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Hornsounder Edition - October 2008


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Welcome to this month's edition of the Hornsounder!


Autumn is steadily moving on and winter is inevitably knocking at our door and in some places has already made pointed statements of it's presence. There's never a more perfect time than this to curl up in front of a nice, cosy fire, wrapped in a comfy blanket, wearing your favorite pair of socks and drinking a steaming hot pot of chocolate milk. This just asks for some nice background music and something good and relaxing to read.


Perfect Hornsounder weather! For do we have a treat for you, our beloved and loyal readers.


This month features the start, or should I say restart, of some long standing sections and we welcome several new Reporters and Section Reporters to the Hornsounder Team! Sir Cairos has taken on the responsibility of providing you with news from all over DM by working together with his team of reporters from the Orgs and the Divs to bring you their latest news. Taymist is back with her fantastic news on our Creator and all things WoT in her WoT Section and the Regiments have been, once again, put in the very capable hands of El Nyn, Kristine and Felicur, bringing you the latest news from the Archers, Infantry and Cavalry respectively.


Our very own Senior Editor Direwolfjon brings you the news and antics of our newest members, the infamous Raw Recruits and Bridmorgan, our second Senior Editor puts those birthday birds in their much deserved spotlights.


So snuggle up with that blanket, get your hot coco ready and forget your watches and rushed lives for half an hour.




Editor in Chief


JoTS Winner of the Month 


This month's topic was: Favorite WoT Character.


And the winner: Mayleigh of the Cavalry


Congratulations, May :)


The winning JoTS:


Min the Wonderful


A city girl through and through,

In Baerlon town she drank her brew,

A secret talent, no one knew,

To see with Jac O' the shadows


The Dragon is who loves her most,

A wool head sheep herd she toasts,

She keeps him in line, for all the folks,

To love with Jac O' the shadows


Enter Current Month's Headlines!


As our regular readers have come to know, the Hornsounder is divided into Sections, each handling a part of the newspaper and housing specific topics. I give you now a summary of what you can find in each Section.

You may find your interested parts quickly by scrolling to the Sections, which are clearly marked by their own Header as the one you see here on top. Subsections within can be recognized by their Blue color and therefore equally easy to recognize. 


The Band of the Red Hand Section brings you the Word from our Marshal-General, gives reasons to join the Band, and puts the spotlight on the new occurances of the Band.  Also in this section is a recap of the lottery winners for the month, an introduction to the Band's current Active Members,  and you get the opportunity to smooch away on our Banders' birthdays Stefania is bringing us a summary of Banders' Music, Travel, Gig and Restaurant reviews.  Second to last is a compilation of Real Life News from our Banders reminds us of the people behind the words.  Ending this month's Band of the Red Hand Section is the revitalized Org Game Update.


The Regimental Section will effectively satisfy your hunger for knowing what's been up with the Archers, Cavalry and Infantry this month. Check up on the antics of the Recruits while they visited every Regiment, see whether a new Knight or Lady has been raised or who has gained the title of Paladin in the Cavalry, see if the Infantry gained a new Morat or maybe a new Blademaster even, or see if any Archers obtained the rank of Sora or who earned their Archer medals. 


In the Raw Recruits Section, our Executive Officer, Paladin Bridmorgan will fill you in on the latest updates on our Recruits and present you with the Recruit of the Month.


In the  Redarms Section our Redarm Leader, Paladin Manriva fills you in on all the law breaking and spotfining activities that were found in the Band this past month. He was not around for part of it yet his team performed well.  There has been a lot of chaos happening from the looks of it!


The Specials Section brings you a nice little collection of Columns and stories that will make you sit up and beg for more. The Columns Section this month brings you a brand new Recommendation from the M-Gand a new story from Lady StefaniaSedai's Thoughts! Further there are some really interesting Raw Recruit and  Freelance articles submitted by several of the Band's newest members and/or some hardcore reporters.


Entertainment is the spice of Life! Or was it variety? Who cares... Stop by and check out the newest cartoon to the Hornsounder.  Read the amazing poetry written by some of our members. Get those braincells to working and claim those prizes! Join in on the Competitions and see if you are a wizard at Sudoku and can beat the Sudoku Master, Jon the Direwolf! Lady Stefania has brought back a competition that we had several months ago.  Be sure to check out the new  Caption the Picture Competition! See if you can come up with the best caption, and claim the prize that goes along with the glory! So don't miss out on snatching up those prizes!


The free standing Games on the other hand, offer a nice warm up for those that need it or a fun way of passing the time in those dead hours between earning points for your promotions.

If you played the ones from last month and want to find out how well (or bad) you did, you'll find the correct answers here too.

Also, be sure to check out the Jokes and Cartoon for a good laugh!


Dragonmount, our home. Find out the latest news that was reported to the Hornsounder about your ORG and those ORGs you don't know yet.


In the Wheel of Time Section read all about the topic of conversation, turmoil, and uproar from DM this month!


Last, but most definitely not least, the Editorial Section you can find out everything about the Hornsounder itself. What it is, how it works, who the slaving mad people are that make sure you get your newspaper full of interesting stuff each month and how YOU can be a part of it all too.


So there you have it folks. I hope you will enjoy this month's Edition of your Hornsounder thoroughly and if you have any ideas or suggestions that might make your Hornsounder Experience even more fun, don't hesitate to let us know.


Or maybe you too want to try your hand at being a reporter?

There's room in the Hornsounder for everyone, so don't let those doubting demons get the best of you. Jump right in and contact me through pm with any ideas for articles and/or projects you may have!


Until next month,



Editor in Chief




Why Join the BotRH?


So, having read some of the activities the Band gets up to, you want to know more about the ORG? One of the ORG's focus is music, and the Band's other focus is travel. Banders are regularly writing reviews about any music album they own, whether it be old or new, as well as any gigs and concerts they have been to and various locations around the world they've visited. Responses to these reviews are encouraged, which gives Banders points, and these points allow for promotion through the many ranks in the Band. This is the basis of the ORG.


When you first join up with the Band of the Red Hand, you become a Raw Recruit. During this time, you experience life with each of the three Regiment (Archers, Cavalry, Infantry) and the Band itself as well so you get to know how the ORG works, and you don't get lost in your early days in the Band. After your three weeks of completing various tasks as a Recruit, you then pick the Regiment you wish to join and thus become a fully fledged member of the Band of the Red Hand. Also, once you picked your Regiment, you will be guided to become an Infantry Blademaster or a Knight of the Cavalry or an Assassin within the Archers.


However, the Band is not all about work. We have many fun activities going on within the ORG, ranging from simple word games to our ORG Game, created by Canis Rufus with the help of Mallett. Everything is based on the luck of rolling dice, so build up your stats to give yourself the chance of getting better rolls! Once you've taken the seven easy lessons, you can then challenge any Bander to a duel in the Arena and bring great glories to your name! Look out for Festivals of Games as another way to bring glory to your name! We are the only ORG to gamble as well, so create a Bank Account and join in the Lottery to earn some big winnings just like Mat!


As you can see, the Band is a place with a variety of activities, hopefully catering for everyone's needs. There are various activities for those who want points to go up the ranks, or fun and games for those who want to socialise. The Band is open to everyone, so come and join the fun at the best ORG at DM!



