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i was just sitting here beating my brain trying to figure out some way i could help my niece and her unconventional family.


i thought maybe some of my DM family could help me.


If you don't believe in Gay Rights then i understand if you don't want or care to help.


The following link is a story of their fight. i appreciate all of your input and advice.



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Guest dragonsworn1991

Well, I fully understand their plight and it was a beautifully made video, by the way, but the best thing to do would be go to Washington and pay a visit to your senator. Also their should be a pro gay organization that you can talk with and they might use your case for a new campaign.


I am a republican, but I believe everyone is entitled to make what they want of their own life. Just know that their might be negative reprocusions for them, living in a deep red state, but if it is worth the fight go for it.


I will keep your families plight in my prayers. I am sorry I can't be more helpful.

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i don't know why but it seems as though the gay communities aren't really getting behind them like they should. Maybe they feel like it is a losing battle. But i don't see how we can expect change but do nothing to get it.


And i also say that it should be everyone's fight because if they take away gay's Rights then who is to say that our Rights aren't next. They are already trying to take away our guns. We have to stand up for everyone's Rights. Our Government is not acting like a Democracy these days.


My niece works for a television station and her wife produces television commercials. So they have used the media at hand to their benefit and their story has even been published in National Newspapers. They have also been trained (by whom i don't know) to speak on talk shows. i would have thought someone like Ellen would have picked up the story by now, but no such luck.


Anyway, i appreciate your help and your prayers.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Always remember, if the fight is worth fighting, even if you are fighting it alone, or even if it is certain to lose, always fight it., your morals and principals should always be put first, and you don't want to regret not fighting


Be remembered for standing up when no one else did, that is how Rosa Parks did it

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I would say that this sounds like a case that needs to be taken to court. Who is denying them parental rights? I'm really surprised that G&L organizations aren't backing them up on this. I understand why the media hasn't been all over it (I mean, Obama swatting a fly during an interview is SOOOO much more important, after all. *rolls her eyes*), though if it becomes a legal issue, I think they'll stand a better chance of getting their voices heard.


I hope there's a not-quite-so-expensive way to handle it, though. *hugs*

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Another court has stood by the first court's decision. So i am not sure what the next step is.


They went to California and got married in the hopes that it would make a difference. They still await going to court since their marriage.

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