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Dare You To Dance (OPEN RP)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Place : Green Inn (Also known as the Green Advocate)


Open to: All (Including Trainee/TG/Warders and Accepted/AS Alike.)


Dress : Formal!! Lets see those gowns girls!!


RP Background : A week prior, after a night of drinking, a bet was set that resulted in Aran taking Cairma to a Dance. Aran, being the gentleman that he was, woke Cairma in a hangover stupor only to be chased through the yard in only a wet white shirt and her Zwiehander sword. This may be memorable to your character if they are an early riser. ;) So an Informal Invite to a Formal dance has begun!

Threads 1 2 3


In Character:


:::: The night was clear and crisp. The stars twinkled just out of reach as the night life in Tar Valon bustled about. The Tower gleamed in it's majesty against the threads of light from the moon. Carts that stayed open with games and food from varied area's beckoned to those that passed by them. And in a Inn not far from the Guard Entrance, a Inn keeper was busy picking up the trails of decorations her twin boys had pulled down. With a humph of frustration she picked them both up and handed them to their father to take to bed.


--- She was nervous. Extremely nervous. Clutching her cloak, Cairma held onto Aran's arm daintily wishing to grip it with her might and beg him to take her back to the Yard. But instead they were on their way to Daemon's Wife's Inn, dressed in a formal Sharan silk with a Domani cut and her Tower Guard cloak pulled around her to keep her skin from getting too cold. The dress made her feel oddly self conscious and yet powerful at the same time. She didn't completely understand that feeling. She muttered as much under her breath.


"In the right dress, any woman has power, and you've just found it."


Cairma smiled. "And i suppose you just think that because you picked it out."


The man smirked evilly, and she wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. "A bit, but a dress is nothing without the right woman to wear it." Cairma blushed brightly. He got too far under her skin, and she will just have to trounce him in the yard later.


"Only as good as the arm of the man she's with, i suppose." She winked a little, and he laughed. They walked for a bit in silence.


"Thank you." was all she said, before they entered the Inn, music already playing. She looked and gave him a brilliant smile. "And if you tell anyone, I'll break you so that even an Aes Sedai can't fix you." And with a wink she walked into the Green inn.


There were greeted with warmth and music that was already filling the surprisingly large room. It was clear that this place acted more as a restaurant than an Inn. With rich smells of cedar wood, mouth-watering food from the kitchen, it was much nicer then a general tavern one might just walk into for a drink. Streamers of painted silver and what some might call 'balloons' surround the high walls and each table was lit with candles and the stage bright and the dance floor polished. The rest of the room consisted of a bar area, tables, private booths, and a side bar with plates of food that allowed people to help themselves. There was even a area to shoot daggers on one of the side walls well away from the dance floor. it seemed a little out of place, but if someone wasn't up for a dance, there were always other ways to entertain themselves.


"Welcome to my Inn." A woman with brilliantly long blonde hair walked up to them with a warm motherly-like smile. She was dressed in a simple light mint green silk gown, but had a small apron around her waste that seemed quite out of place. The Aura around the woman was intoxicating. But there was something else a little 'off' about the woman that she couldn't quite place. She was quite sure that she looked the same age as her, but, there was no way to tell.


"So, this is your inn." Cairma surveyed it with a smile, "than you must be .."


"Arie Ronshor." She smiled. "Come in and Make yourself comfortable. My husband will be down in a moment. he is just keeping the Boys from getting out of bed." Arie chuckled to herself and then headed back around the bar, talking to one of the staff hands.


"Funny. I Just don't SEE Daemon with kids. It's kind of a scary thought.. Well, Shall we?" She smiled to Aran, sweeping her hand to the room. "Pick a Seat, any seat."



Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard.

all "pretty and grown up" like..

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Their banter was fun as they made their way to the inn, Aran certainly enjoyed himself. Of course, that was as long as they proceeded at a slow pace, despite the worst of the pain being gone he was still rather tender. Light but he had not expected her to move so quickly, or maybe the slap had slowed him just a little too much with the surprise tht she hadn't used her knee first. How he was going to manage dancing he wasn't quite sure.


Reaching the Green Advocate, Aran smiled at first then chuckled at Cairma's words before they went inside.