Marshal-General of the Band


Bander's Birthdays 6.gif

(by Bridmorgan, U-C)


Happy Birthday October babies!!  October has to be my favorite month of the year so you all are my favortie people.  Ok, that might be a bit much, but still I'd love to have my birthday in October.  Or every months so I can get lots of pressies!  ;)  I must admit I was quite surprised not to find a Halloween birthday.  But I digress.  It's time to party and celebrate the birthdays of October.  So from all of us at the Hornsounder, HAPPY SMOOCHDAY and Happy Halloween!!



10/2 - hampparn

10/3 - Justin89

10/7 - professor5150

10/8 - estel, Moose

10/9 - eol, Vanion

10/10 - Chaelea, thewarlord

10/11 - vinculo

10/12 - seryanne

10/13 - crossbowmantulion

10/16 - gerrendus

10/18 - Ashandarei, Jeannaisais

10/20 - mattrimcauthon

10/21 - beastmaster, deathmaster999, kait

10/22 - bsdbovine

10/24 - Elbar

10/25 - marajayde

10/28 - Cumadrin

10/29 - a3m0n, North Star

10/30 - eonlethine


Ranking list of the Active Banders

(by Bridmorgan, U-C)


The ranks you see are based on the earning of ORG points and are arranged top to bottom. The top 3 positions are what we call our 'Senior Staff' and they are permanent and not linked to any points. The points based positions are divided between 'Commissioned' (= Officers) and 'Enlisted' (= Non-Officers) and can be achieved by any Bander willing to put in the necessary work.


Our newest members, the Raw Recruits, are not in this list as they get a special mention in the Raw Recruits Section further in this paper.


This ranking is based on the last promotion round: 15 October 2008


Marshal-General: Corki


Under-Commander: BridMorgan


Executive Officer: Direwolf Jon



Commissioned Officers


Banner-Captains:  Auld Manriva, Taymist, Footman, Mystica, F Horn of Valere


Captains:  Arrandion


Lieutenant-Captains:  Kristine, el Nynaeve, Kara_J, Kingkastchei


Senior-Lieutenants:  North Star, Amavia, Dragonlover, Samuraiflip05, snin83, woolhead


Lieutenants:  Mayleigh, Helike, 12th Regiment, Dicetosser1, Daetirion, Cairos, Lanette, Goldeneys, Talya


Under-Lieutenants:  Silver89/Horus, Zeth Alley, Nighteyes , Blade , Tigara, Tiren Sormia, Nocturne




Master Sergeants:  A'iotanga, DSage , Felicur


Sergeants:  thewindsoftime, Goldeneyes101/Moose, Nynaeve, Moghedian, Imperium , Loranflame


Corporals:  Naeann , Dahmir , Cu'chulainn/Farcrie


Privates First Class:  Ravynne, Myrelle


Privates:  mottlee


Raw Recruits:  Razzmatazz, Redust, Terrapin, Aielhrt, Elbar, Illiara, Ultima Valenhart, Fia, Rodelle




News From The Range!

(by El Nyn)


Another month gone and plenty of things to report from the Range! As you know the current leadership term is coming to an end also and we wait to see whether we will have a new Captain-General or if Samuraiflip will continue on for a 2nd term after a very successful first. Good luck to whomever gets the job, you'll need it. ;D

New Archer


This month we welcomed a new member into our ranks. Rodelle has joined us and has made himself right at home. He was a blast to have around as a Raw Recruit and we are so happy to have him around again. He'll fit right in with us, no doubt about it. ;D


Hallowe'en Fun at the Range


Because October is the month of Hallowe'en, we decided the Range needed to see a little inter-regimental action among other things. We currently have a Hallowe'en Carnival up and running and doing well by the looks of things! It is a chance for Banders from all regiments to pick a bow and daggers and try to take out as many creatures of the Dark that they can. Things look pretty close at the moment, so we will just wait to see which Regiment earns the most bragging rights. A Hallowe'en costume ball will follow the end of the Carnival on the 31st, with much merry making and brew for all. ;) Also resurrected for the holidays was the Archer's March, where we all packed up and headed out for Shadar Logoth to wipe out Trollocs and Mrydraal amidst the choruses of 'Jak o' the Shadows' and 'Coming Home from Tarwin's Gap'. True to style, Alishandra made us a wagon/bar for us to keep our brew in, but halfway between Baerlon and Shadar Logoth, we were attacked by bandits sporting rubber band weapons who attempted to steal our wagon! The wagon eventually was destroyed to stop the bandits making off with it and Ali was not best pleased. I'd watch out around her if you are one of the aforementioned bandits. ;D




October 1st:


From Corporal to Sergeant

Sgt Loranflame


October 15th:


There were no promotions within the Archers this period.


RLO Business


It would appear that our RLOs have been sleeping on the job and had to be prodded awake to take charge of the recruits coming through the Range. Fortunately for them it was fairly quiet, allowing them to nurse their hangovers in relative peace. First up was Rodelle, complete with his man-eating chimp Muggles. These two provided much spam and hilarity as Muggles leapt on the visiting Imperium, who soon needed Nurse Ali to try to fix his many injuries and missing body parts. When not attempting to restrain Muggles or finding him Trollocs to much on, Rodelle came up with a most excellent Jak o' the Shadows verse about archery and opened up a stein shop for us to buy steins to keep our brew in. Those steins saw much use as he kept us well supplied with it at the Twin Daggers Inn II and even went so far as to concoct a new drink, Forget Me Nots, which we all loved and we hope to see him back in the Range soon! Next was Illiara, who picked up a promotion point by writing an article retelling old holiday stories and including us archers in it before moving on serve us yet more drinks, which would explain why most of our Red Arms were falling down drunk. ;D She also opened up a shop selling us Ter'angreal (for non-channelers of course) to aid us when we need it. We surely appreciate having the edge with our weapons. ;)


Redarms Notepad


As previously mentioned, our RAs seemed asleep on the job, possibly due to the amount of brew being supplied by the raw recruits. Not a one of them handed out a spotfine this month, though Alishandra managed to land herself in hot water with the RA Leader himself for channeling. Now she should know better. ;D Fittingly, our Nurse was made to wear stocks in addition to that nurse's outfit for a whole week. As far as anyone knows, she's still wearing them.


Regimental Competition


This term Regimental Competition is turning out to be a hot one, with the Band going on tour at DM with our own version of Band Idol. Each week, we've come up with Jak o' the Shadows verses based on the Org that we're visiting. We're stopped at Shayol Ghul at the moment and only have the Seanchan left to visit but the Archers are doing very well at the moment, leading the competition and aiming for those all important points for the Best Regiment Matrim. We'll let you know who won next month!


Journey to Assassin


The Journey to Assassin is what all our new Archers undertake upon joining our regiment. It helps them develop their skills as an Archer and cements their dedication to our hard working regiment. They start off as an Apprentice before moving onto Journeyman/Journeywoman and with hard work, they will achieve the rank of Assassin and taking the title of Sora or Frato and joining the Brotherhood of their choice.


This past month saw one Archer complete her Journey and join the ranks of the Assassins. Alishandra worked hard and upon her promotion to Assassin joined the ranks of the Brotherhood of the Lily, specialising in the daggers. She will now henceforth be known as Sora Alishandra. Congratulations Ali! :)




Brotherhood of the Rose - Sora Jeannaisais and Sora el Nynaeve

Brotherhood of the Lily - Frato Snin, Sora Helike and Sora Alishandra


Journeyman/woman: Dragonlover and Samuraiflip


Apprentices: Amavia, Corki (MG), Iron Monk, Tharengore, Barracuda and Moghedian


From the Horse’s Mouth ~ News of the Cavalry!

