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Advance forward~ attention: Eqwina


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Jozan stood in the warder yard again which he had not done for a long time, seeing mostly new faces around, some women and some young girls or men and boys. He was one of the older more experienced tower guards around now, which made him smile within but on the outside he was still a cold stone faced man.

He had been told to wait at the oak tree near the wall on the east side of the yard for a woman that would be teaching him advanced sword forms. Luckily he had brought his sabre with him and draw it out now and started doing some exercises as he waited for his teacher to arrive.


The large body moved a bit gracefully from Leaf Floating on the breeze and moved smoothly into Lizard in the thornbush. He danced around a bit when his teacher finally arrived to where he was training the intermediate forms.


OOC: sorry for the short post, wasn't exactly sure what to write.

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During her first months of motherhood Thera had missed the opportunity to teach classes. She had always felt that they were a great way to keep her own skill sharp. A few days prior she had posted a note on the announcement boards saying that she would be teaching a class in Advanced Sword Forms. She didn’t require a sign up as the class could be taught with any number of students.


When she arrived in the yards she was surprised to see that only one person had taken her up on her offer. Glancing at the sky she realized it was still short of class time and that others still had time to arrive. “Good-day. We will begin class when the others arrive.”


OOC: RP introducing yourself to Thera (if she does not know you) and just your general arriving.


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Dante arrived to the class in old training clothes. He was young and already had been bonded. He thought it rather embarrassing that a Warder did not already know these things and likely he would be the only Warder in the class... but he was young, made a Warder almost as soon as he was able. He sucked up his pride and approached Thera. He bowed in the Shienaran style though nothing about his appearance said he was Shienaran. He had actually been looking forward to this class since apparently she had given his brother such a tongue lashing when he first came to the Yards that even now he stepped lightly around the woman. For that reason, he liked her already.


"I am here to learn Mistress."

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And finally his teacher arrived at the yard walking up to him. "Good-day. We will begin class when the others arrive.” He suddenly spotted another warder coming over to them and jozan just slightly glanced at him hoping he would not pay attention to him and his size, but of course that would probably not happen as anyone would notice jozan from afar. "Thera Gaidin, I am Jozan Elvilmawien. And here to learn advanced sword forms under your guidance." He said with a respectful tone as he slightly very slightly bowed his head a little.


But the other man had used the word 'mistress' to address her which made not much sence to jozan but that was not his concern though, he was just here to learn another set of sword forms so he could finally move on with his training which he so much was in need of.

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Saline was not a woman who readily allowed herself to become worried, especially about people who were not in her own immediate circle of friends, but in the course of the month she was bound to admit that she was not altogether easy in her mind about Lillian's condition. She was absolutely all for spreading sweetness and light back to the Aes Sedai, but how was this to be achieved?


At breakfast the next morning Saline decided she would hunt up Thera Gaidar for a talk. If anybody knew a way out of this slump physically it would be she. Over Saline's trip to the North the Mistress of Trainees dealt with things which any reasonable person would decline to be found dead in a ditch with. And at home Thera was not only a mother but also trained these students.


Saline could see as she wandered in the Yard she had stumbled upon an open session. But she did not falter from her designated path, dressed as she always did in white pants and a matching shirt. Her scimitar and daggers were on her, but she was sure she saw extra lathes in the weapons rack. She placed the scimitar carefully against the wall in order to leave more scope for greeting Thera.


"Allo, there! Mind if I jump in?"


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Thera’s right eyebrow rose at realizing that a Warder would be in her lessons and a small smile quirked her lips. So, he was young caught was he?? She had been much the same, barely qualified but with enough heart and passion to see that Serena stayed alive. The tiny smile faded and Thera wiped all thoughts of her beautiful Aes Sedai away. There would be other times to ponder on her. Only every sleepless night A tiny voice whispered before she could shut it away.


She was given as second shock as Saline Sedai walked up. She’d not seen or spoken to the woman since returning from Fal Dara, but her presence was not an unpleasant one. “Of course Saline Sedai, you would honor us.” Bowing as was proper for Gaidin to Aes Sedai she turned to address the rest of the class. If they were surprised to have a Sister with them, they both controlled their features well.


“For those of you that don’t know me, I am Thera Trakelyn, Mistress of Trainee’s. Which means you are in my yard and will follow my rules.” A wry grin said that the speech was only meant for them to know their place, not to insult. “You all obviously have advanced to some level of skill or you would not be here.”


Taking a step back so she could have them all under her eyes she began to bark sword forms in rapid succession. “ Ribbon in the Air, Tower of the Morning, Lion on the Hill, Unfolding the Fan, Parting the Silk.” They were all basic forms with a few intermediate thrown in to test how far they were. None had the complete grace yet, but they were so close.


“Moving forward with your weapon skill is always about more than simply the blade. No doubt you know about the Flame and the Void, or the Spring and are using them, but you need to fully embrace them... Guard Stance.”


Picking up a practice lathe she assumed guard stance and looked them all in the eye. “Advance as you are ready....All of you...Once you’ve been touched, lathes down”


There was some hesitation, except from Saline, but they all obeyed. In a single fluid motion she preformed Cat on Hot Sand, her quick wrists allowed her to touch all three before they’d even come close. She showed them Apple Blossoms in the Wind, and Lizard in the Thornbush in the same manner. Then she demonstrated the forms while they watched.


OOC: RP each of you being in Thera’s position (ie, being attacked by multiple appoinents at once) and how to fair. Also discuss how easy or hard it is for your character and what they feel about an Aes Sedai in the class.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dante had been getting too many beatings from Masters lately to rush in like a fool. Just the same he barely had time to move his lathe before before he was required to put his lathe down. He wasnt too shocked to see to see an Aes Sedai in the class. They needed training as much as anyone and he often trained with Rasheta Sedai when he could coax her to.


She was no doubt feeling his frustration now at being here. He told himself he should have known this before he allowed her to bond him. He needed the training, still it was demoralizing being beaten before you had a chance to even move.

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