He'd been to the Green Advocate a few times before. Well, that wasn't much of a surprise, he'd been to just about every drinking establishment in Tar Valon, not to mention all the ones in the outlying villages. Still, he'd kept a rather low profile in the Green Advocate as Grandmaster Ronshor's wife, Arie Tarou, owned the place. The last thing he wanted was the Grandmaster's ire for causing too much of a ruckus, and her inn was too classy for some of the things he liked to get up to.


On the otherhand, it was perfect for the dance tonight. He hadn't even undone the first button of his coat when the owner of the inn came to them. Mistress Tarou wore a simple yet elegant dress, clashing with the apron she wore over the top of that in turn. Daemon had done well in terms of the wife he'd managed to find, possessed of a natural lady-like grace. Not cold though, rather there was an earthy warmness to the smile that she gave them.


Letting Cairma speak and keeping his own counsel, Aran watched as Arie walked away only to have Cairma catch his attention once more. Deciding to pick a table close to the floor that had been cleared for dancing and large enough only for the pair of them, he relieved her of her coat and held her chair for her as she sat down. She had seemed somewhat reluctant to relinquish it, her dress clear for all to see now. Domani cut was one thing, but Sharan silk only added to its allure. Taking the coat behind the bar with Arie's consent, he took his own off and left it in a sideroom between the bar and kitchen.


Returning to Cairma, he smiled as she studied his clothing anew now that he didn't have the cloak to conceal it. A small table, he took his place on the opposite side of it. While he normally sat right next to someone, it was a formal occasion and a big night for Cairma, so he would give the formality a go. At least until later in the night, if they were seated then at all. Over Cairma's shoulder, he saw a couple more people enter the inn.


"At the rate people are arriving, we might be started a little earlier than expected. Would you like something to drink by any chance?"




Tower Guard

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After finishing her training session with her mentee, Rosheen made her way back to the barracks. She’d been looking forward to this moment all day, or rather, ever since she heard Aran would take Cairma to a dance. It would be brilliant. She hadn’t actually been there to see Cairma chase Aran thought the yards, but proof of her anger was quite visible on Aran’s poor tree. She wondered if Aran would live through the dance, or if Cairma would trample him before the night had even properly begun. Of course she had her own reasons for looking forward to the dance as well. Dancing had been a part of her training, to add to her natural grace and flexibility. If one added to that the fact that her mother had been a bit of a Tinker at heart… Alden had been quite pleased with her ability to dance the Tiganza, even if he’d immediately taken the opportunity to comment on the lack of sensuality in her movements. She frowned slightly at the memory. Just because she didn’t shake her hips like the average tavern wench…


She discarded those thoughts as she entered the room she shared with Lyv. The chance that she’d dance the Tiganza any time soon was quite slim, and her formal dancing was just fine. Well, probably not quite as good as the dancing of the average Cairhienin noble, but she got by. With a grin she opened the box that she and Lyanna had collected not too long ago. Rosheen had never been one to wear a dress without a frown, but this dress… well, it deserved a little smile at least. She dressed swiftly, enjoying the feeling of silk as it slid down her skin. The dress was made of two parts, one pure green silk, clinging to her skin the way only silk could, and the second part made of dark lace straight out of Murandy. Despite the different fabrics from different nations, the dress was made in a traditional Tarabonner style, clinging to her bust, hips and stomach the way a second skin would. With some effort Rosheen buttoned the two little buttons in her neck, closing the high collar of the dress above a tear shaped opening that left a good portion of her back uncovered.


After some fumbling with it, the dress finally looked as though it belonged right there, on Rosheen. She couldn’t help but grin in the mirror. Lyanna would be proud of her lack of resistance to wearing the dress. She did kick up a fuss about the shoes Lyanna had proposed though. There was no way Rosheen was ever wearing high heels again. Heels were for short women, not for those who stood as tall, or even taller than the average man at the yards. Instead she pulled on her subtle black leather boots. Much better for dancing too, even if Alden seemed to dislike the thought of dancing with a woman wearing boots. She shook her head slightly at the thought. “You’d think a man would be pleased with a woman who doesn’t tower over him.†She muttered. Another glance at the mirror told her that she didn’t need the heels to look feminine. The dress hinted at a lot of things, but it didn’t reveal anything. Just the way she liked it. A second glance at the mirror brought a little frown on her face though. She’d forgotten all about her hair.


