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So yeah, please dont flame me for this

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I noticed that there aren't many posts made in the rp forums for the band on this site. I think i'm lost.  I posted a thread over there but I don't think anyone will see it, no one has been there in a longtime.  so here is the link. Sorry for getting everyone excited at something they probably thought was something really interesting.  http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,36181.0.html


thanks everyone for all your help and support in these trying times of newbness.




Most of of the RP occurs on the offsite Forum, but if you want to RP you have to rejoin up I do believe and the RP is located under Fighting Jac' o' the Shadows. Welcome back!


I'm sorry. I feel really dumb. Where is this place you are talking about. I have found an offsite forum called the citadel but no one has posted there in a while and no sign of Fighting Jack o'the Shadows


hey, you're getting mixed up about the roleplaying side and the organizational side. the ORG side is just for talking and hanging out together online. The roleplaying side is seperate and is pretty much just for roleplaying. Don't worry about the fighting with the jack o' the shadows thing, that's for this ORG. As for everything I've seen from the band for the RP side, it seems to be pretty dead, but let me know if you find out what everyone's up to because I tried to get back in but it looks to me like it's pretty deserted.


Blade is correct. The RP side is at the bottom of DM. However, there is nothing stopping you joining us on the ORG side as well! We are the better Band after all!  ;D


well hey blade.  I have a nice character forming in my brain and, i dont know, maybe we could rp. If you want to get back in too maybe we could get some others to join in as well. Lets bring back the life of the Band in RP. This is too good of an org to be unrepresented there.


We do have a small RP Board here, which might interest you. Speak to Kara_J about that. You should be able to see it if you have been added to the Band's usergroup.


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