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Objects of the power (Attn Martyn & Geirrin)

Arath Faringal

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Wandering servants barely noticed the silvery blue flash of the gateway as it spun open into the Stone of Tear.  Still not comfortable with it perhaps, but accustomed nonetheless.  It was a fact of life when the Dragon Reborn ruled the place.


As the gateway finished opening, Arath led his small group into the fortress.  After asking a frightened looking servant girl for directions to the Asha'man quarters they sped off down the meandering hallways.  Not much was said as they walked the massive corridors.  This was the first time visiting the Stone for his companions, and they seemed to eagerly drink in the sight.  Even after the Aiel had taken off a large portion of the riches that had been here, the Stone displayed an impressive amount of wealth.


In short order they had located their rooms and stowed their belongings.  They would only be here a few days, but it was good to get comfortable first.  Arath found it difficult to concentrate if some of the less important details were not first taken care of. 


Within an hour of arriving in Tear, the small group set off for the great cache of items of the one power, hidden away from the world for so long by the Tearans.  At last, a chance to study the work of ages past and relearn their secrets.


OOC:  Post your arrival/reactions, and then we'll have fun with the trinkets. :)

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How long had it been since he had last been in Tear? Martyn couldn't help but count the months he had spent at the Black Tower, months that had started with a trip from Tear and back to the Andor that had become like his second home. It felt almost ironic that the same journey to control saidin would now take him back to Tear again, or more precisely to the cache of ter'angreal stored in the vaults of the Stone. As per Araths order, they wouldn't be allowed to channel for the duration of the trip, though that would be the least of his worries. Still plagued by his 'block', as they called it, he doubted he could even if he wanted to, though he supposed that was a reason to have picked him for the trip in itself.


He took a deep breath, sweat starting to bead on his face as his body started to become accustomed to the drastic change in both climate and temperature. The air was much more moist here, and this change was far less gradual than the last time he had traveled to Tear, being on foot. Aside from needing to adjust to the local climate though, he was feeling fine, and prepared to head deeper into the Stone. It would be cooler there, he knew, though the humidity would still be the same. Wiping some sweat from his forehead before it had a chance to run into his eye, he looked behind him and waited for Geirrin to step through as well after getting out of the room. He didn't want to get caught in one of those portals by standing around in the room itself. After all, he'd be needing his limbs intact...




Still has all his limbs

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Geirrin was the last through the gateway with his pack slung over his shoulder.  He traveled lightly, even so the pack was an annoyance.  He was happy to hear that they were going to make for their rooms to rid themselves of their belongings.  He followed absentmindedly, his thoughts were on gateways not the servants in the hallways or the direction of their travel.  His thoughts were on gateways, he could travel to his former home, the small fishing village west of Godan and back to the Stone of Tear now.  He could if he was allowed to channel that is.  The Attack Leader had given them strict orders not to channel without his saying so.  An odd command though necessary, every other day they were made to use the power for everything, pushed to use as much Saidin as they could manage.


Geirrin dropped his pack in the room that would be his while they remained in the stone. He eagerly headed for the hallway to meet the others then followed as they made their way to the cache.  He was excited to see what it held.  He would have to be extra careful not to do anything foolish, he was known for being careless.  A wonder the Attack Leader had decided to bring him along...


Geirrin Hale

Trying not to burn them all out


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Arath wasn't sure what to think when they first entered the storeroom on the lowest levels of the fortress.  It was almost as if they had stepped into another world when they had opened the door.  Where the rest of the Stone was kept exquisitely clean under the direction of the first servant, it appeared that these rooms had seldom seen a living human for many a year, let alone a duster.


