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Wolfkin Pickup ~ Dania Cadaway ~ The Wilds of Cairhien

Guest Allisa

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Guest Allisa

Janna yawned, her jaw cracking a bit with the force of it. Across the fire Wind did the same and then shook himself irritably, golden eyes accusing. Janna ignored him. They had been snapping and sniping at one another for several days, both over tired, both unwilling to rest until they’d contacted their Wanderer. With the toe of her boot Janna pushed the dented kettle closer to the coals, sending sparks twirling into the starless sky. When the water was hot she steeped tea but then left the cup untouched next to the remains of her dinner. She was low on honey and besides preparing the tea had only been something to do, an attempt to try and stay alert.


Windracer stood and paced around the small clearing and then abruptly sat beside Janna who turned to look at him thoughtfully. The wolf stared across the fire and into the woods beyond, his eyes reflecting the dancing flames. Janna felt a chill and shivered slightly, leaning forward to wrap her arms around her bent knees.


Are you sure we’re in the right place? She tried to keep the thought neutral and not accusatory. She really tried. But four days had passed since they first arrived and though Janna sometimes had the strange feeling of being watched neither she nor Wind had caught sight or sent of the Wanderer.


The wolf ignored her except for a quick and disdainful glance and Janna sighed, though she supposed it was better than the biting (no pun intended) comments he’d made earlier when she’d asked. She still needed to find out where he’d learn to swear so eloquently. Her ears were still burning.


With another sigh (that earned her another dark look) she rolled toward her backpack and loosened the bedroll. Only a few more hours until dawn, she’d best get some rest. Just as she was fidgeting about, attempting to find a comfortable position a twig snapped nearby. Wind’s ears twitched and he stood, walking slowly towards Janna who rolled to stare into the darkness.


“Is someone there?†Silence but she could smell the fear, close. “You don’t have to be afraid, we won’t hurt you.†She reached out with her twisted arm and rested it lightly on Windracer’s gray head. “This is Windracer and I’m Janna, though the wolves call me Chime. Your welcome to our fire and food.â€


Janna Telenvar

Wolf Sister ~ Head Tracker

Twisted Chime

Companion to Windracer


OOC: Janna is mid-twenties with dark hair tightly braided, pale skin and golden eyes. Her left arm is deformed (from birth) shorter than normal and twisted awkwardly though she uses it well enough. Windracer is an old gray wolf whose bark is worse than his bite.

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Dania walked through the woods quietly. How long had it been since her family had been destroyed? Only a few days. She had wandered through the woods since then, thinking.


The wolves were there even more after the fire. She had talked to more then one from the pack in the area. There was one who talked to her more then the others. His name was Climber, well actually it was much more complicated then that. She didn't know how to explain it. Climber was somewhere out there now, not too far away.


Suddenly she smelled something, a fire burning, food cooking. This must be who they told her to find. She moved quicker towards the small, stepping on a stick in her haste. Soon she stepped into a clearing. The woman there was not very old and Dania was slightly shocked to see a wolf with her, and golden eyes similar to her own. "My name is Dania. They, the wolves I mean, told me there was someone here who was supposed to help me. I'm guessing they ment you."


Dania Cadaway

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Guest Allisa

Janna pushed aside her blankets and stood, a bit shaken by the Wanderer’s appearance, so quick and sudden, and the girl so vulnerable. Generally the new Woflkin she had encountered were toughened and a bit older. This poor child reminded her so much of herself it was shattering. “The wolves were right – I am here to help you, Dania.â€


She approached cautiously, aware that any sudden movement or noise might send the poor dear running. Gently she laid her blanket around Dania’s shoulders, pushing her toward the fire. The rabbit was cold but a quick stirring of the coals and a few pieces of kindling were enough to warm them quickly enough. She passed the plate to Dania without a word, busying herself with a new pot of tea. Wind came to lay his head on the girl’s lap, a sure sign to Janna the poor thing was not only trustworthy but in dire need of help and protection.


“The wolves told me where to find you Dania, but I must admit you’ve led me and Windracer a merry chase.†Janna sipped at her own cold tea, studying the girl over the rim. Wind sneezed again, and then licking the girls hand came to stand beside Janna. “We were half afraid we were in the wrong spot.†Janna threw Wind a glance he returned with a smirk, or as close as a wolf could get to one.


Rummaging in her pack for a moment Janna brought forth her most precious treasure, an awkward package wrapped in cotton bundling and handled with great care. Gingerly Janna unraveled the pot, designed to look like a hive it was glazed over with fanciful colors.