Now the average woman would not be too worried about the state of her hair. No, the average woman would probably braid it like Lyv did every now and then, or she would wear it on top of her head in little ringlets. Rosheen very much doubted that her Mohawk would look appealing in little ringlets. With a sigh she brushed it all to one side, until the longest strands of it touched her jaw. A little kohl around her eyes finished the image she was trying to create. “Take that, Alden.†She muttered. Not feminine, eh? Whoever mistook her for anything but female now would be a blind bat. Or Aran, but he’d probably do it on purpose. With a smile on her face, she wandered out of her room, towards the gates. Vasya had better be there already. She didn’t spend all this time getting dressed up just to wait for some fool man to show up late.


~Rosheen Tahn Sakhr

TG in a dress.

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Guest Celes

How could it be night already? Lyv looked up at the stars as they appeared on the sky above her and sighed. She had been walking around the city walls with Jacks and Ben all day. Ben was a city guard who had asked the two guards to do a round with him as their company was struck by food poisoning. Lyv did not mind and the newly promoted guard Jacks was up for some fun as she called it, though little fun it was as they kept circling all the walls, checking for creaks that smugglers could use. They found one guy trying to cut a purse, but he was sent off to the city guard jail without much hassle. They walked back to the barracks after saying goodbye to Ben Lyv looked around her and noticed a couple walking in the direction of Tar Valon all dressed up in their best outfits.


She grinned and gave Jacks a soft nudge, “What are they up to?†at which the girl said, “They’re off to the party in the Green Inn, did you not hear?†Lyv thought on this and nodded, yes she had heard of a party and had even said she might be there but then she joined the city guard for a few days and she had not seen any of her friends in the meantime. “You think Rosheen will be there?†she asked Jacks who pointed towards a beautifully dressed woman walking over the bridge to the city. “That’s Rosheen? Wow, she looks beautiful,†Lyv was impressed and took her friend by the hand, “Let’s go to that party too,†Lyv was pulled back by the other woman who said, “First let’s get cleaned up a little, or we might embarrass those who did their best,†Lyv grinned and added, “Girl.†Then the two of them hurried to the barracks to change and clean up.


Jacks, a young woman with short cropped blonde hair and auburn eyes was dressed quickly and came by Lyv’s room who was still in her undergarments staring at the dress Leah had gotten her a long time ago. “What is it, doesn’t it fit you?†Lyv shook her head, “I’m sure it does, but I have not worn it in so long, not since…†Jacks nodded and pulled her to her own room just down the corridor. “I have something for you,†she said and pulled out a black dress that would cling to the skin but had a nice line in it that made it very simple and elegant. Lyv tried it on and stood in front of the mirror, feeling very different from the guard on watch duty she had been just a few hours before. “Let’s go,†she said and brushed through her hair a bit, it was hanging loosely over her shoulders and she was not quite used to that feeling, as usually she wore it in braids.


Jacks had put on a light blue dress with a round collar that was cut quite deep and had combed her hair back behind her ears, the whole look made her look years older and very pretty. With a grin at her friend, Lyv told that if she got into trouble, she might not have her back. They started for the door and Lyv turned one last time to view herself in the mirror. For a woman who was used to dresses, she looked quite plain, a simple black dress that only accentuated her figure, unlike Jack’s dress that was not so clingy but more revealing. “Let’s go turn some heads!†she heard the other woman call out and with their cloaks around their shoulders the two women headed down to the city.


They found the inn and walked in to find the crowd already busy with drinking and partying. Jacks found a friend of hers and was off to dance with him, leaving Lyv to find herself a drink and have a nice look around at the other guests. She smiled as Jacks came walking up to her soon after the dance, informing her that the guard she had been dancing with already had too much to drink to remain upright. Lyv got them both a cup of spiced wine while they looked around for Aran and Cairma who had set up the party.


Lyv Tylin

Jacks (NPC friend)

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The dress code was formal,and so Daemon dressed formally.Or intented to,as he was still looking at the closed doors of his wardrobe.He had a very clear on what to wear,and so he pulled that outfit out of the wardrobe.It has been years since he had wore the official Queen Guard uniform.First a white shirt found itself onto his small clothes,then a pair red pants,with white emrbodery on the edges.A red top with the white lion of Andor on the front and sleeves.On his hand a pair of white gloves.In this uniform Daemon headed down into the common room,where the dance was soon to begin.Getting there a smile appeared on his face. Arie was busy restoring the decoration that Kastor and Kolin had pulled down. She obviously was not happy with the boys. Noticing his smile,she picked up the twins and handed them to him.


