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[MOVIE] Australia REview


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So I made the wife go see this with me over the weekend.  Seeing the previews, I had an idea of what to expect.  Also since Nicole Kidman is only capable of playing one character in all of her films, I know what to expect from her.  She did not let me down. 


So what did you think Empy?


I personally thought it was a pretty pile of dog dookie that smelled nice.  Ok it wasn't that bad.  Nicole Kidman was terrible, but I am may be biased because I think she is a bad actress.  She over acts her character and I never felt connected to her.  Therefore the love story between her and Jackman was lost on me.  Jackman was decent... but the direction of his character was not great. 


The movie... or the three movies crammed into one may not have been bad if the editing had worked.  Part 1 - City Slickers - We are going to drive some cattle across the desert.  Part 2 - The love story.  Nothing new here... if you have seen any other romantic drama, then this is the same formula.  It was basically Titanic on the ground.  Well... Leo died which made Titanic's love story better.  Part 3 - Pearl Harbor... equipped with the Pearl Harbor two endings as well. 


The boy in the movie was GREAT!  I think the only Oscar notice this film might receive is a supporting actor nod to the kid.... and maybe cinematography. 


I think Yveva liked the film a little more than me.  She eventually got drawn into the story.  I would probably give the film 2 stars out of 5.



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Just be prepared for a cheese fest.  I think this could have been a great movie if a few things had been polish.


1. Replace Nicole Kidman with someone that can act.

2. Write good dialogue.

3. Simplify the story a bit.  3 hours is a bit long for a movie that did nothing for me. 

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Ditto on the kid being amazing, Empy...seriously, I loved him. And apparently he's never had an acting lesson in his life. Now as a woman, not gonna lie, Hugh Jackman definitely made it worth the 2 hours 45 minutes. Not only does he look amazing in dusty clothes with scruff, he cleans up real nice too :D Although I'm sure none of the guys minded Nicole Kidman. I will say the woman looks amazing for her age - she's just so classy looking, she reminds me of a marble statue...

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If they had thrown in a scene where she poors water down her body Jackman style I would agree.


I actually do not find her that attractive.  I mean she looks good, but the personality that comes across on the screen in most of her 'parts' makes me think she is a stuck up, high maintenance brat.  Plus she has the crazy eyes....

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