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Why i'm giving my bootcamp instructor an EPIC FAIL on the assesment.


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She wasn't that bad of a first time bootcamp leader/teacher and she is in her early 20's.  The class turned out to be an all girl class with ages ranging from 19-23 (not including me).  As everyone is below 24yrs old they're all a bit stupid still.  She's a 3rd year Phys Ed student.  But this is why i'm giving her an epic fail for her group leading skills.


  So for our last day of bootcamp the leader decides that we're going to go run around buttertubs marsh.  So we go there and she runs back to me, as i'm behind everyone as usual, and asks me if it's okay if they go on ahead and they'll turn around at the half way mark and come back for me.  I say sure.  so I get to about 1/3rd the way around and I see them coming back for me.  When they catch up to me the leader asks if i've seen so-and-so.  I say that i've not been passed nor have passed anyone from our group. 

    The leader then says "oh shoot, she went up a different trail.  Umm...anyone know her name?" 

    No one volunteers her name, she didn't come that often and apparently dyed her hair too. 

  I'm thinking "oh boy the leader doesn't know the name of the missing girl so we can't call out for her.  Just as well, she's probably couldn't hear us if we did call for her because she's laying unconscious, drowning in the marsh and violated.  After all the marsh is the perfect place for a blitz attack."

  So we carry on around the track and still don't see her.  Along the way i stopped and asked a couple if they've seen her and they said no.  We wait for her at where we started.  Then we carry on via a different route back to the trail above the oval track.  Everyone picks up their water bottles that they were too lazy to carry with them while they ran (idiots) and there's one left over, a recyclable dysanti water bottle. 

  Leader "okay, now i'm scared."

  Again i'm thinking "NOW?  Now is when you're scared?  Not to mention there was that lone male jogger that seems suspicious to me now..."

  People came up with excuse, "oh she probably just went home."  "Yeah, i wouldn't come back for that kind of water bottle too." 

  And so the leader presses on, "maybe she'll be at the gym.  although she didn't leave any bags or clothes at the gym..."

  We get to the gym and no sign of her.  We go our separate ways and hope the leader is going to report the missing girl.



The leader doesn't remember what the student's name is and more importantly where the student is.

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