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how do i join a group?


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how do I join a group, if there are any. i will give you a brief summary of myself. first I am 25, married, me and my wife have two kids,our daughter is 13 and our son is 5.I have read all the books and my favorite character is Matt. i can't wait to see what happenes with him and Thom when they go to rescue morriane from the Aelfin and Eelfin. so if someone could give me some help, I would be really greatful.


Actually, after sending this here from the General Wheel of Time board I realised it may belong in the new members board.


Someone may wanna send it on, or else you may wanna restart the topic there.


welcome to DM 


*hands out oosqui and sits on some pillows*


on the discussion boards all you have to do to join is read a thread and if you feel the need to add yer two cents, just post yer thoughts.


i'm unsure about the RPing section as i'm not part of that, but check the "Rules" thread and that should let you know how to join.


and last but not least, the awesome Orgs ;) poke around the general boards and jump into threads and start interacting with people of that org.  most of us are nice, and those that bite have had their shots hehehehe


look forward to seeing you around


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