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Hey everyone, so officially I'm gone this saturday to monday (20-22) but here's the deal: We (the marching band) are still expected to be at the game on friday and get home at around 11PM, even though we're leaving at four AM the next day. That means that I am expected to somehow do all of my homework for friday and the makeup homework for monday (that includes learning all of monday's lessons) in the couple hours before the football game :(


Also, since is the last and greatest of our competitions this year, we will be practicing until the wee hours of the night on tuesday and thursday (and I will still be expected to do homework on these days), so that leaves today and wednesday, where I will be enjoying all the time I have to do homework and working on passing AP Chemestry (the teacher dropped the bomb on us that we only have three more tests in the unit, so that means that I have absolutely no room to do badly).


Well, now that I'm done ranting, basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm around for staff duties only until friday, when I leave completely until monday. Then things should be lightening up a little. Sorry to everyone (namely Tig) who I need to post for. :(

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Well, first off there is no afterwords- we sit in the stands and play in the stands during the game, and preform at halftime. But we do get a section of the stands to ourselves, but they're off around the twenty, so I would exactly call them good... but we get free admission to every game. :)

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