(By Felicur)


Greetings from the Yard!!


October comes to a close so it’s that time again, brace yourself for news from the horse’s mouth!


This month saw the return of quite a few of the older members of the Cavalry Regiment, and The Stables have been boosted by an increase in activity. This month also saw the addition of a new member to the Cavalry, a Knighting, and an awards ceremony.


We’d like to welcome Elbar to the regiment and hope that he enjoys his time with the Cavalry, works hard and follows in the path of so many others towards Knighthood. He also celebrated this birthday this month, so once again, happy birthday Elbar! We hope you had a good one!


There were also a few ceremonies. The first being Tiren’s.  Folks there’s a new Knight in town and she goes by the name of Lady Tiren Sormia, so everyone best behave! It was a great ceremony, and we’re all extremely proud of her. The Cavalry eagerly await the naming of her horse.


Manny and myself were the beneficiaries of the other ceremony that took place this month. We were both awarded The Cavalry Golden Wreath for our services to the Cavalry in this terms regimental competition. We were surprised as anyone, but hugely honoured and will treasure our medals, wearing them with pride everywhere we go.


In other news Paladin Horn has opened a bar for non-officers. A few of the officers have been seen around the place trying to sneak a peek or over hear snitches of conversation. There are ears burning all around the Stables. Manny only handed out one spot fine, and it was to yours truly for channelling...a case of misadventure that surprised me as much as anyone else.


Promotions this Month


From Master Sergeant to Under-Lieutenant

Udr. Lt. Tigara of the Cavalry

Udr. Lt. Lady Tiren Sormia of the Cavalry

Udr. Lt. Nocturne of the Cavalry


From Sergeant to Master Sergeant

Mst. Sgt. Felicur of the Cavalry


From Corporal to Sergeant

Sgt. Imperium of the Cavalry


From Private First Class to Corporal

Cpl. Ravynne of the Cavalry


From Raw Recruit to Private First Class

P.F.C. Terrapin of the Cavlary


From Raw Recruit to Private

Elbar of the Cavalry

Redust of the Cavalry



Welcome to Infantry Row!

(by Kristine)


Sword Naming


The infantry got to witness the return of our no longer single Lani this term, and also got to FINALLY learn the name of her beautiful weapon.  Azriel, meaning "God Helps" was added to the Infantry's Armory this October.  He is a beautiful Templar sword used by the monastic military order named "The Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem" or "Templars", during the Crusades.


This sword has a blade with little profile taper and a spade shaped point. The blade is plain and has no visible fuller. The sword hilt is ornately carved and the pommel shows a small gold cross. The guard is also carved along its flat arms that flare in width at the ends.


Measurements and Pictures of this new addition can be found in the Barracks Library under the Armory.  Congratulations Lani, it is a beautiful weapon!


Kidnapping of Tay


The Infantry had a bit of a quiet time when Taymist's computer decided to blow up and take her away from us for a time.  This event set even our "stable" 12thr over the edge looking for someone to pick on, and he started a thread of no subject bemoaning not being able to harass Tay.  Her system was once again revived and she was returned to us with much joy and celebration - that lasted not long at all...


The ever wise Demonspawn placed Tay tied and in a barrel for safe keeping and Dicetosser came by and whisked her away, kidnapping our beloved Tay to the Cavalry Stables for a bit.  She was treated well, and bestowed two Cuendillar Bracelets, also known as Shackles, by her dear brother Riva while there until the Infants came in with a small strike team and set about stealing their Tay back.  Several false starts and bureaucratic options were tried before a decisive Infant strike was made and a party ensued!


The party, still ongoing, has featured many fun and frivolities - namely Felicur in a French Maid's outfit - and of course... FOOD!  Feli has been serving up Irish Stew and drinks galore, and Kristine, in true old glory Kafe fashion - brought out the feast - Cranberry Pork Roast, Twiced Baked Spaghetti, and Cedar Plank Salmon.  Stop on in for fun and food, make sure to wipe the drool up when you leave! 


Three Hammocks Inn


The Three Hammocks Inn has continued on in its normal fashion of being the rest and relaxation hub for near the whole of the band.  Lani is still dolling out massages on order, the drinks are being served by Raw Recruits as the come and go, and DJ is still digging holes under the hammocks to sleep in.  One new feature has been the practical joking addition of a rubber band  hammock that has provided some entertainment in the form of seeing how far we can fling Kara into the lagoon surrounding the Inn.  Stop on in, hop in the Rubber Band Hammock and take a fly... we've taken the roof out - well, Kara has - so not as many things to hit!


Tavern of the Red Hand


Yes, the Tavern is still going strong, and is probably about to be brought down once more for another incarnation.  At present I believe a firework is resting near a bar stool... who knows what sort of destruction this could wield.  Guinny, Brew, CC, Flaming shots, and Bandy are all flowing free at the Infantry's oldest drinking establishment.  Recruits are still stopping in for their first drinks, and also serving up the patrons when they are tasked to wait tables.  Stop on in, I am sure a brawl will be breaking out in the very near future.


The Littlest Hero


The Infantry has been blessed to have Footman in our lives for a number of years.  The Pink Loin Cloth wearing blademaster has always been a source of fun, laughs and comfort for many of us in the ranks.  This past month, Footman himself received a bit of a scare, and a fine blessing in the way of his son - eight year old Little Foot.


Mrs. Footy had taken her family to the doctor to get medicine for herself and Little Foot, then returned home, put the Footlets (two wee gals) to bed, took her medicine and went for a nap herself.  Not long passed till she woke in the midst of Anaphylactic shock from an allergic reaction to her antibiotics.  Being a nurse she recognized what was happening and went for some Benadryl, but passed out half way down the stairs.  Little Foot heard the noise and found his mom passed out cold. 


Alarmed, he screamed at her to wake up, then told her he was calling 911.  This roused Mrs. Footy enough to tell him to call a friend, that lived a few minutes away instead of the ambulance that would take over 15 minutes to arrive.  After making the call, Little Foot helped his mom to the kitchen


Recruit Corner










Infantry Article for HS

Sword Training

Wet Noodle




Raw Recruits of the Band

(by Paladin Jon the Direwolf, XO)


Welcome, welcome to Le Dungeon!!  What? This isn't a dungeon?  And here I thought.....oh now where was I?  Ah, yes, welcome to the new Raw Recruit Article. For any future Banders out there, the Raw Recruit Program is how we initiate all new members to our Org. Each Recruit spends a week with our three regiments in turn, doing fun tasks and getting to know members. At the end of the three weeks they get to choose a Regiment to join.


During the month of October we had three Recruits graduate and one earned their Raw Recruit Stripe!!! Our graduates were Elbar, Fia, and RodelleElbar chose to join with the Cavalry.  Fia has not yet answered the call to choose a regiment.  Rodelle, the newest graduate, chose to join the Archers.  Congratulations to you and I know you'll all do your new Regiment proud!


The Outstanding Recruit of the Month is the Recruit that has stood out to me as being the most motivated and dedicated. The Outstanding Recruit must excel amongst his/her peers and a reward for this prestigious title is the prize of one org point.


The Outstanding Recruit for the month of October is:  Rodelle


Don't forget to congratulate him next you see him.  Well done Rodelle!!


Of the Recruits choosing Regiments the statistics for 2008 are:


7 - Infantry

14 - Cavalry

5 - Archers


Missing In Action figures are not all that good with 21 out of 49 Recruits going MIA this year, but we also have 2 members waiting to choose a regiment and we have 4 new Recruits working their way through their training at the moment. A warm welcome to Jur Grady, Floating, Vasu619 and MCS0083 who are currently going through their Recruit time. 


