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Mesaana <Spolier>


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Guest Wynne Jessal
  \ said:
Can you please how you arrived at the above based on my post?


Alright' date=' I'll explain in more depth... and then point out why it doesn't matter.


Well there are three basic scenario, if you believe that she is in the White Tower itself.


1) She is posing as an AS. Unless she is posing as a newly raised sister, she would have to use a disguise to give herself the ageless look, and also mask her true channeling strength.


2) She is posing as a novice or Accepted. There doesn't seem to be any benefit to doing this, as novice/Accepted have less authority in the Tower than some servants. She would have mask her true channeling strength.


3) She is posing as servant/secretary/asstd non-channeler within the Tower. She would still be assuming an identity here though, and masking the fact that should can channel.


You claim that she could possibly not be using any disguise, but is just residing in the WT. You claim that the AS rarely leave their quarters anymore, and this would pretty much leave the rest of the WT open for her to wander around as she pleases, without meeting anyone to wonder who or what she is, and that Mesaana thus only uses MoM with her meetings with Alviarin, so that Alviarin won't recognize her.


I don't recall reading that all AS pretty much stick to their rooms now. We know there is next to no fraternizing among the Ajah, but the sisters still need to move around the Tower itself, and we often read of them doing so, and there are always Accepted, novices, servants, warders, and other soldiers roaming the halls.


I don't buy that any silk-clad woman without the ageless look would be allowed to roam around the halls without occasioning comment, especially since no one would recognize her as, say, So-and-so Sedai's personal secretary. Besides, where would her "quarters" be. Not with the AS, novices, Accepted or servants. The Tower has rooms for guests, but under what premise is she claiming that room? She has to tell the servants something to explain her presence. Yes, she could use her naughty Forsaken tricks to screw with people's memories, but that type of thing can cause suspicion.


And if she's not posing as someone, and she's not roaming the halls for fear of questions of her identity and purpose there arising (as I feel they would have to), then what is her benefit to physically being in the Tower? She might as well take a room at an inn in Tar Valon, or anywhere else--it would be less risky.


I think she's manipulating the Tower though more than just lackies--Alviarin and other Black sisters--in which case she would need to be able to talk and mingle, and she would need a disguise of one kind or another.


This is why it doesn't matter: RJ said in 2003 that we have enough clues to Mesaana's "identity" and should be able to figure it out, that she would be fully revealed in later books (?), and that we have seen her "alter-ego". So. Clearly she is disguised as someone.[/color']


She was making Alviarian recite her meetings with Elaida word for word. From Alvi's POV she knew when she was being told the truth, so she must have been near enough to eavesdrop on those meetings. Alvi's POV also indicates that Messana is almost recognizable, Alviarian knows she has seen her, but can't put a name from the tower to her face. And Alviarian wants to know who she is very badly.


This means to me that Messana is in the tower daily. She has free movement almost anywhere in the tower. And, she has slightly altered her appearance while moving through the tower in public. Not enough to be unrecognizable, just enough that her disguise is similar to her real appearance.


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