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              A sigh of relief escaped from Kollan as he entered Amador. The journey from Caemlyn had hardly been interesting, and he'd even go as far to say it had been boring. He had already made it once in his life, only to be denied, and have to make the return trip rather sooner then he had expected.

It had not occured to his fifteen-year-old mind to try and find a presence of the Children in Andor, and his body that was not used to such long travel had payed dearly for it. But that had not mattered, becaus it had not affected his resolve, which was still burning brightly. Though, his previous journey had been more exiting, due to the fact that he had never left Andor before. This time he had remembered everything he had seen before, and had seen nothing new. But he was in Amador now, and was heading toward the Fortress of Light to find the Head Clerk.


        He wondered if it would be the sam strange man as three years ago. What was his name again? Ah, yes, it was Roudal. He had indeed been a strange character. Kollan had no grudge against the man, but he prefer it not be him this time. Though in the end, it did not matter who it was, as long as he was accepted. The desire to take revenge against the shadow had been festering inside him for three years, like a wound that could not heal. He would gladly serve the Children in whatever way he could, but his ultimate goal was to find his father. He would make him pay for what he had done. He touched the raven scar that was on the back of his neck, a constant reminder of the events that had occured. He still had night mares of that horrible night


        He had now arrived in front of the Fortress of Light, and saw the smaller building that was the applicant's ofice. He headed for it to see the Head Clerk. But much to his surprise when he opened the door, Roudal was sitting behind the counter. Well, at least it was a familiar face.


Kollan Gaireth

One who wishes revenge on the Shadow


      Kollan yawned, as he sat in one of the hard wooden chairs that was in the applicant's office. He was certain that Roudal had seen him, but did not want to be rude. The man was obviously busy with something, but what and the credibility of it was unknown to Kollan. He sighed and looked at the ceiling, wondering about his future in the Children, and what chance he would have of taking revenge. He continued to think to himself, and wondered in the back of his mind when Roudal would finally be done with the task that was occupying him.


Kollan Gaireth

One who wishes revenge on the shadow


Roudal grunted, the vein on his forehead ever so visible. Anyone who knew him well enough would expect him to burst into a vocal frenzy by now. But instead  he was as silent as a mouse. It seemed that the older he grew, the more he resorted to quiet rage. It was an acquired taste. One he was quick to wave away when he was younger. He believed in expressing himself more than anything. Though he did notice that getting agitated usually didn't seem to gain him any favor.


Roudal's hand was fiddling with his bushy beard as he tried to think about what to do about his wife. She was growing to be an everlasting annoyance to him. But beyond that, the notion of his daughters picking up her behavior frightened him to no end. While their mother might have been a viper, he wished well for his daughters. He wanted them to be proper ladies, an outcome he would expect from their sheltered upbringing.


After what seemed like hours of contemplating, Roudal got up from his chair abruptly, pointing at one of the young clerks. "You're fired, get out!" Two of the clerks looked at each other, clearly unsure which of the two he meant. One of them opened his mouth, but quickly closed it again and left the office, utterly stunned, not to mention confused. Roudal sat back down, strangely satisfied. And People say I need anger management. Pfft. The rest of the clerks in the room watched him wide eyed, but slowly fell back to work.


Roudal spotted from the corner of his eye a young lad waiting to speak to him. Motioning him sharply to come closer, he looked him up and down, sensing some sort of familiarity, yet not managing to place him. "What can I do you for?"





Head Clerk


Kollan finally saw Roudal motion for him to come up to the counter that he sat behind. He walked up, and saw Roudal look him over, as if he was sizing him up.

"What can I do you for?" he asked. Kollan was trying to think of what to say, and also how to not be intimidated by the enormous vein that was coming out of the Head Clerk's forehead. He was just as on edge as Kollan remembered him from three years ago. "Um, I would like to apply to be in the Children of the Light sir" he said, his attention still not completely off of the vein in Roudal's head.


Kollan Gaireth

One who wishes revenge on the shadow


"Um, I would like to apply to be in the Children of the Light sir." Roudal raised an eyebrow. He frequently found people staring at the top of his head for no apparent reason. Realization took over as Roudal fought to keep his eyes from widening. HE WAS GROWING BALD!?!?! No! It can't be! Roudal's ears rang with his wife's mocking laughter. He could picture her crooked knowing smile, finally proving that he was indeed growing too old.


Taking a deep breath, Roudal cleared his mind from the image. That wasn't the time to indulge in his personal feelings. He always put his work first and that day was no different. Giving the youth a weak smile, Roudal hoped the young man did not notice the brief change in his eyes. Not that he would make much of it. Light, I'm sure I've seen him before...


"Very well." Roudal took out a book from his left drawer and opened it up close to its middle. "Specify your full name, age and place of origin, boy. Quick now, boy! I don't have the entire day."





Head Clerk


"Specify your full name, age and place of origin, boy. Quick now, boy! I don't have the entire day." Kollan could tell that the small smile given to him while saying this was forced. "My name is Kollan Gaireth and I am eighteen years of age. I hail from Caemlyn in Andor." Not any longer though he thought to himself. This would be his new home, and he would put everything else behind him that did not matter. It was true that Amador was a foreign place, but he would become accustomed to it in due time.


The vein in the Head Clerk's head was still bulging, as if the man was always worried about something. He really couldn't help but notice that the man had a rather tense aura about him. But in any case, it had not seemed that he had yet remembered Kollan. Oh no he thought my raven scar is burning again! He reached up to rub it, hoping that within time the pain would stop, but deep down knowing that it would not.