Check out the Regimental Articles to see what our Recruits have been up to this past month!


I would like to thank Brid for all the wonderful articles that she wrote as the XO.  It is going to be difficult for me to fill her shoes, but I will do my best to try.  I would like to wish Brid well as the Band's U-C and I hope she truly enjoys her new position.  Thanks also go out to the current RLO staff for helping to make the transition a bit easier for me.  I look forward to working with the new set of RLOs as much as I liked working with each of you this past month! 



RLOs for the September/October Term:














See you next month with more RR antics!



Raw Recruit Articles


The Exploding Latrine

(By RR Rodelle)


In case the smell has not knocked you out by now, a sergeant of The Cavalry, Imperium, detonated an explosive sthingy in the latrines while Floating was digging. Through a series of events, a new RR has covered up the old hole and redug, then rebuilt the latrines. We are expecting the smell to go away as the wind begins to kick up. Also, be aware of feces that are reported to be falling from the sky still. Imperium had this to say:

I haven't ever blown them up, or dug any of it!

Other people have blown holes, as they can't resist shiny stuff.

The RA's did not get called in and no spotfines have been issued; Simply put he didn't break any laws. One positive event occured out of this; A new latrine has been opened.




The Redarm Report

(by Auld Manriva)


Well.. Here it is. The opening salvo to another oh so jolly holiday season. Filled with frivolity and mirth and quite likely a bout with the gout, if you've overindulged in spirits or too much of Granny's Special Event Eggnog and Baldness Preventer, which truth be told is much the same thing.... Oh yes! Didn't you know that? Poor dear reader... you've been so sheltered.


But let us get back to the issue at hand. Here I await, on the eve of All Hallows Eve, the arrival of hobgobblins, haints, saints and tiny pudgy fingered fairies in pink tutu's and tiara's. Short pirates, homely hobo's and because some parents have the sense of rotten mushrooms the occasional trashy Madonna or Pimp Daddy. Each of these future or present juvenile delinquents anxiously anticipating the sugar rush that makes for the glint of gluttony in their sparkling little eyes. Yes dear friends.... Halloween approaches rapidly here in the swamplands. What Joy!


But like an aging but wise former Boy Scout. I Am Prepared. A  spaniel sized spider with teensy lights and squirmy legs lies waiting in a dark but noticeable nook. The skeletal remains of a Pirate hangs in their path with his companion the Out of Control Blood Soaked Butcher with Glow in the Dark Eye Sockets and a very large cleaver just right to lop off the inattentive or unwary short persons' noggin. Yes! A veritable obstacle course of heathen, pagan and costume wetting imagery to test the mettle of these revelers, each on their personal Quest for Sugar Nirvana. They do so love to approach my humble abode. My favorite season of the year approacheth, so it does.


But this is the RedArm Report is it not? So lets get to it...

August, September and October it seems have seen an upsurge in felonious activities in Band environs. August ended with a near riot, that was deftly handled by then Redarm now Archer CG, Sam the Shamus. In a mass bust on the lines of the St. Valentines Day Massacre, he handed out singlehandedly, spottys to at least 8 miscreants. The Bands XO Sir DJ among them. Corruption rears its handsome head in even the highest of places it would seem. Imperium, Felicur, Fia, 12th, Sir Cairos, Ravynne, and Redust rounded out this crowd of rowdy revelers.


Since then Imperium, ever the slow learner or maybe just a glutton for punishment has garnered no less than 3 more spot fines. Felicur, Alishandra, and Mystica.... Our EIC, for all love ... each have gathered one of their own...


OH! And lest I forget... Sir Dice got one of his own for of all things, Impersonating A RedArm! Of course he denied any wrongdoing of any sort and demanded a Trial... He was given one and despite his spirited Australian Defense (which of course means the opposite of what ever it purports to defend) he lost.... OH YES INDEED!.. A jury of his PEERS voted him innocent, so they did! But the jury that actually COUNTS ;) the RedArms themselves, overwhelmingly overwhelmed his Peers combined 1 (one) vote.. and that of a former UC and current RA2IC (that'd be himself Lord Horn would it not) of the Band who took great pity on Sir Dice and delivered a rousing, eloquent and heartwarming opposition opinion which was a thing to behold. BUT did nada to change the hearts and minds of the outraged majority of fine upstanding remaining RedArms...


Until Next Time Dear Reader

Let's Be Careful Out There






How to get your story in the Hornsounder?


Do you have interesting, funny, weird, general stories that you'd like to share but that don't quite fit in any of the other sections?

Then don't hesitate to contact me by pm to present your idea/topic and next month your story could very well be published in Hornsounder.


In here you could find:

- the full articles of summarized pieces found in the other Sections

- the loose articles from Banders and Non-Banders that are not assigned to any one Section

- independent and Sectionless projects and coverages

- various undetermined pieces of work from both Banders and Non-Banders


The articles and coverages that are posted here can cover any topic, be it about WOT, Band, DM related topics or anything else that might be of interest to share with our readers.


Now without further hesitation, I wish you a lot of reading pleasure with this month’s collection of articles.







Freelance Articles


Real Life Wanderings

(by Blade)


Well I've decided to scrap my WoT idea and I'll just tell it like it is. By the way, feel free to ask any questions about anything.


A comprehensive account of what the heck Blade has been up to that took him away for 2 years.


Well, I'm sure you're all wondering what the heck happened to me while I was over there in hawaii. I think in some ways this is just basically becoming a huge travel post, but hey, whatever.


So to start things off, I headed up north from Arizona to Utah where I basically spent about 3 weeks studying out of the scriptures and learning how to teach people. We spent probably 10-12 hours a day just studying the scriptures. It was kinda hard to sit there and study for that long for 3 weeks straight.


After that I got sent straight over to hawaii to figure things out in real life. I was so scared of talking to people, especially about religion. I guess somehow I felt like this was their one shot and if I screwed it up there was no second chances. I got over that idea but it took me over 4 months to stop freezing up when I talked to people.


My first area was great, it was in kahalu'u on the windward side of o'ahu. There we found a lot of people who were interested. One of the people I first ran into there later got baptized a couple of months before I came home. The place was a mix between rural and city, though rural dominated and I loved it. All the rural areas were the best. I thought I was going to die there though. I had so many close calls with dogs in that area it's not even funny. The scariest thing was getting charged by an english mastiff, rotweiller mix. Another pretty scary situation is when a pitbull went for my throat. If the dog had another 3-4 inches of chain he would have had me. I stayed in Kahalu'u for the first 3 months, then got transferred to another area on o'ahu called Hawaii Kai.


That are was a really rich are, and our work was pretty slow there. Everyone was pretty much content there and didn't seem to think they needed religion in their lives. Another family I found there got baptized though. They were the Wong family. Loa Wong worked as a movie set creator, though he worked with creating the scenery. He actually showed me a few of the places where some of PiratesIII was filmed before it was even out.


