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A New Student (Attn: Thera)


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Dulcinea sighed as she realized that there really was no point in applying cosmetics today, as she was certain sweat them right off again in the next hour.  Jaydena had said she would be a recruit, and that the training to be a Green would be hard.  She had not been exaggerating by a hair.  It was true what all the Aes Sedai had told her while she was still an Accepted: there was as much to learn after attaining the shawl as there was before.  And she didn't even have her shawl yet!  Growling a bit at her reflection, she pulled her unruly black mass of curls into a smeblance of a bun and secured it with a tied off flow of Air.  Messy, but at least now it would stay in place.  With her hair back and her bold features the starker without her paints and powders, she looked very masculine indeed.  She impishly stuck her tongue out at herself and decided she definitely would wear the divided linen skirts.  It was at least a touch of femininity.  Light knew the loose linen blouse did nothing for her figure.  A pair of solid shoes with no heel completed the days outfit.  Well enough.  She wasn't going to win any beauty contests today.  As she left, she strapped on the dagger she had been given as a Recruit of the Green Ajah.


Yesterday, she had been informed that there was to be more to her training that simply saidar and the traditions of the Green Ajah.  She must also learn to fight with mundane weapons in case she was ever in a situation where the use of the Power was either impractical, or simply impossible.  And since the sisters were all too busy to teach her, she must learn from the warders.  She arrived at the practice yard shortly after the sun came up, and before the bell tolled the hour.  In plenty of time for her scheduled appointment.  She looked around, a bit self-consciously.  This was her first visit here since attaining the rank of Aes Sedai.  It had been a forbidden location for so long that it still felt a bit strange to be here of her own will, and unaccompanied by an Aes Sedai.  The thought made her laugh ruefully.  She was Aes Sedai herself now, and could even escort novices and Accepted here if she wanted to!  Well, certainly those were thoughts for another time.  Today, she was to wait for the Mistress of Training, Thera.  She stood on the edge of the yard and watched a few of the sparring pairs as she waited for her teacher.


-Dulcinea Velasques

Recruit of the Green Ajah

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Unable to give up completely on training Thera had opted to work with a few newly raised Sisters of the Green Ajah. They were not treated as harshly as raw recruits and she and Mia had come to the consensus that training them could not harm her in anyway. Her body was fit and used to physically exertion and even the Yellow’s had agreed that she needn’t stop completely. Thera labored under the assumption that it was the stress that made them caution her to take time off more than the physical work.


Tucking in her flowing white shirt she left her coat on the hook. Only a few weeks in her clothes still fit fine and other than the occasional sour stomach she hardly felt with child at all. At the last minute she added her sword belt and dagger, the weight on her hips did not feel right without them. One last pass at her golden curls with the brush and she stepped out into the warm sun.


The steady ‘clack’ of the lathes and the hard breathing of men at work felt like home. Taking a deep breath and looking around she smiled in satisfaction. It had been put around the yards that Thera was hiring an assistant do to the large volume of recruits and for now the story sufficed.


The newly raised Aes Sedai was easy to spot, she stood on the edge of the yards calming watching the practice, but in a stance that said she wished to be elsewhere. Few Green’s had any other look when they first ventured into her domain. “Dulcinea Sedai?” Thera bowed with one had on her sword hilt and even conjured up a smile. “I am Thera Trakelyn, Mistress of Trainee’s, and your instructor for the time being. If you would follow me when can get started right away; as I am sure you have other pressing matters to attend to this day.”


She never sounded so formal, and hardly went a sentence or two without cursing, but Sister’s were a different breed and you could never tell what they would take offence too. A surprising number of Sister’s knew of her and for more than her position. Many of the older Aes Sedai remembered her being released from her bond, and strangely enough it made them curious to the type of woman she was. Other than a lot of questions the interest did allow her more freedom with her temper. After all who knew what a released Warder was like. Still, it was always best to air on the side of caution.


“We are on our way to the armory so that you can select which weapons you would like to learn. Have you thought any on his subject Aes Sedai? Or is this all new to you?”


-Thera Trakelyn

playing nice

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Dulcinea nodded in response to Thera's bow, she was unused to such curtesies from the Gaidin.  She gave a smile in response to Thera's own, and answered the unspoken question. 


"Just Dulcinea while we are in the Yards, if you please Mistress Thera.  It is I who am the student in this place, and I thank you for the time you are willing to spend on my instruction."  It cost nothing to be polite, after all.  And every word true.  She had been ordered to be here, yes, but she was a rank beginner in the way of mundane weapons.  She would need this woman's good will and years of experience teaching more than she needed her own ego fed. 


As they headed toward to armory, Thera asked her if she knew what sort of weapons she would like to learn.  The question surprised Dulcinea, although she supposed it should not have.  She had simply assumed that there were certain things a beginner was taught, and prescribed steps to be followed.  Apparently that was not the case.


"I had not thought of it," she admitted, ruefully, "While I watched my father train soldiers as I grew up, it has been many years since then.  I know little more of weapons and warfare than 'stick them with the pointy end', which is a start, I suppose.  Please, assume I am a new trainee fresh from some lordling's manor.  What would you have me learn?"


-Dulcinea Velasques

Recruit of the Green Ajah

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Thera nodded her head graciously and offered another small smile. “Dulcinea it is then.” Adjusting her own sword on her hips she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Since getting herself with child standing still in one place for too long made her twitch like a goat with an itch. “ I know little more of weapons and warfare than 'stick them with the pointy end', which is a start, I suppose..”


Shaking her head Thera allowed a small laugh. “I wish all of my trainees were so amendable. Most fight like badgers when they are told they must learn may way. You will be a refreshing challenge indeed.” Too late she realized she spoken her thoughts about Aes Sedai being a challenge out loud. It seemed the child was also starting to affect her brain. “Most that come through I try to teach the sword. A few each year balk completely, but since you are not one such… I think you will learn the sword. Perhaps a katana or short sword I will let you choose that.”


“I also recommend the bow. It’s good to have a long range weapon in your arsenal. Now for the last you can learn the staff or throwing knives either one will be of great use to you.”


“While you think on that you can choose your sword.” Walking over to the rack she pulled out a short sword and placed in Dulcinea’s hands. “Grip it like this.” She unsheathed her own weapon, a katana, and demonstrated the proper form. “How does that feel?” Taking the short sword back she placed her katana in the Aes Sedai’s hands. “Better? Or worse?”


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