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I have a few thoughts on Ter`angreal.


1. Can you see the weaves being made a ter`angreal? Do they even make 'weaves' in the same sense as a channeler? For example could some learn the balefire weave from the black rod?


This I doubt, as I can't think of it being mentioned before.


2. A ter`angreal gender specific or caqn either male or female use them. (The ones that require channeling that is)


My thoughts on this are that some are, some are not. (Im not considering the linking keys as specific because we have no evidence a male can't link to the female Choden Kal with one, just they can't use the sa'angreal.




I have a few thoughts on Ter`angreal.


1. Can you see the weaves being made a ter`angreal? Do they even make 'weaves' in the same sense as a channeler? For example could some learn the balefire weave from the black rod?


This I doubt, as I can't think of it being mentioned before.


2. A ter`angreal gender specific or caqn either male or female use them. (The ones that require channeling that is)


My thoughts on this are that some are, some are not. (Im not considering the linking keys as specific because we have no evidence a male can't link to the female Choden Kal with one, just they can't use the sa'angreal.




I don't think you could see the weave from one.  I think if you watched someone use a ter'angreal, you could learn what weave you had to channel into it, but not the result. The way I picture it with the black BF rod, or even the Accepted testing rings in the White Tower, is that the ter'angreal takes the weave that you channel into it, and changes it inside the ter'angreal to create the desired effect.  Like putting gas into an engine to make it go... if that makes sense.


As for male/female specific, I think there are plenty that would work for both.  Though it's never been proven, it is believed the T'A'R ter'angreal can work for a man or woman without needing to channel.  Same with Mat's foxhead.  We have seen it work against saidin and saidar, yet when he tries to give it to Elayne, she rejects it.  So we don't actually know if it will work for a woman, but I'd like to think so.


My thoughts on the gender one were more for the ones that require channelling, such as the black rod and the three silver arches. Will they work with saidin also?


It's never been tested and we're not even sure what you channel into the BF rod I think we see what the AS channel into the rings in one of the wondergirls accepted test. I don't see any reason why Ter'angreal would be gender specific on the most part. I say this because of how they work


IIRC Ter'angreal work either with out channeling at all, these would probably all be non gender specific and then there are those you need to channel into. Now I figure they wouldn't be gender specific on the most part because Both Siadin and Siadar both use the same five powers. I don't think a ter'angreal would be able to tell the difference between siadin channeled spirit and siadar channeled spirit.


JMO though

1. Can you see the weaves being made a ter`angreal? Do they even make 'weaves' in the same sense as a channeler? For example could some learn the balefire weave from the black rod?


Terangreal I think do not make weaves, just use them.



2. A ter`angreal gender specific or caqn either male or female use them. (The ones that require channeling that is)


Using either gender's terangreal/saangreal/angreal, I think that could only be possible through linking.



The Bowl of Winds drew on Saidin as well as Saidar and everybody in that circle were able to see the weaves fanning out in a web. So you can see the weaves made by a ter'angreal and it can weave flows itself. Not all ter'angreal work the same though, I imagine some were gender specific and we know from Aes Sedai POVs that you don't see any weaves from the oath rod itself once it's channeled into.


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