After 4 1/2 months in Hawaii Kai I went to Honouliuli. That was an interesting mixed area. It had some pretty nice housing areas there, but that area also had the place that now comes to my mind whenever I think of ghetto. There was just trash all over the streets and everything reeked. It was a place called Pupu town, so named not because of the smell, but because all the street names started with pupu ex. (pupumomi, pupuole,pupukahi) That place was scary, honestly, if I wasn't a missionary, I would have been scared to wander into that place. The polynesians though really respect and take care of the missionaries, and they respect all religions pretty well. They're a pretty tolerant people since they've got so many different ethnic groups there. Just don't disrespect their culture. Polynesians also love to fight, and they're very good at in, and they don't just stop when you go down. I actually got hit when i was out there, I was so stunned that I didn't know what to do. there's also a rule that if we fight we get sent home so I did nothing and he just hit me a couple of times in the jaw before people pulled him off of me.


After 3 months, I got sent to Ewa Beach, and there I was to be in charge. Previous to this there was another missionary that was usually the one that made the decisions, but now I was to teach a brand new missionary how to do things while being in a new area. Luckily he was a really cool kid. he was my favorite missionary that I served with. We were on bike in Ewa Beach and it was pretty warm there. I really got in shape from riding every where though. Got to know a number of families there really well and I still keep in contact with them.


After 3 months in Ewa I finally got to go off island to the Big Island. I was up North on the Kona side of the island in a place called Honoka'a. This place was really rural and I loved it there because everyone knew everyone. It was beautiful there. We were a little further from the beach than normal, but the place there was so beautiful in its scenery. One of the coolest places was Waipio Valley. You can hike back in there up to giant water falls, see all the exotic fruit growing back there. It's also a black sand beach which is pretty cool too. I was there in Honoka'a for 6 months. Which seemed like a long time. We pretty much met most of the people in the town in 2 months. After that I went to the other side of the island to Kea'au on the Hilo side. That area covered the volcano. I actually had a 4 wheel drive truck because the place was so rural. I covered a huge area. it was 50 miles to the volcano and back to our house. We once got so lost trying to find someone's house that we were gone for an hour on roads where we were moving trees out of the way to get by. It was a lot of fun. The ground is all lava rock though so they have to get these huge DC-9 tractors that are probably 2 1/2 times the size of a truck. They really can do some damage. The Volcano was flowing into the ocean while I was there but it stopped before I got a chance to see it. Man, I really met a lot of cool people everywhere I went. I stayed there only for 3 months. While I was there I was in charge of supervising other missionaries.


After that I went back to the windward side of O'ahu right next to the area where I started. I was in Kaneohe and it was a very city place. Still, I enjoyed it there. Crazy story that happened, I ran into the daughter of the man that baptized my dad out there. That was pretty cool. I had to take care of a couple of missionaries, one had medical depression and the other was having a hard time out there but it was good to help them out. I think the leaving was the hardest part. It was hard work out there, but it was cool because I had spent 2 years learning how to care only for other people. I'll probably never attain that again. Hawaiians have a parting song called Aloha Oe and it brings tears to your eyes, especially when it's directed at you.


The food there is amazing, though sometimes it's wierd too. They really know how to cook, and I'm kinda skinny so they took it as a personal challenge to fatten me up. They always have tons and tons of food. It was actually strange to come back here to the states and eat normal sized meals. I was content, but I wasn't stuffed to the limits in the states, it was wierd. My favorite food is kalua pig. It's pig that's slow cooked underground for a while. You take some rocks and heat them in the fire and then drop them in a pit. Then you take the pig and salt it, then wrap it in tea leaves, and then again in bannana leaves. You then cover the pit up and let the heat cook the kalua, it's amazing. There's so many wierd foods to eat there that I might just contain that list in a seperate thread. All in all, Hawaii and its people have become a second home to me. I can't wait to go back there.



The Various Cavalry Units

(by Imperium)


Cavalry Units in the Napoleonic Era


During the Napoleonic Wars of 1803-1815 there were several types of cavalry used by the French and British armies. Below is some information listing the different varities. One thing to note is that while they in the main had the same styles of cavalry, they attacked and even used their weapons in different ways.


For example the British used their swords to hack at their enemy, causing terrible wounds but getting less killing strokes. The French however used the points of their swords to run their enemies through. Therefore the French suffered more ghastly wounds where as the British suffered more inital deaths.


British Cavalry Units


The British Cavalry during the Napoloenic Era can mainly be split into three catergories. These are Heavy Cavalry, Light Dragoons and Hussars


Heavy Cavalry


There were two distinct branches of British heavy cavalry - the Household regiments and the heavy dragoons.


The Household troopers, which included the Life Guards and Royal Horse Guards, were little used during the early years of the Napoleonic Wars but some units arrived in the Peninsular War in 1812 and certainly made up for tardiness with their heroics at waterloo.


The heavy dragoons included seven regiments of Dragoon Guards and six of Dragoons. Despite the addition of the word guards there was little difference between the two formations. Dragoons being cavalry units that were armed with muskets.


Being large men on large horses, the British heavies were used as shock troops in battle. They would throw themselves into the fray to bolster a weakening line, as at Waterloo, or smash through the enemy formations and rout them. They would not draw their swords until very close to the enemy (usually at the same time they used their spurs), the idea being that it created an attack momentum that was hard to stop.


Light Dragoons


Until 1806, Britain had no real light cavalry and so the duties expected of European hussars fell to the Light Dragoons.


Untrained in this role at home, the skills required of light cavalry - patrolling, reconnaissance and screening - had to be picked up while on active duty.


The best of the British units was the King's German Legion, which performed excellent service in the Peninsula and created history by breaking French infantry squares at Garcia Hernandez. This victory happened when a dead horse crashed in the side of a French square which opened up a hole in the bayonet hedge. This then allowed the rest of the riders to plunge through this hole and break the French formation. This was one of the favoured tactics used by the British to break French infantry squares. The idea was to attack the corners where one hole could be exploited very quickly.




Hussars did not became part of the British army until after 1806, when four Light Dragoon regiments - the 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th - were styled hussars.


Hussars being the scouting units used by the other European nations at the time of the Napoleonic war.



French Cavalry Units


The French Cavalry during the Napoleonic War can be split into four catergories. The Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Hussars and Lancers




Cuirassiers were regarded as the decisive arm of the army by Napoleon Bonaparte.


While the other forms of horsemen in the Grande Armee had their roles to play, it was the heavily armoured Gros Freres (Big Brothers) that could turn a battle with their sheer weight.


To carry the cuirass (breastplate) and iron and brass helmet, the trooper needed to be big and strong.


In accordance, the horse to carry them was large and together the cuirassier and his mount would hit opposing cavalry with brute force.




France's dragoons were the mainstay of the mounted arm of the forces and were capable of either scouting, or being involved in battle-winning charges.


As well as straight heavy-cavalry sabres, dragoons had pistols and short carbines and these allowed them to dismount and fight on foot as highly mobile infantry.


This advantage saw them used widely in the anti-guerrilla warfare in the Peninsular war, as well as on independent roles on the army's flanks.




Hussars were both the eyes and egos of the Napoleonic armies.


Tactically, they were used as scouts and a screen for the army to keep their commanders informed of enemy moves while denying the same information to the foe.


They had their own code - that of reckless courage that bordered on a death wish - and it was said by one of their beau sabreurs, General Antoine Lasalle, that any of them that were alive by 30 were "blackguards".




Some of the most feared cavalry in Bonaparte's armies were the Polish lancers, who gave no quarter.


The British discovered this at Albuera when Polish lancers, covered by a rainstorm, managed to get the jump on a redcoat brigade and wiped it out within seconds.


Lancers were excellent against infantry in square - where their lances could outreach the infantry bayonets - and also in hunting down a routed enemy. They did however struggle against other cavalry as once the other cavalry got past the wall of sharp blades the swordsmen had the advantage.