Kollan Gaireth

One who wishes revenge on the shadow



Roudal scribbled down the details with his smallish crooked hand writing and then closed the book with a thud. He started to flip through the pile of papers on his desk, grumbling to himself about too much paper work. He continued on to tidying up his desk because per usual, his desk was a MESS!


Roudal looked up, a bit startled to find Kollan still standing there. "Didn't I dispatch you, boy?". Kollan shook his head. "Oh. In that case, find your way to Emanuella's office. She's the Quartermaster. She will take care of your sleeping arragement, your attire and she will give you some basic rules that would most likely make your life slightly easier."


Roudal stared at Kollan for a moment. "Go on now. You won't get any directions from me. You'll need to learn you way around the Fortress and this is as good of time to start as any. Chop chop!".




OOC: Have him react to Roudal, explore the fortress a bit and find his way to Emanuella. :)






Head Clerk





"Go on now. You won't get any directions from me. You'll need to learn you way around the Fortress and this is as good of time to start as any. Chop chop!". Well wasn't that just the warmth Kollan expected from this man. He'd been shocked when Roudal had randomly fired a clerk for no reason. But none the less, he must go see Emanuella. "Erm, thank you for your time sir" he said to Roudal, vein STILL sticking out of his forehead.


Kollan exited the office with no idea where the quartermaster was. He made progress by obviously walking through the Fortress's main gate, but other than that he was without any ideas of finding his way. The daily routine in the Fortress seemed to be taking place. Servants were running around on errands, Children were going about their daily schedules of training and the like, and there was a man in the middle of the courtyard giving a sermon of how evil channeling was. A typical day here he supposed, but what would be in store for him? He forgot about that for the time being, for he had a quartermaster to find.


He saw one of the servants walking, and not looking to much in a hurry. "Excuse me. Where might I find the quartermaster?" At first the servant just stared at him, like he hadn't said a thing, but he soon spoke an answer. "Well the quartermaster do be a busy one. Hard to say where she be at this time o' day, but I would try the mess hall or the storage area." He thanked the servant, who was obviously an Illian, and walked toward what looked like to be the door to the mess hall. Many people, serveants and Children alike, were eating and drinking as other servants ran around to give them thier food, and the kitchen workers yelled out the kitchen door for them to be quicker about it. He did see a woman who looked to be giving orders to servants, and made his way toward her. "Would you perhaps be the quarter master?" She nodded and asked what he needed. Kollan replied with the basic truth. "Roudal sent me to you. I am a new initiate here I suppose you could say."


Kollan Gaireth

One who wishes revenge on the shadow





Emanuella was struggling to keep her eyes open as she went through some accountants books. It was dull material, but she had to dig through them and keep everything up to date. After all the job had to get done, there were no escaping that. But before she did that, she decided to stretch her legs and go to the main storage room to check if any restocking was necessary.


While she was doing so, a young man approached her and told her his name and that he was sent to her by Roudal. Emanuella finished checking up on things and then escorted him back to her study, gesturing him to sit down." Well, as you might know I'm Emanuella, the Quartermaster. First thing first, if you find anything that Roudal told you odd, just ignore it. He tends to exaggerate and I wouldn't like you to get the wrong idea of how things are ran here." Emanuella smiled.


"The Fortress is going to be your home from now on. The first few days will be the hardest. You need to find yourself within these walls. But it will come with time, no doubt." Emanuella flipped thorough her room assigning book. "Looks like you will be entering an empty room. Room number 60. You will be joined with roommates as more recruits join our ranks."


Emanuella closed the book with a thud. "As for superiors, you will know all of their faces, ultimately. In general, though, the military officials wear insignia. The questioners, on the other hand, seldom use the appointed insignia. However, you can distinguish them quite easily. Added to the sunburst icon on their cloaks as the rest of the Children, they have a red shepherd's crook behind it. Impossible to miss. You are expected to address them with the title sir. Added to a bow when it's a Questioner and a saltue when it's a Commander." Emanuella smiled warmly. Kollan would soon learn the politics of the Fortress.


"You will find five sets of uniforms in the closet in your room. Take good care of them. They will not be replaced. As for curfews. You have one day of rest and one afternoon off a week, in which you're permitted to leave the fortress. At any other time you are expected to remain within the Fortress' grounds. Now, if you have any questions, I'll be delighted to answer. But first and foremost. Welcome to the Children of the Light."



OOC: If your character has some questions, RP him asking Emanuella. Otherwise post after me about Kollan's thoughts and him finding his room and settling in... and the entry will be complete :)


p.s: I edited the text you had Emanuella say to your character seeing as it's very uncharacteristic of her to talk in that manner to anyone. She's very polite and proper. And a tip for the future... people can get rather touchy about other people writing their characters saying things, so you should try to either ask the person if the line you're going to insert is ok, or try to refrain from it :)


Great job on the entry!!! ^_^






  • 2 weeks later...

Kollan sighed as he left the Quartermasters study. He was glad that Emanuella had been more cordial then Roudal, for it showed him that some of the people here were actually nice. No offense to the Head Clerk of course, but he always seemed uptight about something. In any case Kollan must now find his quarters, where he would be staying for the foreseeable future. He was sure he may get different quarters as he rose through the ranks of the Children, but these would be where he stayed for now. Room number 58, 59...ah, room number 60. When he opened the door he wasn't surprised at all. A bed was against the back wall, while a plain wooden desk and chair were on one side, and a closet where his uniforms were on the other. Kollan took a seat on the end of the bed. The future seemed bright for him, but he somehow knew that the darkness that haunted his life previously had not diminished.


Kollan Gaireth

A new initiate to the CotL

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