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Character Name: Daedric Zeramene

Email address: artiestarner@gmail.com

Division: Freelanders

Guild: None at the moment.

Physical Description: Daedric is somewhat tall for a Saldean, which means he is around normal height for the rest of the world. With jet black hair and bright emerald eyes, he is slim and muscular with broad shoulders and a definitive collarbone. Around twenty years old, he’s just finding his way on his own and may grow a little more before he reaches his full height and breadth. Typical of Saldea, he possesses the bold, signature nose, which frames a face with high cheekbones and a strong, chiseled chin. His tight, muscular body is a testament to his upbringing and tall, muscular father and shorter, slender mother. As of yet he is without scars or piercings. His hair is thin, and he favors it tilted to right, left to the observer, its dark tips nearly touching his dark eyebrows. When not in armor he favors a dark tunic of a tough fabric, a black belt, black trousers, and black boots. He normally wears a thin, curved blade on his left hip in a un-descript dark leather sheath. His skin is pale, and he normally keeps himself clean shaven.

Place of Birth/Raising: Saldea. Somewhere in the region of Tyr.

Character History:

Daedric has lived his entire life with his mother and father. His father served the Saldean crown as a soldier until a wound in restricted his mobility to the point that he was honorably discharged. His father did everything he could to teach Daedric anything useful about life and soldiering, tutoring him with the typical Saldean favored saber, the short bow, horse riding, and the basics about tracking and hunting so as to prepare him how to make it through on his own if he was ever lost in the wilderness. Daedric’s mother taught him rudimentary cooking and also secretly taught him how to be somewhat adept with knives, unbeknownst to his father. It’s also unbeknownst to his father that he somewhat favors using those knives, though Daedric has yet to be truly battle tested with any weapon.

 Other notable figures in his life are his uncle and his sister. His uncle, a broad shouldered, burly man, was never very fond of the smaller, quicker weaponry and fighting style native to Saldea. Instead he favored the long sword more notably used by the Shienarians. He taught Daedric what he could of the weapon, like his mother, secretly, because Daedric’s father was not fond of the weapon or the break with Saldean normalcy.

 Daedric’s sister, Alicia, is, much to his dismay, his only source of information on the opposite sex. He has never had opportunity for dalliance as of yet in his young life, though he longs to, as he feels he can prove himself adept with the art of flirtation. She is also well versed in accounting and history, constantly having badgered him throughout his life to improve upon his studies of the world and culture, as he’ll never know when he’ll need the knowledge. His family is not from noble roots, but neither are they dirt poor. They gave him every advantage they could afford and produce.

 Somewhat older than usual, he is considered a couple years late to go on his first ‘ranging’ along the blight. His mother, ever fierce, has been able to restrain her son, against his father’s wishes while in his crippled state. Finally putting his foot down, he has arranged for Daedric to accompany a patrol along the border, both to know and respect what soldiers do as well as to introduce his son to soldiering. This is where Daedric’s story begins, a couple days ride from his family’s humble abode, on his own, accompanying an old contingent of light Saldean cavalry, absorbing and learning what he can.

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