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Introducing the Mistree of Novices - Pia Tovisen


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Greetings, my pretties! I am your new Mistress of Novices. I have done this job before, for around two years, so hopefully it will all come back to me and the transition will be smooth. :)


About me - I am a mother of two delightful children, and I live in Australia with hubby and the rugrats. So yes, that means my timezone is GMT+10. My state does NOT have daylight savings, so it will always be the same. I am online a lot. I check my email several times a day, and am available on messenger frequently. I usually stay signed in when I'm not there, so if I don't respond don't worry, I will get back to you as soon as I can!


You can contact me several ways, if you need anything:


Email: lavinyasedai@gmail.com

MSN: wkar01@hotmail.com (NOT for email, I don't check it)

Skype: lavinya_sedai

Gtalk: lavinyasedai@gmail.com

or you can always send me a PM.


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, want approval for an rp or prank, or need me to rp with you...or even just to chat! My door is always open, and I rarely bite unless provoked ;).


IC, the MoN will now be PIA TOVISEN. She is of the Gray Ajah, and her bio can be found here - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,44067.0.html For any oldies out there, yes she is the same MoN character I played last time. :)


If you have a current thread with the previous MoN, Don't panic! You are not going to be forced to change part way through or change your posts. Just drop me a line and show me the post, and we will sort something out, whether Elgee finishes the thread or I take over as the other character, either way you will be taken care of.


I have loads of ideas swimming around in my head for you guys, so stay tuned, and remember I'm open for rping anytime, it doesn't have to be just for a requirement!



aka MoN

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