October Competition Winners

(by Paladin Jon the Direwolf, XO)


This month saw yet another quiet month for the entertainment section competitions. In fact the entertainment section was actually dead.  Although the normal competitions were included in last month's edition, there were no takers that wanted to win a prize, so there are no winners to report to you here.  Instead, I will give you some news about this month's entertainment games and competitions.


Although it's sad to see, the Sudoku has been retired for the month of October and it may continue it's retirement for another month or two.  We've had no one submit any answers for the Sudoku in over four months, so we've put it on ice for now.


The Caption the Pic is still available to those who would like to earn extra points.  It is an interesting pic, so you might want to see if you can come up with the best caption, check out the post below. 




October Competitions


Caption the Picture for October~open to everyone

(by Paladin DJ)


Your job is to find a suitable caption to fit with the picture blow. It can be something people in the pic might say, think or a general text that you feel would go great with the picture.



- send in your idea to Paladin DJ before 20 November 2008

- only submissions sent in by PM to Paladin DJ will be considered

- only 1 submission per player



- the 5 best submissions will be chosen by the Hornsounder team in a poll

- the winning submissions will be posted in the next Edition of the Hornsounder

- Banders will earn 1 org point

- medal pin will be bestowed on all winners


This month's picture:






Answers to Last Month's Games





The answers for this month will not be given as no one participated in the Sudoku for the last 4 months.


Caption the Pic 

Unfortunately, there are no results to share with you on this one as no one participated in this competition this past month, please see the above post for the current month's Caption the Pic competition.





Easy Sudoku 

The answers for this month will not be given as no one participated in the Sudoku for the last 4 months.



Medium Sudoku 

The answers for this month will not be given as no one participated in the Sudoku for the last 4 months.





The Barber of Community Service

(by El Nyn)


One day a florist goes to a barber for a haircut.

After the cut he asked about his bill and the barber replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop.


When the barber goes to open his shop the next morning there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.


Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The cop is happy and leaves the shop.


The next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.


Later that day, a college professor comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The professor is very happy and leaves the shop.


The next morning when the barber opens his shop, there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen different books, such as 'How to Improve Your Business' and 'Becoming More Successful.'


Then, a Member of Parliament comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The MP is very happy and leaves the shop.

The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen MP's lined up waiting for a free haircut.


And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the members of our Parliament.




Organizations (ORG)

(coordinated by Cairos)



(by Cairos)


This month in the Aiel was pretty quiet. El Nyn has started a discussion on Horror Movies and Special Effects. Since October is Halloween month they started to talk about Horror movies that they thought had good special effects. Members talked about the first movie they saw and if that movie was scary. Do you remember the time where you first watched a horror or slasher movie? Do you remember how scared you were when you saw that person get killed or something jumped out at you? This was a great discussion and a great topic that she has put out there.


We would like to welcome back Jekyn. Jekyn was a former member of the Aiel and has been away for a year. Come and welcome him back to the Aiel. Barmacral has started a Halloween costume contest where Ji will be awarded for pictures taken on: 

- Most Creative

- Most Accurate representation of a popular television character

- Best Decorated House

- Overall best costume

Come and see who won the contest and make your comments heard.




(by Cairos)


Here at the Black Tower things started to heat up. During this month Elgee from the Black Tower has started a Shadow Ball. Members of the Black Tower are only involved in this Ball. This was a great opportunity in getting to know people you never knew before and new members in the Tower.


Let's give a warm welcome to Oceansoul who started in the Black Tower and is eager to learn the ropes of the Black Tower. An interesting thread has been posted at the Black Tower about the Light Faction Leader Doubles as a Porn Star. How interesting is that. If you want to learn more and hear about this interesting news come and see for yourselves. BT Light Faction Leader Doubles as a Porn Star




(by Cairos)


Let's give a big round of applause to Cleopatra. She has been elected as the New Org Leader of The Illuminator. The former leader Cloglord has left this org in a person who is respectable and awesome. We know that she would do a great job at being the org leader and would make the org great with the things that they do.


Let's also give a big round of applause to the new Co-leaders of the Illuminator Org. Dreadpirateroberts (DPR) is the new co-leader of the Scribes and Jaydena is the new co-leader of the Artists/Crafters. We know that they both will go a great and awesome job.


Let's welcome Winterwinds, mb, and Justen Diablos to the Illuminators.






(by Cairos)


Welcome to the White Tower Org Section of the Horn Sounder. Many things have happened in the White Tower during this month alone. We had a few raising this month. Let's give a round of applause to the following few that got raised:


- Goldeneys has been raised to Manshima - 5th of October

- Quisalas has been nominated for Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah - 2nd of October

- Alieta has been nominated for Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah- 27th of October.


Let's give warm welcomes to Felicur and Ireond. They are both new to the White Tower Community. It seems that they are getting around perfectly.


Also another special thing that happened in the White Tower is a bonding between two sisters. It was a awesome and wonderful sighting to see when two friends get bonded. Let's give a round of applause and also hugs to Kelly Sedai of the Green Ajah and Nephitess Sedai of the Green Ajah.


Other events that are happening the White Tower is that they had a Evil vs Good swap week. It started October 2nd and ended October 9th. Everybody had fun during this week.


Banned Book Week was held by the Brown Ajah. Here are the following topics that were discussed:

-Discussion on Golden Compass/Northern Light

-Discussion on Harry Potter - promoting Witchcraft?

-Discussion on Censorship being ok?

Come and check it!!!


The Green Ajah this month had a discussion on New Age Spirituality the Ins and Outs. This was held by Rasheta Ardashir and she is doing a great job on it. If you want to join in the discussion just check the Green Ajah out. Also Jaydena's birthday as this month. We Wish Jaydena a Happy Birthday.


The Red Ajah has planned a great and fun fair in the White Tower. The Autumn Fair was held by the Red Ajah from the 20th October to 26th October 2008. The Fair comprised of many different and fun activity. The Harvest Festival Gallery, Banner Competition, HEARTY WARMERS, and a Halloween Mafia game. The Mafia game has started and it seems that a unexpected event has turned up. Our favorite person named Mystica has been found dead in the mafia game. *you hear gasps*

Come and join us in this Halloween mafia game to see which person will die next.


The Yellow Ajah had a Bidding on Head's and Staff auction. This was a great and fun thing that the Yellow Ajah had. Thank you Naeann for this wonderful event. Each Ajah Head and also including the staff for the WT org were on auction and had a task to do for a week.

Here was the voting on each Ajah Head and staff:




With 12 votes... Bidder 4 is your winner with this bid...


Bidder four: I'd like to bid on Vemy. He shall not make ANY bunny or lolcat comments all week... no pictures of them either. He also cannot do his emotes. Any time he fails in these tasks he must mention one reason why I am so awesome. None of these reasons can be repeated.




With 12 votes.... Bidder 3 is your winner with this bid...


Bidder three: If I was to win Mystica as a slave for a week I would make her make a post on every other ORGs main board about how everyone should love each other and why pink is the best colour. As well as this she will need to skip around the WT boards for the entire week putting pink flowers in everyones’ hair and instead of snuggle-biting anyone she will instead kiss them on the cheek. Finally Mystica will need to mention in every post why her owner is so amazing.  I think I deserve to win this slave because I am just so awesome that you should all fully believe in my ideas.




With 11 votes... Bidder five is your winner with this bid...


