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My New Theory-RE: TEOTW/Egwene/'Need'..(Inspired by Psion and Owayn The Travler)

The Fisher King

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Owayn The Traveller and Psion both have had Topics here recently that really interested me. In Psion's, he voices curiosity about the real (if there is any) significance of The Eye of The World (not the book, the actual Eye). In Owayn TT's Topic, he pontificates on The Travelling Folk being located in a Dream by Egwene's use of ''Need.''


This got me thinking...especially about Psion's curiosity regarding The Eye and also about this whole ''Need'' Thing.


What if the ''Point'' of The Eye in the end of Book 1 was to serve as INSTRUCTION or as an EXAMPLE to be remembered and followed later on in the series.


This is where I am coming from: The fact that in those ending chapters of Book 1, Moiraine Sedai, while they are still searching for this awe-inspiring object, repeatedly mentions that ''Need'' is a Tool that can be used when you REALLY REALLY need something very important.


See, Moirane had already visited The Eye once before in her lifetime and The Rule was you only get one visit. So, in this insance, The Blue Ajah here is placing her Faith that she can visit it again a second time based mainly on her frequently mentioned ''Need.''


What if that was really meant by Jordan to serve as a lesson for the girls (especially Egwene and Nynaeve) for later on down the road when times really got tough.


I have read in other Topics here on The Board that some folks felt like Mr Sanderson ''hit readers over the head'' with things too much in TGS.


Well, this was a very early example of Mr Jordan doing that too.


Moiraine was typically so reserved, subtle and quiet that this part of Book 1 was VERY out-of-character for her, IMHO.


She just kept really hammering that point home.


Well, now, later in the series, where we are now, we see more and more instances of Team Light Members relying on the ol ''Need' Tool...maybe the whole significance of TEOTW was to serve as the introduction of, and teaching of, this concept.


Just a wacky theory of mine.





No one ever referred to me pontificating and I honestly don't know what it means. Although I do know what a pontiff is. :P


Anyhow to why I really posted. When was need first used in te'rand'rhiol (actual spelling could be wrong). Its seems like such a small thing and I don't see how it could be really important but its hardly the thing that's been unnoticed in books 4 - 6?


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