Puffs of dust leapt into the air every time they moved, and the air felt stale.  Underneath the vast amount of dust lay the most massive assortment of junk that Arath had ever seen.  Tables and chair were piled high with huge amounts of random clutter, much of it in various states of rot and ruin.  As his gaze swept over the assorted clutter, Arath took a deep breath.  And promptly choked on the heavy dust cloud he had kicked up.  Feeling a little embarassed, he tentatively reached out toward the source, drawing only the faintest amount of Saidin.  Thin tendrils of air and water swept down the path in front of him, carefully avoiding contact with any objects, even the most mundane looking.  Moisture from the air saturated the dust as it was swept up into a small pile, turning the dust into mud.  A quick touch of earth and fire turned the mud into a small dry pile of clay.  Not an elegant solution to the problem, but effective.  And the most he dared do.  Even with that tiny amount of channeling Arath had felt the vast number of artifacts responding to the proximity of the one power.


He shuddered as he looked to his companions.  "Be careful in here.  You never know what might set off a ter'angreal.  You don't even need to channel into some of them."  As they acknowledged his warning, Arath turned back to the daunting task at hand.  First, they would need to sort things out.  Seperate the mundane from the magical so to speak.  Then began the even more dangerous task of examining.  With a shrug, Arath set to work.  Hopefully he could find his answers quickly and be gone.


OOC:  Start digging :P  Have fun with it.  Describe things you pick up, maybe have a funny misfire or two, describe some random thing from our age that made it into the stores.  I dunno.  Imagination is the limit on this one.

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Martyn looked around at the various objects which at first sight held no real purpose as far as he could tell. What use was a wooden cross as tall as a man, for example, which looked like it had nails driven in the ends? Or a lidded jar made of of a metal of some kind that seemed to be used to hold a liquid of some kind? Though it could see some use as a more damage resistant waterskin, it was also smaller and its cilindrical shape meant it wouldn't fit as well.


Picking up one of the items -- a sword hilt without a blade -- it produced a shining red bar of light, humming as the light itself took the form of a blade. The device was practically weightless as well, it really did make a good sword if one could get used to the humming. He noticed an inscription on the pommel and when he looked closer he could make out 'Property of D. Vader, please return when found' with a name of a city he did not recognise. Putting the thing down again, the blade winked out as soon as he let go of the hilt, and he went on to search for other items. He tried to remain careful though, even though he wasn't channeling some of these ter'angreal did indeed trigger on something other than being channeled at, it seemed.




Looking through stuff

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  • 2 weeks later...

Digging through the relics of ancient times was hard work.  Especially for someone who had grown accustomed to doing all of his digging with the One Power.  Most of the stuff in the hold was useless.  Merely things that had looked unusual at one point in time.  But the number of real ter'angreal that they found was awe inspiring.


One of the more curious items Arath found was a small cube composed of several smaller cubes.  A half dozen different colors were scattered all over the thing in a seemingly random pattern.  Every side seemed to move independantly, allowing for a seemingly endless number of color combinations on each face.  Arath couldn't begin to fathom what such a thing would be for, though it reminded him of a blacksmith puzzle for some reason.  He played with the thing for nearly twenty minutes, even managing to gather all of the red squares on one side before he set it aside and moved on.


Several of the mundane items caught his eye just as easily as the ter'angreal he sought.  A large, oddly shaped box with one side made of dark glass and what looked like copper wires coming from the opposite side.  A small yellow tube with three white holes on the darker bottom.  The thing was squishy, and contained inside a transparent wrapping.  Some sort of white substance came out of the holes when he applied pressure to it.  He somehow got the impression that this thing was older than most of the ter'angreal, though it clearly had nothing to do with the power.  Odd.


A grey, palm size disc drew his gaze after a while.  When he picked it up he immediately felt the One Power latent within it.  Carefully, he turned the object over and examined it.  There was a thumb shaped depression in the middle of the disc, and a complex design sprialed outward in blue and yellow lines.  Gingerly, Arath touched his thumb to the indent and flinched when a loud noise errupted from the disc.  A deep, low, moaning sound filled the air, along with an odd gurgling sound.  Almost as if he were listening to something singing under water.  What startled Arath more than the sound though, were the thin flows of spirit that the device seemed to draw by itself.  When he touched his thumb to the center again, the noise ceased and the flows coming from the ter'angreal cut off.


Delighted with the discovery, Arath continued examining the device, hoping to discover what made the thing work, and hoping even more fervently that he might be able to duplicate it.



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