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Service Project Week 3 - Pimp your Shelter!!!


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I can't believe we are already in week three!  Wow, time flies.


This week, I want to invite everyone to fill this thread with information about a shelter near you.  Let us know who the organization is, where it is located, and what kinds of things they need.  Next week is the last week for our little service project, so let's make sure that we have as much information out to make it as easy as possible to donate locally!


I'll come back and give a longer list of shelters in my area, but I'd like to start off with the shelter I work with on a regular basis.  Texas Pawprints is primarily a cat rescue.  Although we have been known to take in dogs, ferrets, birds, and the occasional raccoon when the wildlife people were temporarily full. 


Texas Pawprints is always in need of donations.  The best donation you can give is money as our vet bills never seem to be paid off.  However, second after money is needed foster homes.  If you are in the Dallas, TX area and have space in your home and heart for fostering, We Need You!  Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.  I handle the shelter's e-mail, so you would end up speaking to me anyways. 


Food and litter donations are also Always welcome.  We feed Science Diet in our facility, although we will happily take anything given to us.  Our litter of choice is Feline Pine or the generic version of the brand.  Although again, we will take anything given us as fosters often request that we supply other brands for them.  Towels and bedding are also needed as well as are carriers and metal crates.


If just a couple of hours time is all you can offer, then again, contact me and I can get you set up with something.  We have volunteer opportunities to help our with our Adopt a Pet events every Sunday afternoon and we are always in need of someone to come by and help photograph cats as well as trim nails and help out with flea prevention treatment days.



donations accepted by paypal via the website


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