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Some of the Most BRUTAL, uh, ''Turn of Events'' Ever in a Fantasy Series?

The Fisher King

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Well, sometimes, even now, a decade later almost, I still feel like kicking my old battered copy of A Storm of Swords around the block a few times in an enraged frenzy afer reading The Red Wedding.


Some of the things that happened to Fitz in Hobb's series were pretty Brutal...geez, how much can one guy take??? :(


Perrin getting home just in time to learn about his family really sorta suxcked.


Man, i HATED Jamie getting his hand whacked...I mean, I got the whole Poetic Justice deal but it still stung...


Chay watching 3 of his 4 sons die in their youth...thats probably pretty high on the ''Brutal Meter''


Eddard Stark - Enough said.


Oh. Lastly, I'll mention one that may was Brutal to The Reader in ways that should be outlawed...Oy, biting it in DT 7. :( :( :(


Its what pretty much confirmed for me that King has no soul!!!







Totally agree on Eddard (although I think his death was good for the series as a whole), the Red wedding and Oy. Jaime losing his hand made me very very happy at the time though.


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