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DM Dispatch II archive - 23 Aug 2006


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Welcome to DM Dispatch interviews, stories and regular round-up of news from around the forums. If you have a story that you think maybe of interest or news on marriages, promotions etc. send a PM to Goldeneys.





Good evening, I'm Hans Hansen, in our top story a long gone member returns after 6 years, I was able to interview her earlier today, here's what happened.


*starts video of interview*




Goldy (Me): How much time did you spend on DM on average daily whe you were on before?


AissaJacarn: When I first joined DM I was on for hours and hours at a time because I was in school. Back in the day there was an irc chat hosted at DM and I would always be on that even if I was surfing other websites. When you take that into consideration, probably 8+ hours a day. But I mellowed a bit after a couple of years (and chat wasn't around anymore) so I'd say it was closer to 4 hours/week or thereabouts unless I was actively roleplaying.


Goldy (Me): So, why did you leave?


AissaJacarn: Real life just started interfering too much. Before I got married I was living with my parents, which meant I didn't have to do housework or cook (much) so I could spare an hour here or there. I tried to stay active (especially with Age of Legends, where my husband was (is?) an incarn but it just wasn't happening.


Goldy (Me): How did you meet your hubby?


AissaJacarn: Chris (Demandred, ChrisTheS, one of DM's founders) and I first met at a DM meet in Seattle summer 2001. He was a lot younger than me so nothing happened there. A year later we reconnected online when I was working a late shift and he was up late doing homework and we both were looking for someone to talk to. The rest is history.


Goldy (Me): Hehe, wow, sounds great. Why did you rejoin after getting married?


AissaJacarn: It's more that I have internet access at work now and so I'm able to hop online on my lunch and/or coffee breaks... thus I actually have the opportunity and time. When I'm at home I'm mostly just relaxing or playing computer games so I don't go on forum sites nearly as much there.


Goldy (Me): Ohhh ok, were almost out of time, anything else you have to add?


AissaJacarn: It's just amazing how much the site has changed over the years and how many people have come and gone, but also how many people have stayed! There are a few people here who have been here longer than I have, and I few from when I joined, and a few who I've had the pleasure of getting to know after I joined.


Goldy (Me): *chuckles* Well, I think I fall into that last category, I just joined at the end of February, Well we're out of time for now, thank you for being with us.


AissaJacarn: Thank you Hans.


In other news, the kin continues to grow. Steel Axe was there earlier here today.


Steel Axe: This week they had two new members join the ranks. Gwendolen Harleth and Lyenna were welcomed with lots of cookies and needle related pokings. There were no casualties from the cookies or needles so far unfortunately, but there is still time. If you want to join a growing org that has cookies, and aren't afraid of needles then stop by the kin and sign up.

Guest Egwene

*camera swings across to the other side of the room*


From our Fiddlesticks board the following announcement:


There is to be a 24hr Spam challenge on Fiddlesticks next week. Anyone interested in sending their post count into the outer stratosphere, or just have some fun, should have a look at the following link for more details.




For the next couple of days you are able to leave your vote as to which day of the week you prefer. During the challenge, the regular Fiddlesticks crowd is looking forward to receiving many visitors from the other boards on this forum. There is of course the mandatory health warning... you may find yourself becoming addicted to so much fun!!



*camera swings back*


Thank you for that Egwene, and we will keep you updated.


Steel Axe is now at the White Tower and reports from there.


Steel: This week has been a busy week in the White Tower, several new raisings to be reported. Being raised from Novice to Accepted is Katiora, Twinflower, and Narina. Steel Axe is being raised from Algai to Manshima. Demi has been nominated for Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. And Brendalea for Aes Sedai in the Blue Ajah. So stop by the great hall to congratulate the newly raised. Oh wait, I'm one of them, I need to get writing my declarations. Congrats to all, good luck on your writing.


Goldy: And good luck to you too Steel.

Guest Egwene

I didn't expect this... having only just had Wilson's report, we now have a Blog entry by the man himself!!!




I am glad to say, he sounds very upbeat overall.


For those that may be new to the Blog. You can comment on it. There is a good chance he might read it.



Aissa doesn't sound that familiar to me, but I think I know who that is. I remember the original Demi for sure, but the name Aissa I don't recognize really. Did you go by another name more before and are/were you from Canada? I was in IRC all the time (ran a channel for awhile off DM when there wasn't one), so I have an idea of who it is... lol.


Congrats on the wedding! What's that, like the 4th DM pairing (as in actual marriage)? Hehehee...

Guest Egwene

Please note that the 24hr challenge on Fiddlestick is less than one hour away, as I post this. All are welcome to participate. :P



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