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Verbal abuse


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I abuse gnomes for free.



You suck!  You're lazy!  Do something with your life!  And take a damned shower!


Wait....is he married?  Cause then he's already taking abuse.....




it isn't abuse if it is warranted. SO  :P



a) you DO suck

b)you ARE lazy

c)you really SHOULD DO something with your life

d)and that smell... it is kind of making me gag. so do us all a favour and take a shower.

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I'd ask for a painting of mine, but I fear what it would look like.  Besides, Nae's going to know soon enough, lol.


Scary thought, that.  Oh, wait.. I already have Dae and Vemy in my head.. having a piece of your soul can't be all that bad. :-*

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How much longer do I need spend 5 minutes figuring out every post you make?  Are you done yet?  This task is rough.



I abuse gnomes for free.



You suck!  You're lazy!  Do something with your life!  And take a damned shower!


Wait....is he married?  Cause then he's already taking abuse.....




it isn't abuse if it is warranted. SO  :P



a) you DO suck

b)you ARE lazy

c)you really SHOULD DO something with your life

d)and that smell... it is kind of making me gag. so do us all a favour and take a shower.


Gnomes do not shower, and neither do ewoks (we're related).  We have a natural smell.  Sorta like curdled milk, but worse.

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My lst pst wld hv bn mch fnnr wth mr vwls.  *sgh*


What if I post with only vowels?


Once again, I must fault you with your use of preposition. As a general rule of thumb, less is more when it comes to prepositions. For example, here you could simply have said "What if I post only vowels?"

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