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Verbal, the floating goat


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I posted this in the Seanchan, but then realized some of you that might enjoy this story do not frequent the Chan, so I'm posting it here as well.  Enjoy.



First off, I got to hear Y on Skype last night.  Emp was telling her she sounded weird - I thought she sounded normal.  And Cat was on this chat as well, and then Nae.  But the story is when it was mostly Emp and myself.  This is a WoW story of how goats float.....and die.  *shakes fist at Emp*


Side Note:  the culminating moment in this story involves Emp giggling like a little girl.  Yes, GIGGLING.  :o



Soooo.....I log into WoW last night and find that DrBarbie is online, Emp's cute little Priest.  We exchange hellos, and then realize we are both in the same area for the same reason....so we group up to do some random dungeons.  First dungeon starts out normal, with us mostly chatting and making fun of others while we go through the instance.  I notice early that Emp made a few of us float with his spiffy levitation spell....more on that later.  >:(  He is the Healer, and I am Damage.  I'm doing pretty well, and ranked 2nd on the meter for the run.  Emp is keeping us all alive equally as well.


After a few hallways and areas, we clear a spot at which point the only direction to go is to jump off a cliff into the water, and then swim to a gap in the wall in order to jump down to the next area.  So, we all start jumping off.  I'm one of the first to jump.  I run up to the edge and hit my spacebar (jump button) and lift off.......literally.  After about 2 seconds I realize that Emp cast that levitate spell I mentioned before on me.  Now, there is a way for me to remove this spell, by clicking on the icon in the area where my beneficial spells (buffs) are shown.  I had about a dozen active, so I couldn't tell which one was the levitation spell.


At this point, I am sailing waaayyyyyy over the spot where I should be landing, and it is now too late to remove the spell as I descend to the ground finally.  And land in the middle of about 8 monsters, who eye the flying goat (my race is a Draenei, which looks like a goat...sorta...I have hooves) with a mix of apprehension and hunger.  Fotunately for me, I have the element of surprise.  Unfortunately for me, I'm the one that is surprised, and they proceed to attack me.  My group, all of which landed safely in the water, watch as I run to them all the while being chased by an angry pack of monsters......who kill me just as I reach my completely unprepared group.


I like to mention at this point that I've had my opportunity to say "WTF?!  Damn you Empy!!!" over Skype and he is now alternating between giggling like a girl and outright laughing his ass off.  Which then makes me laugh, because Emp's laugh is apparently contangious.  Ok, back to the group's impending doom.


So, yeah.  Group not ready - a boatload of monsters come in and kill us all.  Luckily, I have an ability which allows me to revive myself and then start resurrecting the rest of the party.  The other members are now calling me names via the chat about how I'm an idiot and why the hell would I do that....and guess what Emp does?  HE JOINS IN WITH THEM!!!!  Eventually he comes clean and admits he made me float, which the group finds amusing in the end.  We proceed to kill everything else, and run the instance again with another group....without floating goats this time.


When Cat gets on the line, and eventually Nae, Emp giggles yet again at each retelling of the story.


Moral of the story = don't let Barbie near the goats.  And keep an eye on Empy...he's a tricky one.



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Haha I think every gamer has had at least one Leroy moment. This was a good one though - I think probably made better by Emp calling you out with the rest of the group!


I do agree with you though, that thinking of saying something like that in the heat of the moment as you are frantically trying to find which icon to click to get rid of the levitating would be beyond the limit of what your concentration could handle.

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*clearly remembers Empy being extremely generous in offering to take me to instances and dungeons*


No thanks.. I think you all know pretty well I have no problems with getting MYSELF killed, stuck in a nest of ogres, etc...

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