"Here." She passed them to him with a surprising amount of strength and skill. "Deal with them before i bind them with the wrapping they just pulled down."


Daemon looked at the twins, which returned a look very familiar to Daemon.


"Well boys will be boys and ... " - Arie turend to give him an also familair look. - " ... and I think it is time for the boys to go to bed,I will be back shortly my love." - he gave her a kiss before heading back upstairs.


Once upstairs in their room,Kastor and Kolin decided to play their favourite game - "Let's give the parent a hard time getting us into bed." Once inside their room, they started running arround like crazy! Unfortunatly for them their father was a Grandmaster of Speed and Path of the Blade.Once the boys feet touched the ground they split in two directions,Kolin heading for his favourite hiding place under the table,while Kastor was set on putting the bed between him and his dad. Daemon just watched with a smile. Ever since they began walking they seemed to greatly enjoy trying to run away from him, something that they never tried when Arie was putting them to bed. One of these days he should really ask her what secret weapon did she applied. But now was time for the twins to get some sleep. Daemon, who in one moment seemed to be shaking his head with a smile on his face in the middle of the room, was the next moment next to the table, Kolin in his hands. The next Kastor blinked as his father suddenly appeared infront of him. The boy tried to crawl under the bed but he ws swiftly picked up by Daemon. Putting both in their bed,Daemon smiled as he tucked them in.


"Keep trying boys, perhaps one day you'll best me"


Perhaps, but that day was not now.With the boys asleep Daemon could now go down in the common room, and so he did, to find it filling up quite fast. There were already people he recognized, though he had to look twice at the woman in the blue domani dress to make sure it is Cairma. Looking for Arie he found her, still wearing her apron, and still helping out behind the bar. Shaking hei head Daemon walked straight to her, a smile apearing on his face as their eyes met. And Daemon could swear he could hear gasps among the people present, most of which knew him from the Yards, as he smiled. Most of them probably thought that he is incapable of such emotions.


"Still wearing that, my love?" - he asked. - "I do belive that our guests are waiting and would love another chance to talk with the hostess"

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“I will not Darrik.†Orion shook his head slowly, his sightless eyes facing foreward as he began to undo the laces of his boot. Why would he want to go into Tar Valon to someplace where there was some Tower Guards dancing, a party of some sorts. Darrik had said he wanted to go watch, and had insisted Orion join him but what could he do. He could not watch because he was blind, and he had always been told he had two left feet when it came to dancing. He danced with steel, not women.


Orion could almost feel the annoyance coming from Darrik’s voice as he continued. “You need to get out more, there is more to life than training students and working with those blades of yours. You’ve spent to much time brooding over this Aes Sedai of yours, and I haven’t even seen her. Tells you a lot about what she thinks of you.†Orion grunted and pulled off his boot slowly, but slowly his mind was beginning to change. The last time he had left to forget his troubles in the city had led to an equally enjoyable encounter.


Orion shook his head ruefully as he started to pull at his other boot. “Am I supposed to wear something special.†Darrik laughed triumphantly, a rather annoying sound.


Orion straightened out the edges of his jacket, using his fingers to feel out the wrinkles, and waited for Darrik to say anything about his appearance because he could not. Orion was wearing his best, though his best was not really that good. He knew it looked all right, but could not remember for the life of him what color it was. He only knew it was his best from the feeling of the cloth.


Orion turned and began to make his way from the Barracks slowly, Darrik’s senseless chatter about the night ahead only serving as something for Orion to follow through the streets so he would not lose his way. Darrik had long ago learned how annoyed Orion was when people tried to guide him. He could follow the sounds easy enough.


Darrik pushed open the door and the noise of the party flooded outwards. Orion slid past Darrik as the man held the door and slowly slipped into the void. Enveloped in the void, as well with his heightened hearing, individual voices began to spring out and Orion was able to at least get some semblance of place in the room. Darrik led him to a small table and ordered some drinks, and Orion sat by himself slowly sipping his wine as Darrik went to find someone to dance with.



Orion Mantier

Darrik- NPC Friend

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Llugh looked in the mirror and shook his head. It had been so long since he had been in anything formal that he thought he looked ridiulous.


He had been out traveling on the roads for a long time. Uniforms were hardly more then travel clothes. He pulled his hair back into a ponytail and secured it with a leather thong.


