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Hello, everyone :)

My name is Lars, and I finished reading the last book so far in the series about two weeks ago. I'm really eager for the next book to come out, the waiting time is killing me, so I figured I'd join this community so that I may atleast discuss upcoming events, read theories and just learn more about the Wheel of Time-series. These are the best books I've ever read.


I'm seventeen years old, I'm a dude and I'm Norwegian. I usually don't read, but when I do, it's fantasy. I started reading the series when I was laying home crying after my girlfriend dumped me, and they've really kept my mind away from feeling lonely and sad, because I fall so far into Randland that I don't think of anything else. I have never felt this way about a book, and I really feel it's helped me. I started reading about three months ago, and I'm considering starting from Eye of the World again in anticipation of the next novel to come out.


When I'm not reading, I play guitar in a blues/rock/metal band, play football or hang out with friends. I also spend alot of time in politics, being the regional leader of the Norwegian Communist Party. I go to school, with focus on history, philosophy and social antropologi, and I'm planing on becoming a shrink or a fulltime politican.


I'm not usually a forum guy, so I'm not sure what I should write here. Bear with me if I break any norms :)


First of all, welcome to DM. Sounds like you will love the book discussions, along with the Debates and Discussions forum.


Second, you will fit right in. :)


Welcome to DM!


It sounds like you have a lot on your plate in the way of things to do - so when do you think you will visit here? ;D Anyway, enjoy this place, and don't hesitate to ask us any questions if you get lost or confused!


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