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Tell me if I'm crazy?

Karana Majin

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Guest Karana Majin

For this thread, anyway, not in general. Since there was so much posting on the Where are you from? thread, especially from UKers, I wanted to ask this question.


Next summer, I am planning a trip to Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales (?). Our plan is to fly into Ireland, toodle around for a few days, then skip over to London, see the sights, then drive to Scotland, seeing what there is to see along the way. Is this hard/impossible/insane? Would it be better to take little jaunts? What should we see along the way if we DO do this?


White Wolf, I'm looking at you for help!


Karana.... don't know all the sites, as I'm in FL.


I can say that you are crazy, though.


Here's why. I have a map of all 50 states and a AAA travel book to every state. I routinely get made fun of by friends as I'm the guy who can tell you where the nation's smallest post office is, and I have a 2 week trip planned for every state. I could spend weeks in the southwest alone.


Since I am crazy, and want to cram cram CRAM on my trip, then you are crazy too!


anybody who wants to see the world is not crazy...



as long as they have enough cash and a back up plan in case things go hay-wire, they're god to go...




and as long as they're not planing on going anything stupid, like anything from the movie Eurotrip[/u]

Guest Egwene

Karana... how you plan your trip depends on what sort of things you want to see. Nature, monuments, shopping paradise, history, royalty etc... there is something to seek out for any of those.


Don't know what sort of budget you are on... if you want cheap accomodation in London... try http://www.travelodge.co.uk/index.php If you book well in advance, you can get a room in the center of town for sometimes less than £10 per person per night. It doesn't include breakfeast though. Still, that's as cheap as you can get it. The rooms are basic, but clean with en-suite facilities.


For cheap flights round europe try www.ryanair.com and www.easyjet.com. Ferry connections to Ireland try this site http://www.ferry-to-ireland.co.uk/


If you tell me what sort of stuff you are interested in, I'll give you some more info on where you might find good examples of it. You want to plan at least three or four days for London. That's just about enough to see most of the major attractions though you can easily spend a week there.


And of course... come and visit me in Devon :P


I dont think you are crazy to drive to Scotland, I cant imagine it would take too long, especially in Summer. If you had said Winter then I would say you were crazy!

Guest Cadsuane

When I went through England and Scotland with my family several years ago, we took the train from each city to the next, and it was actually quite nice.


And I second whoever said to visit Bath. I very much liked it that trip, and my best friend loved the semester she spent there at Uni!




of course you are crazy, i thought we had decided that a long long time ago :wink:


Although in this case i would say you are not, which has surprised me greatly :D What might be best for you is to base yourself in London for the english stuff,Edinburgh, or Glasgow, for the Scottish stuff, Dublin for Ireland. Wales is not that big a place, but it can be a pain at times to get around.....you see if you stay in London, that covers the south of England nicely, and when you are in Scotland, it is not that hard to cover the North of England from there. One suggestion, if you are interested in counties like Cornwall,Devon the South West of England,it might be better to stay in Bristol. The added advantage of that is that you can easily cross the Severn and visit southern Wales, and North Wales, where the history is*BG*


If you want to contact me by e-mail or PM with more details i will be more than happy to try and help out :D



Guest Karana Majin

Ok, everyone, thanks for the tips so far. Keep 'em coming!


Red States, for once', I don't think you're crazy. I love all that kind of stuff. I have taken two HUGE roadtrips from North Carolina to California and back, two summers in a row, taking over a month each time. So, I am all about what you are talking about. And I love roadside kitsch. Have you ever seen http://www.roadsideamerica.com/ ? It's a great site where my parents learned about the largest bottle of ketchup and the superman statue and went and saw them both.


Egwene, as to what we want to see, we think we want history, monuments and castles? And definitely nature/countryside. Part of the reason we want to drive is to see the countryside. Are the roads good between London and Scotland? Will we have to wind our way through tiny little towns? (Hope so)


And to whomever suggested Stonehenge (where the demons dwell! and the banshees live, and they do live well!), Stratford and Bath, we had already planned on seeing the first and 3rd of those, but I forgot about Stratford. Is that an interesting place to visit?


Thanks everyone! Keep it coming! :)




Yea, I'd say Shakespeare's hometown and birthplace would be an interesting place to visit. You can also visit his grave. :)


It's a pretty town also, not as pretty as Bath but still a nice place.


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