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Cadsuane and Nynaeve


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"'I suppose Zarine told you all about my estates before you . . . married her. All about the Broken Crown." (LoC, Chapter 46: Beyond the Gate, 572) Bashere guessing why Perrin married his daughter.


"But he knew her; he had taught her to ride, watched her grow up, presented her the Broken Crown when she took the throne." (CoT, Prolouge: Glimmers of the Pattern, 67) Davram Bashere's thoughts on Tenobia, the Queen of Salaea.


"Once, the thought of Faile displeased would have made him uneasy, but that was before he learned about her spies. And that little matter of the Broken Crown that Elyas had let slip." (CoT, Chapter 5: The Forging of a Hammer, 180) Perrin's thoughts about the secrets Faile keeps from him.


These are just a few direct references to the Broken Crown being the crown of Saldaea. This particular Broken Crown is the only Broken Crown that has any signifcance to Perrin whatsoever.


that last quote you used kadere through me when i read it, it doesnt make sense to me that perrin would suddenly become angry over the broken crown if it is saldaea's crown. surely he would have already known about it when bashere mentions it originally? and "that little matter" almost sounds like theres something extra to do with the crown, not just being king or whatever. i never understood the name either, why would anyone call it the broken crown? wasnt this topic originally about nynaeve? :D


I don't know what the topic was originally about, I was just commenting on mightisright's comment about not knowing that the Broken Crown was Saldaea's crown when we have plunty of evidence that it is.


Perrin didn't ask what the Broken Crown was when Bashere mentioned it, later after the coversation with Bashere he asks Faile, and she ignores it and goes on to something else never giving him an answer. So until Elyas tells him what it is, he has no idea.


The "little matter" is the fact that Faile will recieve the crown if Tenobia and Davram die. This makes Faile Queen and Perrin the Consort (or whatever it is in Seldaea). Perrin is pissed because this would be important info to know, plus his hesitation to be considered a Lord is going to pale incomparisin to him being the husband of a Queen. Think of Mat's reaction when he finds out he's the Prince of the Ravens.


I don't know why they call it the Broken Crown, we've never gotten an explination for that. Probably something in their history, or having to do with their land.


In fact it did start out with Nynaeve. I agree with the Nynaeve as young Cadsuane theory.She's a Learner, a sponge for knowledge as are all the main girls, and she'll not stop I think.The Two Rivers won't hold her for long, even as Manetheren revives.As a region of Andor.

She'll help for a time then move on and the High Seat of the Great House of Aybara will reside there.Remember Perrins' pledge to the Seanchan.I believe his sense of duty and honor will keep him an Andoran.Though maybe as a Lord. He might tolerate that.

To me The Broken Crown is just another name like The Lion Throne or The Sun Throne or The Broken Sword. I think Mins' veiwing was symbolic of Faile more than him becoming some sort of Royalty, which i agree He'd hate.

If all these ends get tied there really will be a run on wheelbarrows when AMoL is released.



The Broken Crown is not symbolic... its the name of a crown. Like the Rose Crown or the Crown of Swords (the Laurel Crown).


Also, Nynaeve isn't a Learner, she's a Sparker.


i agree that its the name of the crown, i just dont see why youd name it that, like the others are understandable cos of how theyre made, thats why i assumed broken crown was something more as well, o well. I definately think that the temperaments of both cadsuane and nynaeve are very similar, they both frustrate the hell out of anyone who isnt them :D


Luckers.. Maybe i wasn't clear.The Broken Crown is just one more name for another trapping of Regency.Broken Sword,Sun Throne, et al. No mystery associated with the name is my point i suppose.


The Broken Crown Min saw with Perrin being symbolic of his meeting/relationship with Faile.Rather than an image of a woman she wouldn't know, Min saw the Broken Crown because of the family association.I'm not sure she knew what it meant,it was just an image, a symbol.


On my planet a Sparker is a pyromaniac. Gimme a clue :wink:


Learner is used to describe those that have the ability to learn to channel. Sparker is those that have the ability inborn, and will channel come what may.


On the Broken Crown... i agree with you to a certain extent. Most those things have to do with historical stories of the origins of the monarchy... likely it has something to do with absorbing humbleness after the war fo a Hundred Years when everyone was fighting to take Hawkwing's empire... like, the Saldeans just chose to accept a broken piece of the empire... hence the broken crown. Something like that anyway.


Thanks Luckers. I was on a different page i guess. My reference to Nynaeve and the other 4 girls being Learners was that each wants to learn everything she can about whatever she sets her sights on. Not just channeling as i include Min. It's a trait i like to think each will keep throughout her life.


I should've guessed the Sparker thing, Thanks :wink:


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