Bidder five:

Kathana is insane already, therefore act completely sane. Every post will be well thought out, reasoned with examples to back up her points. No post she makes within the WT will be less than 5 sentences long. She may not use any short forms when she types either, her spelling and grammar will be perfect. She will also make one thread a day explaining with at least 3 paragraphs (5 sentences a paragraph minimum, more is ok if she wishes) her opinions and stance on anything at all.




With 11 votes... Bidder one is your winner with this bid...


Bidder one: I'd like Sham to desist of hitting on the ladies and switch his charms to the males, who, in my opinion, have been seriously deprived.




With 16 votes... Bidder two is your winner with this bid...


Bidder two: I'd like Raeyn to make random arrests around the boards for spelling and grammer mistakes. She may use force, if necessary




With 16 votes... Bidder five is your winner with this bid...


Bidder five: Lor believes in chastity. Or she will, for a week. She will slap anyone who mentions ANYTHING that can be construed as sexual, and preach to all the novices and accepted (and equivalent ranked warders) about how they should always abstain from physical contact of any sort, and to everyone in the WT, she shall accuse of being sinners because they might have dirty thoughts. In every post. Specifically attacking the person who posted immediately before her. She may not use the same argument twice.




With 7 votes.... Bidder five is your winner with this bid...


Bidder four: Now, the question you are most assuredly asking yourself is possibly this; Why should I win the most illustrious grand prize that is Nynaeve, when there are surely many others out there who would also like a bite of the proverbial cake!? Well, allow me to answer that question!


I am, (...), also known as , and it is common knowledge that I and aforementioned Nynaeve are

compassionate lovers, and also I am her  husband! It's all in the signs *nod* Not only would her being my slave for a week allow me to experience a new side to our marriage, but it would also broaden everyone's horizons and overall be a good experience!  Now, for the second piece of my proposal; what would I task my new slave with!? There would be much hard work, and no time for rest, if you catch my drift! Yes, there would be much feeding (AND POSSIBLY EATING) of grapes and much

watching of firefly, for we both love it very much all of a sudden. Also, I would make her undergo (WITH ME) a most arduous journey to the realm of Disneyworld, where she would be tasked with having a great time. Hard work, yes, but necessary! Also, I would possibly command her to eat some chocolate, for I know she likes such. NOW. Why would I make a good master, you ask? Well, first things first; I am quite  , a most qualifying quality if you ask me (OR ANYONE FOR THAT SAKE!). I also know the ways of the master and am perfectly fitted for such a task; You see, I am much like a chocolate with filling; hard and brown on the outside, but soft and caramel coloured on the inside, and also very sweet and exquisitely tasty and delicious, and once you have had one bite of me, well, you just have

to get some more. *nod* Also, there is the matter of my insanely insane jealousy, which would result in my killing everyone if I didn't end up with my darling Nynaeve (REST EASY THOUGH, I WOULD KILL YOU MOST NICELY, WITH NO PAIN, POSSIBLY WITH POISONOUS CHOCOLATES, AND YOU WOULD ALL DIE WANTING MORE AND WITH A CHOCOLATY SMILE ON YOUR LIPS).

Now, to top off this lovely pproposal, I have deviced a little rhyme for you;


Man, do I love Nynaeve,

For she is nothing like a sieve

Infact, she's very wonderful,

And not-at-all like a large gull!


With that, I end my proposal.




Mystery bidder SIGNING OUT






With 9 votes... Bidder four is your winner with this bid...


Bidder four: Mendorah will spam. She will keep at least one thread going in every ajah (that permits it) for the entire week, and she will post only entirely non-sensical posts. She must have at least 1 post over 200 words, and 1 post with only a single word in each thread. She must make at least one post with only a picture, and 1 post where she does her best to spell a sentence (at least 5 words long) without using any letters. She must use symbols to make letters or represent them. Each one of these threads must reach at least 3 pages in length, and Mendorah must be at least the 3rd top poster in the thread.




With 11 votes... Bidder four is your winner with this bid...


Bidder four: Jaydena will ban all men from her ajah for the week. She will shun them, have all whips and torturing devices confiscated from her ajah members, and she will make a comment in every post she makes within the WT about how she intends to make her ajah into that of the book red’s. She will also make a public proclamation at the beginning of the week about her intentions as I mentioned above, and will also outline how she plans on doing so.




With 14 votes... Bidder five is your winner with this bid...


Bidder five: Dwynwen would have to spend the week arguing insane points without using any logic. She will also shun people who try to use logic when arguing against her, and she will argue every point she encounters within the WT boards(private boards excepted).




With 11 votes... Bidder three is your winner with this bid...


Bidder three: For the Lovely Niamh Sedai, I would do two things, first, I would have her make me cookies. Then I’d make her be evil, and for every evil act she commits, I’ll give her one of the cookies that she made, maybe two if she is exceptionally bad. And she’ll be very evil over the course of the week. I shall make her do many deeds, mayhap she’ll go on a bonding spree, and then cut all those bonded loose, perhaps she’ll start doing some mud wrestling, or start dominating all those she calls friends. And I’ll have her start a cult, nothing like a good cult to get mindless minions out of.


Thanks for all to the people that participated in this auction and for the Yellow Ajah for holding it.


Have a fun Halloween and get lots of candy! So stop by the White Tower to see the exciting events. Never be shy to stop by.


Role Playing Divisions



*The White Tower Division*

(by Tigara)


Current Staff


Jaydena (Division Leader)

Tigara (Assistant Division Leader in Charge of Aes Sedai)

Elgee (Assistant Division leader in Charge of Novices and Accepted: Mistress of Novices)

Muirenn (RP Coordinator: Amyrlin Seat)

Kara_J (Assistant OOC MoN: Keeper)

Quisalas Selene (Biochecker)

Jehaine (Website Mistress)




Taeadra has become the new First reasoner using her NSW, Thanelle Kelgwar.


Quisalas Selene has gained the position of Biochecker.


Player News


Kura, Cairos, and Hadassah are our new members!


Christine has returned to use and brought back her old character Elizabeth!


There are 5 new characters this month!


Jehaine with her new novice, Aeryn Shainrahien

Cairos with his new novice, Hannah Noselle

Christine with her new novice, Melainia "Mel" Mosagina

Tigara with his new novice, Allrianne Viventi

Hadassah with her new novice, Kembial din Maris


RP News


The outline for the much anticipated Bonding RP were released by Covai of the Black Tower. There will be an epic battle, the overthrowing of the M'hael, and a mutual alliance between the White and Black Towers with the Red Ajah leading the pack.


Rumors tell me that the Murder in the Yards RP put on by the Warders Yard will have some involvement from the Black Ajah.  Be on the lookout for some sneaky Sedais.


The Amyrlin, Shevara, is choosing her Keeper. The future Keeper, Raslyn, thinks her plot to get Shevara on the Amyrlin Seat was discovered. What will unfold?


*Wolfkin Div*

(by Taymist - DL)


Staff contacts:


Division Leader (DL) - Taymist

Asistant DL - Andular

Head of the Rangers - Whitewolf/Owen

Head of the Sages - Andular/Miryana

Head of the Trackers - Nynaeve/Winifred



The Wolfkin had one new member this month in the form of Winterwinds and one returning member, Christine, with her character Skylar Rain. Welcome to both and we're looking forward to RPing with them.


The RP has been extra quiet recently as both Tay and Owen have had prolonged absences due to real life issues. They're both back now, however, and classes and training should be progressing as normal again. Andular's leave of absence continues and we hope he'll get back to us soon.