He had went and bought the clothes he was wearing a week ago when he had heard about the party.


Black boots, black pants, black tunic, black longsleeve shirt, and a black cloak. The black shirt had black thread going up the sleaves in the forms of blackvines going up the sleeves and the pants were the same way also. The cloak was trimed with gray cloth. He left his weapons in his room..He doubted he would need them.


He left out of the Tower in silent thought. He doubted he would know many if any at all at this party. There were many new faces that he had not seen before.


He followed the crowds as they were makin

g there way to there. He walked in the door and surrendered his cloak. He looked around for anyone he knew without luck. Then he noticed a beauty in a very interesting dress. It was made up of different fabrics and workmanship. He saw the part of her head was shaved and the rest combed over.


Llugh walked over and stopped in front of Rosheen offering her his hand and arm.


"may I have this dance?:


Llugh of the Strong arm

Tower Guard

Master of the Path of the Blade

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Frowning, Vasya found himself wondering why he'd even bothered. It wasn't that he didn't cut a good figure, black from coat to boots, the only variation was the crimson red doublet he wore underneath the coat. All Murandian design, and therefore a great deal of fine lace, it had been a gift to him from a number of years ago. On a trip to Murandy, he had come across the lady whose eye had resulted in him being set on his course to Tar Valon. No ill will between them, they even picked up where they left off for a short time, the outfit was a parting gift from her.


Making sure he had everything he needed, he made his way to the gate where he was to meet Rosheen. While he was going so he could see if Cairma wiped the floor with Aran, he had to grudgingly admit the man was useful. Despite how disruptive he was, within a week of meeting Aran she'd started to come out of her shell, which meant she'd be more useful to the company as a whole. Then again he also had to cause trouble with Ginae, though he had to admit he'd laughed long and hard when he heard Aran had fooled a young lad not even signed into the trainee roll to slap Ginae on the arse. Of course, he'd also laughed when he heard she broke his hand.


But Aran was only one of the reasons he was going. The night with Rosheen... Well, it definitely wasn't love, but it had been rather nice from what bits he could remember and a second night wouldn't go astray. Not that chances were high on that, but she had agreed to go to the dance which was something.


It was awhile before she arrived, but he had to admit he was impressed. He hadn't figured there was much else that could be done with a mohawk, but where there was hair, women had a way. Offering her his arm, they made their way into the city.


The Green Advocate was filling steadily by the time they arrived. Taking her cloak, he went to put it away as well as his own coat. By the time he returned, he noticed that someone else had moved in while he was gone, Llugh. She hadn't gotten rid of him, so she was clearly busy talking. The decision from there was simple, to find something to drink.



Vasya Paranov


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Much to her surprise Vasya was indeed already waiting for her at the place they had agreed to meet. Surely she hadn’t taken that long… A glance at the absent sun told her that she had. She smirked slightly. Give a woman a dress and she will act womanly with it, that was for sure. Then again, the look Vasya sent her way meant that it had definitely been worth the effort. He didn’t look all that bad himself, for that matter. Somehow she hadn’t expected him to own any fancy clothing. He seemed like a training gear and battle gear only type of man. Nothing like Aran, who prided himself in looking as flashy as possible. Another faint smile curved her lips as she thought of how fancy he had looked during his blademaster ceremony. She hadn’t quite forgiven him for that yet, but by now she could at least see the humour of it. Fortunately the other blademasters had dropped the subject, writing it up as inexperience on her part, rather than a deliberate failure from Aran. Inexperience… bah. As if she couldn’t judge a mans skill after seeing him fight.


The walk to the Green Advocate was relatively quiet, with a comment here and there. Rosheen found it was rather hard to have a conversation with a Vasya. How was she supposed to address him now? What were they? Technically he was still her Captain, but was that all? Where they friends now? More than friends? By the time they reached the inn owned by Daemon’s lovely wife, Rosheen was quite frustrated with the situation. She was sure Lyv never had these kinds of problems. Then again, she didn’t think Lyv would go for a drunken roll in the hay with her Captain. The thought of Lyv pouncing on Ralleigh brought a smile on her face. No, that wasn’t likely at all. Still, there had to be some sort of guideline for this. She found she was chewing her lower lip as she watched Vasya walk off to dispose of her cloak and his coat. Being a warrior was so much easier than being a woman sometimes. Maybe she should ask Lyv. She didn’t seem to have any problems with it…


