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A way to draw at Snakes and Foxes?


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Ok, it's been said many times in the books that there is no way to win Snakes and Foxes without cheating. But... I wonder, might there be a way to sot of win?


We know that not counting the snakes and the foxes there are two other pieces, one for each player. We know that the rules require you to move the snakes and the foxes towards a player's piece by the most direct route possible on their turns. But... is there any rule that states the both players pieces HAVE to move in the best manner to win the game?


What if one piece purposely moves in a different manner, never intending to make it itself, but instead moving in such a way that the snakes and the foxes are drawn away from the other piece.


I don't think an official board has ever been shown, so the answer to whether this is possible is probably not something that can be determined. But it's an idea I had, so I thought I'd share it.


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