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Any of your favorite shows ending this season???

Guest IluvatarND

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Guest IluvatarND

Well, it's that time of year again. The weather's turning warmer, the flowers are blooming... the circle of life begins again. But, just as all things have a beginning, all things have an end. So we enter into the end of several excellent series on TV. Which will you miss most next year?


I'll start with one. I was always a big West Wing fan, even through the lean years (seasons 5&6). This season has picked up again, and there's some great moments left to come I'm sure. Still, I will miss it next year when it's gone. It's time for it to go; this I would agree on. It's been around for it's time, and the stories were getting thin. With the derth of TV shows in the past several seasons (there have been a few new ones that have caught my eye, but there's still too many "reality / game / competition" shows) a show with such sparkle in it's glory years and such power through it's many seasons will be sorely missed. I would say some of the best times I had in front of the TV were Wednesday nights when we started with Ed, moved into West Wing and even towards Law and Order sometimes. You rarely see such a classic collection of shows now.


So, to all those Josh and Donna Shippers, to all who miss the witty banter of Toby and Sam, to all who marveled at having the big issues and the small repartees in one hour, to the great actors and actresses, Jed and Leo (John Spencer, rest in peace... you will be sorely missed) and all the wonderful cast, big part or small: raise a glass and toast to one of the most thought provoking and well made series in the history of television.


We shall miss it.


The West Wing. 1999-2006

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Guest Majsju

It's not 100% confirmed yet, as far as I know, but I'm pretty darn sure Charmed is on the last season. No more foxy witches *sniff*

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Guest Winespring Brother

Noooo! Majsju you are ever the harbinger of bad news!

How I will get over this I don't know. My shrink is still treating me for the end of Buffy a few years back :cry:

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Guest Winespring Brother

Getting rid of Cole was a huge mistake. They should have ditched Leo instead. Bad guys are so much more entertaining than little angels (unless of course its Wayne Rooney, who should have been locked in a cupboard his entire life). Still, I like the later seasons, even if they have got desperately short on people to fight. I like to see what amazing new look Alysa Milano will manage to create each year :roll:

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Guest Majsju
I like to see what amazing new look Alysa Milano will manage to create each year :roll:


You know, there are a certain kind of websites for that stuff :wink::wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, i'll agree, something odd happened to Charmed.


I personally think that the Avatar thing was a GRAET way to end the series, too bad they didn't realize that until they had released a new season. :-(


I stopped watching Charmed when Billie was introduced.


The show I'm looking foreward to, returning this season for it's third one, is the 4400.


"Hi, I'm Isabelle."

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

West Wing, even though as mentioned above it is waning.


Arrested Development... like most Fox Shows... I discovered it to late


Here is a complete list of cancelations:



"Alias" - The show will end its run in May, 2006

"Emily's Reasons Why Not"

"Hot Properties"

"Jake in Progress"

"Night Stalker"



"Love Monkey"




"Head Cases"

"Killer Instinct"

"Kitchen Confidential"

"Malcolm in the Middle" - Ends in May, 2006


"That 70's Show" - Ends in May, 2006

"Arrested Development"





"The Apprentice: Martha Stewart"

"The Book of Daniel"

"The West Wing" - Ends in May, 2006

"Will & Grace" - Ends in May, 2006


The WB

"7th Heaven" - The show will end its 10-year run in May, 2006

"Just Legal"

"Charmed" - The show will end its 8-year run on May 21, 2006

"What I Like About You"



"Sex, Love & Secrets"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Charmed-I agree it's gone downhill...but if they could have found a way to breath some new life into it (NOT with BILLY...CAN'T STAND HER) I would have loved for it to have stayed on.


Will and Grace-Went downhill a bit as well...but I could have watched for a couple more years just to see Jack and Karen alone...LOL


Book of Daniel-LOVED this show. Hate that it did badly. I REALLY wish that it had continued.:(


Commander in Chief-It's not been officially announced yet whether this will continue or not I don't believe...but I am SOOOOOOOOOOO Hoping that it does.

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Guest Emperor

I enjoyed book of daniel as well, but probably died due to the time it was on.


I watched most of the first episodes of Commander in Chief.. mostly because I was looking for a new replacement for West Wing. Unfortunately I could never fall in love with it. Shame

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The West Wing has been my favorite show since it came on the air. I agree that it did have it's thin years (Seasons 5&6 sounds about right), but even though it was superior to anything else I was watching. I'm thrilled that Sam is back, and that they're portraying Donna as the strong and confident individual they've been hinting at for so long. I miss Zoe and Fitz and of course Leo. I hope they circle around to end the Library story they began at the beginning of the season... I hope we get to see more of Danny, and of Sam and of his wife (who I still hope is Lori), and all the supporting characters who have added so much. It's had a great year to go out on, but I'll miss it more than any show when it ends.


Will & Grace is also wonderful and I'm sad to see it at an end. I also agree it's struggled sometimes, but the writers and producers are only human and have done so well over the long term. I hope that other shows will come after it to push at similar envelopes, and I hope that we don't lose the humor captured in Jack & Karen. Thank goodness for reruns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

yeah I'm sad about West Wing being over. The story lines definetely took a hit with Aaron Sorkin left the show but I'm so involved with the characters I couldn't stop watching. I love that Danny and JC got together. They were one of my favorite almost couples. Was so happy when he started comming back, they're so cute together. Josh and Donna getting together was kinda odd but nice none the less.

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