Both Tay and Nynaeve took part in the Dragonmount 10th Anniversary RP, "A Fire In The Sky". If you're interested in reading it, it can be found on the Turnings of the Wheel board.


If you think you'd be interested in becoming a part of the Division, check out the website HERE. The site is constantly being updated. Current members are also advised to check it out.


If you have any queries, you can contact Tay at DMwolfkindiv@gmail.com regarding bios or wolvesinmist@hotmail.co.uk for general questions and just to say hi.


So if you feel you'd enjoy indulging in a bit of fantasy and trying your hand at role playing within Randland, we hope to hear from you soon and do stop by the out of character (OOC) board HERE.





Wheel of Time Section

(by Taymist)


WoT News


Brandon Sanderson's latest novel, The Hero of Ages, (Book 3 in the Mistborn series) debuted at number 21 on the New York Times' bestseller list. It was his first time being listed there so we offer our congratulations to him.


To promote this, Tor Books put out a 3 minute video of Brandon Sanderson talking about his Mistborn series, as well as A MEMORY OF LIGHT. You can check out the video HERE.



News and Announcements


Want to know the latest and most up-to-date happenings around Dragonmount? Then this is the board for you. Current announcements include news on the Staff Mafia Game and Ask The Chosen. You can find all of these and more, HERE.



Community News


EBay Auction


During September and October, Robert Jordan's personal collection of weaponry was auctioned off on Ebay, allowing fans the opportunity to own one of the author's own items.


Some of the items were antiques or highly desirable custom items and they all sold swiftly along with their certificates of authenticity. Certain items had previously been gifted to family and friends, including Greg Kitchens, the "armorer" who facilitated the sales.


The family were naturally keen to have the weapons owned by people who would appreciate and care for them and felt that the fans would be the best people to ensure that. Some items were also put aside to be auctioned off for charitable purposes and Dragonmount.com will be raffling one at JordanCon.





Dragonmount owner, Jason, posted a message to remind members that October 17th would have been Robert Jordan's 60th birthday. As Jason simply said, "We miss you, RJ."



The Stone


Wilson posted on RJ's blog earlier this month to inform us that on a beautiful day, the ledger stone was laid on the author's grave in a quiet family ceremony. Wilson also stated that:


"The stone is simple in form. It is etched with a few words which perfectly describe the gentle giant of a man that he was…..


James Oliver Rigney, Jr.


Born October 17, 1948

Died September 16, 2007


Father  Story Teller

Soldier  Singer"




What exactly IS the Hornsounder?


Hornsounder is the Band of the Red Hand's monthly Newspaper. It evolved from a newsletter into a newspaper in March 2007 when Mystica took over as Editor in Chief and started a full restructuring and re-organisation of what once was not much more than a points earning tool.


Today, Hornsounder is a full sized newspaper that is run by a whole team of people and covers not only news from the Band but also offers a space to all other groups on Dragonmount to share their news and events with the rest of the community. Although the main focus remains on the Band, of course, it is a nice extra forum for other groups to get in touch with those that have not yet been in touch with them as well as offers their members a certain amount of pride to see their beloved group represented in this newspaper. (we hope... )


Hornsounder is open to everyone on DM, regardless of which group they belong to or don't belong to. And this in both ways. Whether you just want to read, play the games or participate in the Competitions, everyone is welcome to join in. The same goes for being actively involved in the Hornsounder as a reporter. Everyone is welcome to participate, write articles, offer a project they would like to run or simply get involved by offering ideas and suggestions to increase the quality of your newspaper.


There are some restrictions where positions are concerned, given that Hornsounder IS the Band's newspaper and therefore Banders do get priority on certain aspects. But this does not exclude the possibility of involvement for Non-Banders who wish to be an active part of it.


Interested in getting involved? contact Mystica through pm and she'll get back to you asap after assessing your suggestion/idea.


How does the Hornsounder work?


Hornsounder, like every real newspaper, is divided into Sections and some of those have Subsections.


Sections are shown by their individual Graphic Headers.

Subsections are shown in BLUE


The Reporter Teams.

Each Section is run by a Section Senior Reporter who is the coordinator of the entire Section, including the subsections. It is their job to make sure all the elements are submitted at the deadline given and meets the required quality standards. Some Subsections are in themselves so big that they too have been assigned a Section Senior Reporter.


The different Sections and Subsections are made up of a series of articles that can be made/written by either the SSR's or by other writers: Junior Reporters. They write parts of the Section contents and work closely together with the SSR's. They get to be mentioned as the author of the articles they write/make, and in case of a Bander get the points that go along with it.


Next to the Section Reporters we also have Project Reporters.

Senior Project Reporters are those in charge of a large project that almost certainly requires the help of Junior Reporters.

Junior Project Reporters are those in charge of small or medium sized projects and may (or may not) need assistance from Junior Reporters.

Which projects are Senior or Junior level is decided by the Editor in Chief on a case-to-case basis.


The Editorial Team is made up by an Editor in Chief, a Senior Editor, a Graphic Editor and Junior Editors. 


The Editor in Chief runs the whole newspaper. Creates and motivates the team, monitors progress and overlooks all Sections and everyone involved, gathers all the submissions and glues it all together into one coherent and appealing newspaper. The EiC also guards the quality of the newspaper, assesses new ideas/suggestions, implements new features and follows up on just about everything. The EiC has the final say on everything though should always strive to find the right balance between her team's ideas, the newspaper's needs and the readers' wishes.


The Senior Editor is the right hand of the EiC and picks up the reins in case the EiC is unable to perform the function. The SE is there to insure that the newspaper is published on time and with the set quality even if the EiC is indisposed.


The Graphic Editor is the left hand of the EiC and is in charge of all the graphical elements of the newspaper. From the Headers to the graphics in the articles, this is all the GE's domain. He/she is the one writers can turn to if they want to liven up their sections or articles with a graphical item.


The Junior Editor, are the assistants of the EiC and SE and tackle a variety of preperatory tasks on the editorial aspect of the Hornsounder. To become a JE one needs to be extremely active, willing and eager to work behind the scenes and be available for whatever the EiC and SE may need them for.


Hornsounder's Teams


Editorial Team

- Editor in Chief (EiC): Mystica

- Senior Editors (SE): Direwolf Jon, Bridmorgan

- Graphic Editor (GE): Son of Battles

- Junior Editor (JE):


Senior Section Reporters

- Band of the Red Hand: Mystica

- Band Org Game: TBD

- Music: TBD

- Columns: Mystica

- Lottery: Uasal

- Travel: TBD

- Banders Real Life: Clim

- Band Awards: Taymist

- JoTS monthly winner: Direwolf Jon

- Archer Regiment: El Nyn

- Cavalry Regiment: Felicur

- Infantry Regiment: Kris

- Raw Recruits: Direwolf Jon

- Redarms: Red Arm Leader of the Term

- Specials: Mystica

- Entertainment: Direwolf Jon

- Dragonmount: Cairos

- Wheel of Time: Taymist


How to be a part of the Hornsounder team.


If you would like to try your hand at being a reporter or you have an idea for a project, a game, a competition or you would like to participate in one of the Sections, then here's your chance!


Send a PM to Mystica with an outline of your idea or request.

She will assess it and give you an answer as soon as possible.

Note: Hornsounder claims the right to make any adjustments to your ideas that might be necessary to insure the quality and coherency of the newspaper.


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