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Fresh meat for the grinder [OPEN]


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Kade felt in awe of everything that had happened in the last few hours. Had he known what was to take place that very afternoon he was sure he would have stayed home? But could that have prevented it? Could that only have postponed the impossible? The men in the Black coats, the Ashaman, he could not avoid mentioning that word anymore. They gave him time to pack his belongings. There was not much. Kade only stuffed some spare clothes, most needed mending terribly, Meg had always done the mending of his clothes, but now that the woman he once called mother was gone, he had been forced to attempt her work by himself. Failing miserably in the task. The small bag soon contained the clothes, a few books, he liked to read to keep up the talent, and a small pouch of money. He would not get today's pay. After all he did not finish the entire day's workload. And dissapearing with these men would not help the matter.


I can Channel, he thought unhappily. How had I not known that? He wondered and then remembered what the man had said. "You can be taught to Channel." So what if I did not want to learn. Would I learn it by myself? He shivered at the thought and knew that there was no other way. At least this way he might not harm the ones around him. Perhaps this was for the better. The Ashaman had found him and would train him. Perhaps the taint would not be so bad, her pondered knowing immediately how wrong his hopes must be. Kade stepped out of the small room and nodded to the men waiting behind it. "I'm ready." he said faintly, knowing that he was definitely not ready for what was to come.


"Lets go then." The first of them spoke and Kade followed behind. He kept wondering if anyone would miss him. Had anyone seen him leave with these men? He took one last glance at the Docks that had been his home and livelihood for so many years. He was taken to a room with only one strange black doorway hovering in midair. Kade looked at the men uncertain as to what he was expected to do. "Follow me." one of them said and stepped into the blackness disappearing from view immediately. Horror stricken on his face, Kade followed. He stepped to the darkness, expecting pain or some other feeling surround him. But he only ´found himself emerging into a green field. He was sure there was no field this vast around the docks. And with certainty he knew that whereever he was he had definitely left the harbor behind. He did not want to know how the men had managed to transport him there. In front of him, he could see what looked like a village open up. He followed numbly between the men closer to the buildings. How did I ever get myself mixed in something like this?



BT recruit

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He saw the new soldier right away. He was getting used to knowing who was who, but this man was new. He seemed to cower at the sight of the soldiers and dedicated. Midar remembered that feeling. The feeling that he was walking among filth and danger, That he was filled with evil. Now it didn't bother him. He had grown so used to saidan and the sort of dark look to the area, that rose from the men in black coats as they walked. Now that he had become one of them he felt at home. He had learned to hold and use simple weaves on his own. Lessons seemed scarce lately.


Turning his attention back to the new recruit he tried to sense if the man could channel, he had been having trouble with that. The man could obviously learn since he was here at all. Otherwise he would be heading off to join the regular army.


Midar followed the man. He decied to talk to the recruit. Moving closer he strode up tapping the man on the sholder, "You must be new," Midar said, "I am Midar a Soldier."


Holding out his hand he serched the man's face for a reaction.


(sorry I would right more but I have to go)

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OOC: Drenn will be the perfect face to meet early on. :twisted:


IC: Drenn was walking throughout the yards in his spare time looking for where he could begin to construct a house for himself. As asha'man it was time for him to make a place of his own. His main problem was the simple fact that space was becoming hard to find. when he had first arrived the farm had been exactly as the name would lead one to expect. Now it was slowly turning into a fortress. They had proper gates and walls now aswell as a thriving community inside them. He had seen Rion's new house in passing and found himself impressed. He knew Rion was strong in the power though he usually chose not to use it but the house showed that the man really could use his gift.


He was passing the travelling ground and noticed the familiar rotating light of a gateway appear. Drenn watched with eyes as black as death as an Asha'man and a couple of dedicated returned to the Tower acompanied by a new recruit. Drenn hoped this one made it through basic as they'd had a shortage of people surviving lately and as such not enough making dedicated. and even fewer dedicated made it to Asha'man so that left significantly low numbers. They were in bad enough shape as it was, should the Aes Sedai figure out where they were they would be in even more trouble. He had killed for the sake of himself and others before and he knew he would again but he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to kill a woman. Even one trying to kill him. Blood and ashes... he found himself more worried when he rethought it and realized he would.


While he'd been lost in thought another young man had approached the new recruit. He recognized the young soldier though he didn't know him too well. Actually, he couldn't even recall his name... He decided though that it would be best to get the new recruit oriented and find him quarters. Slightly adjusting the Myrddraal cloak on his shoulders he walked over to the recruit.


"Welcome to the Black Tower recruit. I am Asha'man Drenn Kolgren and if you will follow me I will lead you to what will be your new quarters." He kept an even tone but a firm gaze. He'd heard it commented that people really couldn't tell where he was looking due to his eyes being entirely black but they all knew when he was looking at them.


OOC: and now it's official. Welcome to the Black Tower.

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The further he entered the Farm and more he let his eyes wonder, Kade could see what an encampment hehad arrived at. At first he had thought this to be a place of no significance, other than the channeling men of course. But now that he looked around he could see armed men, walls surrounding the place. A realy fortress. He was deeply engulfed in taking this in when a light tap on his sholder made him almost jump. A man had emerged from behind one of the houses. "I am Midar a Soldier."


Kade stared at the man for what seemd like minutes. He was so shoced at how casual the man's introduction was that Kade was not all that sure how to take it. He had expected everyone here to be sharpening their knives and ready to kill everyone in sight including theirselves. "My name is Kade. I'm from Tear." he finally managed to mumble just as another man came forth to meet him. This man did make Kade rethink his previous thoughts that perhaps they weren't all crazy. For the man who had arrived infront of him surely had something wrong about him.


His voice was not filled with madness though, but Kade could not help but shiver at the sight of his eyes. He was also too shocked to glance back to Midar to see how he reacted to this man. Kade mumbled a hardly recognizable greeting and introduction to the Asha'man called Drenn before gaining control of his feet again and followed this man to what he said would be Kade's quarters. He had somehow hoped to wake up before getting too settled in.


ooc. Thankyou both for the welcome! I'm not a fast poster. Sometimes it takes me a week to post, other times only an hour. So bear with me. :)

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