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A day of PT hell.... Drenn and Open to all


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Dashiva woke a few hours before dawn, as was his custom. He'd shaken the last of his sickness away, and was quickly returning to the routine he'd set for the years he'd been at the Black Tower.


Slipping out of his bed quietly, he brushed a few hairs off Racelle's face, and then opened the large black dresser, pulling out one of his old, worn uniforms. Dressing quickly and silently, he pulled on a pair of similarly worn boots and ghosted through his two story home to the front door and slipped out.


Resetting the wards, he released the miniscule amount of saidin needed go, and jogged over to the Inn. It was a cool, crisp morning with just a hint of the frost of coming winter, and he inhaled deeply. The smell of the dew on the ground was pleasant and he enjoyed being awake so early.


Carefully undoing the wards around the Inn, he slipped inside and set food into the stoves and on the tops to start cooking. Setting the cooking weaves he tied them off, and slid back out, resetting the wards to keep any adventerous soldiers from stealing alcohol.


Setting a light jog, he finished two koras-laps around the outer perimeter of the Farm. (Note for any who don't know, one koras-lap is actually 3 laps around the outside of the Farm's grounds, well past the outer buildings) and slowed as he got to the physical training field. Dropping onto his stomach, he immediately started doing 150 push-ups, followed by 150 sit-ups.


He missed the days when he'd had nothing better to do but train to kill with saidin and do physical training to keep in shape, but he had other responsibilities now for Dalinar, and wasn't going to shirk his duties.


Rising off the ground, he jogged back home and changed, leaving his home once more dressed in his black uniform, looking crisp and lean. the hilt to his two handed sword poked over his left shoulder, and his short sword hung from his left hip. He had a few throwing knives tucked in his sleeves, and would find time later in the day to practice with his weapons.


Glancing up at the sky, the sun just starting to come over the horizon, he gave a small smile as he looked upon the colour filled sky before he slid back into the Void. Walking back to the Inn, he untied the cooking weaves to get breakfast ready for everyone, the Inn now being the popular place to eat and no one eating the gruel that had once been the main thing to eat when he'd joined.

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  • 2 months later...

Drenn stood calmly and quietly in his small clearing with his sword raised above his head in an inverted grip. He stood stone still up on one foot with the other brought up to rest at his knee. It had taken him the better part of the least year or so to manage to hold this stance for any amount of time but the practice had paid off. His balance had improved greatly as a resul of it. After a while he switched legs so as to maintain en equal sense of ballance. After all, he had to ballance his sense of ballance. It would do him no good to practice one stance and wind up being forced into another.


After several minutes of this he began to move his sword above his head. Moving through several different types of cuts, he took hold of saidin and wove an elemental blade infront of him which he could practice blocking against. It was an awkward thing to do and tested his ballance even more as he now risked losing it to movement. This was something a little more new that he'd added in recently ever since he'd found himself able to hold the stance. Everyone expected one thing out of it and that was a sacrificial attack so he thought it best to change it up a bit. Why do what everyone expected? The form left his chest wide open to attack so he'd developed a block for it instead, and it was hardly easy. He' had to alter the way he held the hilt to allw him to properly maneuver it at all. It was relatively the same grip grip although now he held his hand open, palm against the pommel.


It was a very minor change to the original stance but allowed him to pull the swor down and with his other hand force an attaching thrust away. Of course now This left him completely unabl to attack with his sword gripped like that so he decide to forgo the use of his blade from here. Instead he pivoted slightly and used his already raised leg to strike out with a swift side kick, which after some significant stretching could now hit at all but Isha's head level.


He'd come to the realization that he could hardly rely on his sword or even Saidin all the time and needed to work on how to defend himself without it. He had come to the conclusion that he'd best learn to use his hands and feet accuratly as weapons aswell. That was slow going though as he was basically making it up as he went along. All the same it was important and he perservered.


He was in the middle of practicing a strike, followed by a front kick to a figure he'd made with a weave of earth when he noticed that the sun was beginning to emerge on the horizon. He sometimes lost track of the time he spent out and about now. He really didn't sleep that much as he was always plagued by nightmares. That was one of the reasons he hadn't really gotten around to making himself a house yet. He didn't sleep much so hardly needed a bed. For the most part he camped out in the forest, away from anyone else incase he should happen to grasp Saidin in one of his fits. His memories of what had happened to his family still haunted him...


It was the sudden grumbling of his stomach that finally made his decision as to what to do. Most people slept throught the night and woke up hungry. He'd been working through it all and was hungrier them most and so he decided to head off to the Inn. With the sun making an appearance he new he could count on Dash being there starting on breakfast.


Arivving at the inn he felt Saidin being used inside and he could most deffinitly smell the effect those weaves were having. He could smell that bacon was on this mornings menu and was delighted. It wasn't very often they had it as the amount of mouths that required feeding made it an expensive dish to aquire. That would no doubt make this morning a busy one and a bit of help might be needed. He figured he might aswell lend a hand if he was wanted.


"Good morning Tsorovan'M'Hael." he knocked on the door as he entered the kitchen. "I smell bacon and we all know what that means. You want a hand in here?"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dashiva was aware someone had entered the Inn from the wards he had on inside near the door. He'd left the wards on the outside of the building down, so it could be a soldier or anyone for that matter.


Glancing up as the kitchen door eased open, he drew a little harder on saidin but relaxed as another Asha'man walked in.


"Good morning Tsorovan'M'Hael. I smell bacon and we all know what that means. You want a hand in here?"


Dashiva shrugged, and altered the air weaves on the stoves to lift the bacon and sliced ham off the top. "Can you watch those while I do into the cellar and get some more ingredients for the oatmeal?"

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"Can you watch those while I do into the cellar and get some more ingredients for the oatmeal?"Dashiva answered absent mindedly while he used a weave of air to lift the cooking meats off the stove.


"Sure, no problem." Drenn took over the weave that Dashiva had set to hold up the bacon and ham as he left the room. Tweaking the weave he had a look at the underside of the ham which looked reasonably well cooked while the other side looked like it needed some time. Tweaking the weave again he set them all down on the uncooked side so that it would get a good thorough cook. The bacon on the other hand didn't need any more time on the stove so he kept those hovering above.


Looking around he noticed more sliced bacon sitting on a counter ready to be cooked and with another weave of air put it on the stove to replace that which was finished. Using more air to check his cooking he waited for Dashiva to return with his ingredients.

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