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Regulated Weaves List


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This is the list of the reported and known chars that learned regulated weaves of their ranks that requires learning, the list do not contain all info on characters of people that are LoA. If you are not listed where you should be, either contact staff directly, or post the tread where you learned the weave to your progress report.



May learn invertion, no report duty on this so no list will be made.




Cutting Lines of Fire



Avaliable after the release of Chosen through being thougth by a Chosen

Tigara - learned from Graendal




Avaliable from 999 NE, if thougth by another dreadlord who learned it, Mae'shadar or Chosen

M'bela - learned from Semirhage


Use Portalstone

Requires permision to learn


Ward Bore





Damion Anathema


!Jileyna Cassidienne!

$Nalia Lulin$

Nyssa Deschain


!Rasputin Felar!

!Riordan Sevion!

!Terran Neshanter!



!Jileyna Cassidienne!

M'bela wa Askari

$Nalia Lulin$

!Rasputin Felar!

!Riordan Sevion!

!Terran Neshanter!




Create Heartstone


Entering the Dream

M'bela - learned from Semirhage

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eh of course not, i know you used it so asumed you learned it from a chosen during your rp time as thats been the restriction on it, where i got graendal from i dont know


you got the rp you learned it? if not contact me on msn and we will talk about it

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adapt aint allowed to learn them, you train in retro, only mae'shadars could skim and travel for sure as a rule, dreadlords could learn it if their chosen choose to teach em


and intiates may still not learn them even as they been released because they are only released to dreadlords in year 999 NE


but i think i got a sugestion so contact me on msn *s*

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