Her musings were interrupted by the presence of a man, suddenly appearing in front of her. She scolded herself for not noticing him sooner. All this woman business was seriously interfering with her abilities as a warrior. It took her a moment to recognise the man standing in front of her. Tall, blue eyed, brown haired, muscular… “Llugh.†She said, smiling slightly at the other blademaster. She didn’t know him all that well. Her eyes widened slightly when he asked her for a dance. Her eyes wandered over to where Vasya had gone. Would he mind? Did she care if he minded? Light, this was confusing. She smiled at Llugh again. “Of course you may.†Vaysa could wait a bit. She allowed Llugh to guide her over to the dancefloor, where quite a few couples were already making their way through a dance. Effortlessly they fell into the rhythm of the dance. It was something formal. Rosheen couldn’t put a name to the dance even though she knew the steps.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Arie's eyes sparkled with laughter as she smiled at her husband. Pulling the apron over her head, she set it behind the door that lead to the kitchen.


"Why should I mingle when we should open up the dance floor with the first round?" She leaned up and kissed Daemon's cheek and took his hand, with a very firm grip. He was not getting out of this one! Two left feet or not, she was going to dance with her husband, and he better enjoy it! Secretly she knew he would do anything for her, even allowing those he kept Company with see him smile when she was in the room. If he consciously knew he did or not, she didn't know, but it warmed her, even after all these year, that he did.


Pulling him into the formal dance, she smiled brightly up at him. Wondering if letting him know that she was thinking of leaving town for a bit might ruin the night. Most likely. Instead, she let him twirl her around on the dance floor, enjoying the evening as she kept her ears open as like many things, old habits die hard. Especially for one of her age.




Cairma smiled politely as another greeted her and Aran. But she was kept a little on edge with a few looks their way, not only from Rosheen, but also from others. She looked to Aran with a bit of a playful look. "As was bet on, shall we dance? If no one asks me, you do realize that it will be up to you to ensure the bet is paid in full."


She kept a fair bit of her emotions pooled away from her face. The day had taken its toll on her, and if it were not for the few cups of tea she guzzled down and her regular training she would be in bed and her mind wandering the dream world. It surprised her how much energy she lost through emotional battles, unlike physical ones where she could at least hope for a swift hit in the head to knock her out. Beatings were one thing. Crying was a whole different game that she didn't like to play.


Standing, she held out her hand, as if waiting for him to escort her to the dance floor. In the dress she was wearing meant that she could hide no weapon easily, but she wasn't without means of torture. Including a dance of her feet constantly on his, on purpose. "Shall we?"





Arie Ronshor

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As confident as Aran was with dancing, he'd deliberately tried to put it off as long as possible. While most of the pain was gone, it was still sensitive even now. Not that he was angry at Cairma about it, that was the risk he took when he played his jokes and he'd stumbled across a sore spot. So when she asked him to dance, he rose and took her hand with a smile on his face but inwardly he hoped they kept the dances slow at least for awhile longer.


It was only a quartet so far that played, a pair of violins, a flute and a lute. There were more seats where the quartet sat, no doubt more instruments would be added as the night went on. Leading Cairma amongst the dancers to the middle of the floor, he gently spun her around slipped an arm around her as she laid her hand on his shoulder.


Any fears he had about her not being able to dance were quickly discarded. Leading the way, she matched his movement with an ease that bespoke a practiced dancer. Yet she'd locked herself off from others, which then begged the question of where she'd learnt. A question for a later time, he was more interested in focusing on the moment. That and looking up, she was taller than him to begin with and the inches her heels added only made it more obvious. If his gaze strayed down he had a feeling he was going to end up with both cheeks smarting instead of one.


So passed several easy dances, all of them from different countries. Then again, Tar Valon was rather cosmopolitan in that respect, another reason he liked the city. You could find a bit of anywhere if you looked hard enough. All the while, Aran was enjoying himself, as was Cairma or so he supposed. She hadn't trodden on his feet yet, and as she seemed to know what she was doing, that was a good sign. If he'd been doing poorly, he had little doubt she would've made it clear.




Tower Guard

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Llugh fell into step with Rosheen easily. Dancing was second nature to a Saldean and he had had plenty of chances for practice. She was a graceful dancer he would give her due credit for that. Though on second thought..in the dress she was wearing he shouldn't have been suprised.


