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Service Project Week #2 - How to help a children's shelter


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I didn't want to forget the children in our Week two discussions.  There really aren't a whole lot of children's shelters around.  Once orphanages were shut down in the US, we got a new system and so now children either go into Foster homes through Child Protective Services or sometimes courts will allow their parents to send them to chlidren's homes run by religious groups.  But some children do end up in group homes.  And these group homes need all the same items as women's shelters and homeless shelters.


Mostly children's homes need clothing and school supplies outside of the monetary donations.  But the best thing that can be done for these children is to help them go to college.  If you are in a situation where you can gather donations from a lot of people, a scholarship for a graduating child is one of the greatest gifts you can give.




I don't think we actually have any orphanges in our area. :\


But I do remember a few years ago, we almost had a child come over from Japan (or somewhere over there) to live with us for a year, because they are still be affected by the nuclear bombs that hit there so long ago.


We have one in Lincoln Nebraska that is called Whitehall. It used to be an orphanage but its now combined with hold-over trouble kids who get intensive therapy before placement into Foster home as well.



Cleo, the children's home my sister works for has the same sort of arrangement.  I am SO glad that other facilities are being allowed to do this.  I remember my sister had to BEG the state to let them participate in the new program.  Apparently because of the stigma of the old orphanages and some of the awful things that happened there, government is pretty shell shocked over just sending kids to homes like that.  Which is why most kids who come to homes like where my sister works are sent there by their parents.


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