“The last of my honey,†Janna spooned a bit into Dania’s cup, eyebrows arched until the girl nodded. Adding some to her own cold tea the Tracker sighed and then carefully wrapped the pot up again. “We’ll not see more of that until we reach the Stedding, if you’ll come of course.â€


The girl sputtered on her tea, eyes wide. “The Stedding?â€


Janna laughed, “I should explain. Look closely at my eyes, dear heart. They are the same as yours. We can both speak to wolves yes?†Without waiting for a reply Janna went on, “There are more of us than you might think. We were once scattered across the continent but we’ve been trying to come together in a safe place.â€


Dropping her voice to an almost whisper Janna continued, “Some call us Darkfriends but I think you already know we’re not.†Beside her Windracer growled low in his throat, “Wolves would never tolerate a Darkfriend.†Janna laid a hand on Windracer’s head and the wolf looked at her. In that moment they forgave one another for all the harsh words said over the last week. “The Stedding is an old Ogier Stedding though they’ve long since moved on. Still, us Wolfkin gather there and help one another.â€


Janna set her tea aside, “I’ve come to take you there if your willing, Dania. You can learn more about what’s happened to you and how to better control it, understand it. We can teach you.â€


“Are you willing, Dania?â€


Janna Telenvar

Wolf Sister ~ Head Tracker

Twisted Chime

Companion to Windracer


OOC: Make sure to either email or msn me any question hun! Or just as IC ;)

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Dania stood waiting for what would happen next and before she knew it there was a blanket placed around her and a plate of food in her hands. She had almost droped it all when the wolf that was with the woman came and layed it's head in her lap. But after a moment she lay her hand on it's, his, head softly.


Janna soon handed her a cup of tea and spooned a little honey into it.“We’ll not see more of that until we reach the Stedding, if you’ll come of course.â€Dania almost choked on her tea. "The Stedding?"


Dania remained queit, listening, while Janna explained about the stedding. There were more people who could talk to wolves? “I’ve come to take you there if your willing, Dania. You can learn more about what’s happened to you and how to better control it, understand it. We can teach you.†“Are you willing, Dania?â€


Dania sat there thinking. Leave? This was her home. How could she just leave her home? But to learn about what was happening. She had to go. "I'll go. But can Climber come too?" She asked as the wolf emerged from the forest and came to sit beside her. "He says he won't let me go without him."


Dania Cadaway

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Guest Allisa

Janna nodded respectfully to Climber as he approached and he and Windracer circled one another warily before very briefly touching noses and retreating to hunker down protectively next to their chosen cubs. At an early point in their relationship Janna had resented Windracer referring to her so (she was after all, fully grown and an adult) but as the years went by she learned to treasure the endearment.


“Climber is of course welcome,†Janna deliberately set the remains of the last hair in a dented platter near the wolf and then returned to her spot near the fire. “In fact in the Stedding, Dania, you should be prepared to see wolves walking about as freely as men.†She glanced slyly at the gray wolf beside her, “In fact, more often than not you’ll find Wind in and about the new Inn, mostly the tavern. He’s developed quite a taste for ale and cursing.â€


The wolf sneezed and sent her and Dania a single thought, Females.


As if agreeing Climber snorted and hunkered down near his companion. The two wolves seemed to have reached an accord.


Hiding her smile as best she could Janna regaled Dania with talk of the Stedding as the young woman ate. Of the fine new Inn that Wall had built, still sending teasing glances at Windracer. Of the Sages who dealt out medicines and cures from their newly re-established Infirmary and the amazing gardens they had farmed out of the mountain meadows. She spoke of the tanners and fletchers, Mistress Salaman’s freshly baked bread and wistfully, of her own tiny cabin, tucked away from the Stedding.


“Last year the wild roses climbed the rock wall,†Janna sighed as she set her cold tea aside and smiled wryly, “I find I miss the Stedding more and more each season. Trackers like me spend so much time on the trail searching out new Wanderers and information for the Watchers I rarely see the Stedding and yet….its still home.â€


She poked at the fire with a stick, “Sometimes I wish I’d followed a different path and become a Ranger.†Dania shot her a confused glance and Janna blushed, “I’m sorry, it’s a Trackers job to explain the social structure of the Stedding and here I am rambling on about past wishes. The Watchers,†Janna explained, “are those of the Wolfkin who keep an eye on the World, they track political changes and general shifting amongst the countries. They also keep our existence, the Wolfkin, secret from the rest of the World.â€


“Rangers on the other hand,†Janna sighed wistfully, “I would have been a Ranger if I could but…†she gestured ineffectually with her stunted left arm. “They are our guard, our scouts. They patrol the Mountains of Mist and keep us safe from those who might label us Darkfriends or worse.â€


Janna tilted her head to the side as Dania set aside her empty plate, “When you reach the Stedding, Dania, you’ll not only be taught more about the new abilities but given the chance to choose one of these paths and other things as well.â€


Janna Telenvar

Twisted Chime

Head Tracker ~ Wolfsister

Companion to Windracer


OOC: I hope I’ve explained what each Divison does (Sages, Rangers, Watchers, Trackers). If not please email me. I’ll start your intro to the Stedding at the end of the my next post (prolly after the 4th)– respond however you feel but if you could take us through leaving the next morning and traveling for a day that would help a lot. And as always ask any questions IC or OOC or in email, however you feel most comfortable. I'm ALWAYS open to edits, if I've gotten anything off please let me know and I'll adjust ;)

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