He had heard rumors about this one. That she was unwomanly. However what he saw before him today told him otherwise. He was silent for part of the dance just enjoying the atmosphere.


"So what brings a beauty like you out on such a night?"


He knew it was a corny line..yet all other words had seem to have deserted him at that point.


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard

Master of the Path of the Blade

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The dance was pleasant enough. Llugh danced with an ease that spoke of years and years of practise. It shouldn’t have surprised her. Many blademasters had had at least some training in dancing, to improve their balance, or just because they were expected to attend formal meetings and balls over at the White Tower. Rosheen hadn’t been asked to do such a thing yet, but that didn’t matter. She had only been a blademaster for a short period of time, and she doubted the Aes Sedai really wanted to have another woman around on their dances. For a group of women that were supposed to be ancient and wise they could be awfully fickle and childish when given the chance. Not that Rosheen would ever say such a thing out loud…


She was shaken from her thoughts by a comment from Llugh. It took her a moment to register what she said, but when it did, she laughed. A beauty, she… things certainly had changed. She had to admit she filled the dress out a bit better now that she had been able to when she was eighteen. The days when she was just arms and legs and elbows were long gone. “Why, I’m here to dance, can’t you tell?†she jested, smiling at her dancepartner. “Though in truth, I think it’s safe to say that most of the Tower Guard present are here to see Aran fall on his face.†A twirl had her facing Aran and Cairma as they danced. They looked a little silly, with him being as short as she was, and her height enhanced slightly by high heels. Their movements were graceful enough to make one forget such things though. “It looks like he’ll escape another beating.†She muttered.

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Llugh looked over to where Rosheen was watching and saw Cairma and Aran dancing. He nodded to Cairma when she looked up. She had been a former protege and it was good to see that she was doing well. He turned his attention back to his partner.


"Ah yes it seems my former protege is doing rather well. But then I would expect nothing less from her. But now back to you a much more lovely topic I would say."


He winked at her falling back into the game again. Muscles that had been tense for so long started to relax just a bit. He had been in a constant state of readiness for so long he didn't know how to truely relax anymore, but here there was little threat to him or anyone else. Unless the shadowspawn had gotten a huge dose of courage to attack Tar Valon itself which he highly doubted.


"So tell me. If this were a common dance and not one of such ettiquette..would it be unwise for me to ask for another dance?"


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard

Master of the Path of the Blade

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"Why should I mingle when we should open up the dance floor with the first round?" - Arie said with a smile and a kiss.And then took his hand in a grip surprisingly strong for a woman of her build. Well she had a good reason to keep such a strong grip, Daemon was known for his avoidance of dancing.He was not able to dance at all before he met Arie, and it was only thanks to her determination, and endurance to ignore all the times he had stepped on her toes, that Daemon knew how to dance today. And he absolutly loved dancing with her, only playing teh reluctant dancer for the old time's sake, and for the smile it put on her face everytime he did so.Somewhere in the mids of it it changed, no longer was he dragging him to dance, he was now leading her gracefully to the dancefloor, where other couples have already taken the liberty of opening the dance. There was Llugh and Rosheen, who looked compleatly different in a dress and without the mohawk, no one was going to mistake her for a man tonight. And of course - the ones who partly had fault for tonights dance, Cairma and Aran.While Aran's outfit was not a surprise Cairma's sure was. He knew that Aran won a bet and got to choose Cairma's dress but he never knew that the man had such a fine taste. The blue domani style dress suited Cairma perfectly and she looked absolutly gorgeous in it. Aran might have to fight over her tonight, but then again, knowing Cairma, he probably would not have to, as Cairma would probably do the job herself.


Smiling he turned to Arie, his eyes glowing with love, and bowed to her.


"May I have the pleasure of this dance, my Lady?" - he asked to which Arie just giggled and held out her hand.Taking her hand in his, Daemon began leading her into a dance, (I will leave the description to you as I am horrible with dances) smiling, his happiness beaming from him. It was hard to tell wheater the people in here were surprised or shock to see Daemon smile and be happy. In the Yards he did not display any emotion. Cairma was sure shocked to see her mentor smiling and Daemon could hear something that sounded suspiciously like an old man from her. Well he would have to deal with her, but later, much later. Right now he danced with his wife, and he enjoyed it more than anything!



