyre Rebellion). All of the characters have an ECL (effective character level) of 8-10 for a "high-powered" game (going with a Noble House Game with a splash of Band of Heroes and Game of Thrones style).


Since all the characters are of higher levels I am requiring the players to write an extensive (4-10 pages) background story which not only tells their past, but also explains who they are personally, why they are that way, and to explain everything on their character sheet. This is a habit I myself got into back when I used to do a lot of LARPing (WW's Vampire the Masquerade) and have to create realistic backstories for my Storyteller (I wrote a 12 page history for a Settite Elder I once played!).


So I came up with a list of questions the players need to answer in their backstory, and I thought I should share it with everyone here.


(NOTE: The first three questions I ask I blatantly stole from J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5 series, the episode in which Delenn is being interogated by the Vorlon's minion who was once known as Jack the Ripper. Whenever Delenn answered the question Jack would say "wrong answer" and cause her intense pain, and then ask the question again, never satisfied with any answer she gave, always saying something like "that is not WHO you are, but just a label that has been given to you"--not a direct quote btw!. These three questions are also asked by Galen in Bab5:Crusade at the beginning of each episode)


So here you go...here are the questions, and if you answer them the next time you create a character you will find it MUCH easier to get into their personal mindset.





Who Are You?

What Do You Want?

Where Are You Going?



Who are the three most important (to you) people you know? Explain.


What were the most (up to 3) pivotal, life-changing events in your past? Explain.


What was the worst thing to happen to you? What was the best? Explain.


What is your fondest memory? Worst memory? Explain.


What is your least favorite thing? Why? Most favorite thing? Why?


What are your fears, both great and small? Why?


Who do you love?


Who do you hate?


Have you killed an animal? If yes, describe the circumstances of your first kill, and how did you feel about it?


Have you killed a human? If yes, describe the circumstances of your first kill, and how did it make you feel? Would you/did you do it again?


Do you prefer men or women for CASUAL company?


Do you sexually prefer men or women?


What is the most ill you have ever gotten?


If you could change any three things about or in the world. what would they be and why?


If you could change three things about yourself what would they be and why? Why haven't you already changed them?


What is your favorite word? Least favorite word?


Have you ever been drunk?


Do you like to read?


Do you have any artistic talents?


What turns you on (creatively, spiritually, or emotionally)? What turns you off?


What sound or noise do you love? What sound or noise do you hate?


Who do you trust? Why?


Who do you NOT trust? Why?


Who should NOT trust you? Why?


What profession (or occupation) other than your own would you most like to attempt? Which would you least like to attempt?


What is your greatest regret in life so far? Explain.


What is your proudest moment in life so far? Explain.


Where do you call "home"? Is this where you actually live? Is it where you FEEL the most at home? If no to either, explain. If not where you live, why not? Would you go back? Will you be going back?


In what 3 ways did the place you grew up effect who you are today? Explain.


Who are your parents? Siblings? Other family members? Are they alive? Do you/did you get along? Why not?


Do you have any offspring?


How would you describe yourself physically?


How would OTHER people describe your personality?


Do you believe in chivalry? Are you chivalrous?


Are you pious? To which God or Gods?


Who has debt to you (money, favor, etc)? Explain.


Who do you have debt to? Explain.


What three people you know have the most Influence over you? Why?


What is your greatest strength? Greatest weakness? Explain.


Of the people you have not seen in years, who would you most like to see? Least like to see? Explain.


What is the strangest thing to ever happen to you?


Is the glass half empty, or half full?


Do you like to do things yesterday (done NOW) or tomorrow (procrastinate)?


What person would you most like to travel with? (Does not have to be someone you have ever met, or even someone you would ever be ABLE to meet) Why?


Where would you most like to visit? Why?


In your opinion, are the smallfolk treated well by the nobility? Well enough? Too well?


How do you define "evil" and how do you define "good"?


Do you eat because your body needs the nourishment, or because you love food?


What is your favorite food? Least favorite?


What would be the best thing that could possibly ever happen to you? The worst? Explain.


Who would you give your life for? Why?


Who would give their life for you? Why?


What are your favorite colors? What colors do you like to wear? Not like to wear? Can't wear well?


Do you think you have "good manners"?


Describe the first time you saw a dead body. Was it the first time you saw someone die? If not, describe that first event. How did these events make you feel? Did they effect you? If so, how?


Are you a modest person? Humble? Arrogant? Voyeuristic? Exhibitionist?


Do other people consider you smart?


Which do you believe you have met more of: people smarter than you; people just as smart as you; or people not nearly as smart as you?


Which have you met the least of?


Which body part on the gender you are attracted to is your favorite: ass, chest, eyes, belly, arms, shoulders, neck, lips, hands, legs, feet, hair or back? Least favorite?


Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Why?


How would you prefer to die? Why?


Do you want to be a parent? How soon would you like to be? Will you be a parent? Explain.


Which of the Motivations listed on pages 278-280 (of the aGoT RPG book) would most fit you? Explain.


Describe and explain your Defects on your character sheet.


What do you think your role/purpose in life is? What do you think it SHOULD be? Explain. Could (or would) you change your role in life? Why haven't you?


Who loves you?


Who hates you?


What person that you have ever seen are you the most attracted to? Could it ever happen?


Do you like heights? Water? Enclosed places? Wide open places? Forests?


Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost? Do they (or would they) frighten you?


What is your most prized (physical) possesion? (Not titles and estates) How did you gain this possesion? Would you EVER part with it? Explain.


Do you prefer cats or dogs? Horses, donkeys, mules or ponies? Do you ride astride or sidesaddle? Or do you prefer to ride in the wagon/carriage? Explain why.


What do you consider "sleeping in" and "staying up late"?? (times relative to sunrise and sunset respectively)


What is your favorite dish? Least favorite?


What is the biggest lie you have ever told, and to who? Explain.


What is the biggest secret you keep (other than your own secret)?


How often do you bathe? How often would you bathe if you could bathe at any time you wished?


Have you ever been on a sailing vessel? Did you go out to sea (beyond sight of land)? What did you think of the experience? Would you do it again?


What was your favorite childhood toy?

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