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The ultimate lesson (Dulc's Tour)


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Jaydena Dulcinea Velasques led out of the office that she had spent so many hours in, as she walked she wondered when her life had become all about the duty. She was dedicated to their cause and to the White Tower, but when was the last time she went out for a picnic, or kissed a baby, or held someone in her arms. Life was passing her by, though slowly to be sure, but it was still passing her by and she was missing it. With a shake of her head she led the way in the new recruits temporary quarters and gestured around the room, other recruits were bringing her items into her room, Jade motioned for them to leave and then began speaking,  "The truth is it isn't much but it's a big step up from your Accepted rooms. Hopefully you will not be here long, I have high hopes for you. First we will go on the tour, then we will do Battleweaves, and the other things you need to be a Green. Next when you are ready you will be able to choose one Sister to do your Midnight vigil with. That night you will spend in contemplation of what it means to be Green. You will form your answers for the next day. At dawn you will go before the assembled Ajah members and they will either accept you or deny you entrance based on your answers. If you are denied you will continue training and then will go again before the ajah. The other intiates will move your things after we finish the tour, for they need to meet you as well, if anything is missing please let me know and I will take care of it. Although that has never happened before there is a first time for everything."


She glanced around the room to see if everything was in order, the room was much smaller than the Aes Sedai rooms she would move into when she was raised. The walls were a pale green color, obviously a recruit had gotten happy with a paintbrush as most of the rooms were white. There was a tapestry of a famous battle and the floor was made of the same tiles with their inlaid swords as the outside hallway. The room had a stone fireplace without a mantle but with a screen and a supply of wood which would be replaced by the servants each day. A oak wardrobe for her clothes as well as a set of pegs to hang cloaks on were on one wall. A thick Seafolk rug was laid on the floor to keep her feet warm, and a washstand with pitcher and bowl was on a small table nearby. Her Aes Sedai rooms would have a Master bedroom with it's own bath, enough rooms for several warders and a community bathroom, a dining room, kitchen, office, and living room that were all combined. It was basically like having your own house within the ajah quarters. Many Warders actually lived within the quarters to protect their Aes Sedai, though there were some that didn't. It did lack a certain amount of privacy but it also was an added protection and these days the Tower wasn't exactly safe. She turned back to the woman and spoke again, "Do you have any questions before we begin Dulcinea?"


Jaydena Mckanthur


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