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Useless (Attn: Daemon!)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

The sun light was just dipping in the sky as Cairma strolled, no.. walked briskly in search of the one figure that would ease her mind. She felt too over loaded with what was happening around her that she was not yet ready to bunker down for the night knowing that she had a new charge under her wing that she had never expected. Let alone other things!! She REALLY needed to clear her mind, and if there was anyone that was a good listener, it was Daemon. Always a good listener, she desperately hoped that she could catch him away from his own training.


Daemon was, as she started to notice, the erpetual mentor. He trained and trained others, challenging those around him and bringing out their gifts with a silent confidence. Like Rock. Daemon was Rock to her Fire.


Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him, and with quickened steps she headed to that area of the Yard. Making sure that he was free before calling out his name.





Still in need of a mentor..

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Anyone who passed by him could easily have though that Daemon has finaly lost it. The Grandmaster of Speed Discpline and Path of the Blade was standing against a very slowly dripping waterpipe. Daemon was facing the dripping pipe, his back straight,his feet at about the same width apart as his waist. The left leg was brought a bit back, kept straight at the knee and the toes of the left foot on one line with the heel of the right foot, while the heel of the left foot was raised slightly off the ground. The left had was arround holding the sheet of the katana and the blade itself in almost vertical line at the height of the waist,his thumb on the tsuba of the weapon, his eyes forward.Seemingly there was not a reason for Daemon to stand like this, all that he could possible see was a falling drop of water. Little do they knew that the drop of water was exactly what Daemon wanted to see.


As the drop began on it's journey down, a click was heard,then a flash, in which the drop disappeared, and then another click. Daemon's expression or postures has not changed a bit. When the next drop appeared, Daemon's thumb slid beneath the tsuba of the sword, and pushed it forward, a click was heard as the blade came out about two or three centimeters. Daemon's right hand slid into the shaft of the sword,pulling out the blade in a single movement which flowed into an arch which smashed the waterdrop. With an inward twist of the wrist the blade froze and then, which a fluid movement that began in his shoulder, and then flowed down to the elbow and wrist, the blade was twisted, the tip pointing towards him and and the cutting edge pointing upwards, and then sank into the sheet making a clicking noise as it settled in place. All was done so fast, that to the untrained eye his movements were almost invisible. This was an excercise Daemon used to test and steadily increace the speed and coordination of his movements, as well as to test his reflexes and coordination. Having done enouhg repeats for one day he bowed and then headed to the barracks. On his was there he heard a voice calling out his name, a voice he immidiatly recognized. He turned to see Cairma cathcing up with him. He waited for her.


"Hello Cairma" - he greated her - "What can I help you with?"



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Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: i'm shaking my head at you.. your writing is far more entertaining than you give yourself credit for.. ;)




Cairma couldn't help but smile as she approached Daemon. It was always good to see him, even with his slightly eccentric ways. She neverreally admited to him that she saw him more like a father figure, but he dind't need to know that. But she suspected that he already did.


"Daemon." She bowed her head in greeting, as she always did. He was still a master beyond her own skill, and formality still ruled in the Yard. "I see that the Dance favoured you well. Although, you seemed to have claimed your wife for yourself all night. Even i could not keep up with you on the dance floor." She teased with a smile. Daemon only gave her a smile in his eyes. He rarely smiled, even in a tease. Only his wife could coax it out of him. Cairma frowned inwardly.


"But in truth, i seeked you out for answers, if you have the time to listen. It seems the tides have changed and i have a charge of my own. Rather unexpected, really." She stood there, looking out to the yard with half an eye on Daemon's face. Unreadable, she wondered half the time what he was thinking, but always thought better of asking. Would he know how to help her? But part of her knew that there were some questions she would never be able to ask Daemon. Could she??





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Cairma greeted him formally, and he could understand why, traditions amongs the warders and tower guards were as strings as among the Aes Sedai. DAemon assumed that it was a 'side effect' from them being so close to the channeling women. He was about to say to her that there was not a need for such formality when she continues with a rather mischevious look on her face


"I see that the Dance favoured you well. Although, you seemed to have claimed your wife for yourself all night. Even i could not keep up with you on the dance floor."


Well seeing Daemon actually smiling came as a shock to many that night, including to Cairma. Many in the Yards doubted that he was ever capable of such a display of emotions, since he was always cold in the Yards, as if in the Void. But when he was arround Arie he just could not be like this.


"But in truth, i seeked you out for answers, if you have the time to listen. It seems the tides have changed and i have a charge of my own. Rather unexpected, really."


"Well, if it is answers you need, answers I will give you Cairma. But not here. It is not a good place for a thought, come to the Groove. I will answer your questions there"


Daemon turned arround and headed for the Groove, Cairma quickly caught up to him, not to his surprise. She was like his after all - a weapon. A warrior on the Path of the Blade.


Once in the Groove Daemon settled down under a tree, and turned to Cairma.


"So what troubles you Cairma? Is this about the trainee you were assinged and you feel a bit out of your element?" - Daemon's gaze softened resembling that of a father to his daughter. - "Or is what troubles you a more personal matter?"



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Guest Arie Ronshor

Her eyes widened to saucers as she the glanced in his direction. Could she really be that readable, and have her heart on her sleeve like every other fool in the yard. But the look she got back from Daemon was that of knowing. Of course he could read her. He was the only one that stuck around long enough to watch her grow.She let her guard down around him, she trusted him. But in the end, she wondered if that was just foolish or otherwise.


It was a good thing they were in a place that was private. Otherwise she would have stalked away and pretended that he had no sway to her.


"I came to you in regards to my new Mentee. Truthfully, i found her in Tar Valon. She was i believe a thief, or a former thief. She has wild eyes, very dark, but someone put the effort in to clean her up. I brought her here because she requested it, and since i've completed my training, Ginae thought to put her under my wing. But truthfully i think Ginae made a mistake. I feel far from ready to teach our skills to anouther when i feel that i've barely begun my own training."


Cairma was pacing at this point, Beast already leaned up against a far tree. Her hands were slightly telling thier own story, but not entirely flailing around. "Truthfully, I see too much of what hardened me in her, only she doesn't seem to hide it, and i fear that whatever we teach her may go down the wrong path."


She paused in her steps, her thoughts spoken out loud without real though, like ramblings of one intoxicated. Only her frustration was that she barely saw the good in herself, let alone council anouther.


"I fear that I have nothing worth teaching beyond the sword." The left out her struggle with her own sanity. She guessed that Daemon already knew, if he could guess hre thoughts as easily as he did, than he was bound to know of her own 'demon'...





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So she was indeed worried about her being fit for a mentor. Daemon expected Cairma to come to him about this shortly after he learned that she was assinged a mentee. It was the case with almost all men and women in the yards when they were assinged their first trainee, and Daemon was not an exception.


"You know Cairma, when I was assigned my first trainee, I was troubled by the same thoughts that now trouble you. That I could only teach the sword, and nothing else. But as Akira Gaidin pointed out, it is not just the sword that we teach to a trainee."


Daemon continued, under Cairma's gaze.


"To a trainee, the trainer is more or less a rolemodel.Being good with the weapon does not make you a Tower Guard or a Warder. You need to know how to think and act as one. And that is also what we teach the trainees, and it is just as important as the weapon practice. And I think that Ginae made the right choise. You did say that you see a lot of what made you hard in your new trainee, so you have an idea what she's been through, what she thinks. You are better than anyone to teach that girl"

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