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The dance with Llugh was slowly coming to an end. It had been a very formal dance, which meant that Rosheen’s back had been rigid the entire time. While she liked court dancing, she preferred the looser versions of dance that her mother had taught her. Llugh was an entertaining dance partner though, flattering her the entire dance, which was quite a change from what she was used to. Despite the fact that the days she was just a clumsy girl who seemed to be all arms and legs had been over for quite some time now, people still saw her as half a man sometimes. She supposed her attitude had something to do with that again.


For a moment she was lost in her musings. She almost missed Llugh’s question. “I’m sure that such a question is quite proper on formal dances as well, kind sir.†Rosheen said, incorporating a half curtsy in her dance. Alden had taught her all about improvising. “But not before I see how my escort is doing.†She said, nodding in the general direction of Vasya. With a frown she concluded that her captain wasn’t drunk yet, but he was certainly making an effort out of trying to get drunk as soon as possible.â€


The music stopped, and Rosheen found herself clapping, just like every other person on the dancefloor. She curtsied again. “I would like to dance with you again, Llugh. Perhaps later this evening?†He accepted her offer. With a slight smile on her face Rosheen walked over to where Vasya was standing, looking grumpy as usual. “You don’t look like you’re having all that much fun.†She stated, noting the half-scowl on his face.

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The bar had proved to be Vasya's friend rather quickly, and unlike someone else it wouldn't wander off into someone else's arms. Not that Vasya was jealous... well, he was, he had brought Rosheen to dance with and what he had thought had been a polite chat had turned into a few dances. Not to mention that Llugh happened to seem quite easy on his feet, and now Vasya was going to have to follow that act.


Even less thrilled than he had been before at the prospect of dancing, liquor had proved to be a steady friend, at least until Rosheen decided to join him at the bar. Clearly he wasn't his cheerful self, as she pointed out to him. Light, it had probably been a stupid idea to bring her anyway, she'd been much easier to deal with before he'd taken her up to his room. "You were busy, I didn't want to interrupt."


"I wouldn’t have minded." She said, turning so that her back was against the bar. One part of her felt like consoling Vasya, and perhaps apologising for dancing with Llugh before dancing with him, but another part was a lot more interested in watching people move on the dance floor. Daemon and his lovely wife swerved by, which brought a smile to Rosheen’s face. "Isn’t it amazing to see how much different Daemon is, in the presence of his wife?"


Following Rosheen's view, Vasya smirked slightly. "He's a bit more like his brother around Arie, David always did have a ready smile on his face like the one Daemon has now." It had been quite sometime since Vasya had seen David he realised, but then again alot of people he had known from his younger days were now long gone, a though which wiped the smirk off his face.


She glanced over at Llugh, noting that he’d already found another partner to dance with. Not that it bothered her. She was glad that he at least seemed to be enjoying himself. She turned slightly in order to get a better look at Vasya. "Would you like to dance?" she asked, pretending not to notice the way his shoulders slumped at that.


Dancing... light, he shouldn't have asked her to come with him. He avoided dancing for good reason, and now he would make a perfectly good fool of himself. Finishing off his drink, he offered his hand to Rosheen and led her onto the dance floor, all the while running the steps through his mind. At least the dances were not so complicated yet, this he could manage, hopefully. Taking the lead as he slipped an arm around her waist, they seamlessly melded in with the other dancers.


Without so much as a ‘yes I’d like that’ Vasya led Rosheen out onto the dance floor. The beginning of the dance went smoothly, with Vasya looking at his feet as little as possible, and with Rosheen allowing him to lead as long as he didn’t make her trip over her own feet. Once again she was glad that Alden had taught her to dance. With some luck she managed to make both of them look graceful without also making it look like she was by far the better dancer.


After several turns around the room, Rosheen decided that Vasya had gotten enough time to get used to dancing. "Have you seen the way Cairma keeps looking at Aran. I think he managed to charm her more than he realises." She said with a grin. There was nothing wrong with gossiping during a dance. Aran was probably doing the same right now, commenting on how utterly uncomfortable Vasya looked. Perhaps it hadn’t been such a good idea to accept his offer after all.


He was keeping up surprisingly, maybe he wasn't as bad as he thought after all, or maybe the drink had given him a certain sort of courage he'd needed. As she mentioned Aran and Cairma, he found himself wondering how that would turn out. Like everyone else, he had gone in part to spectate that particular pairing. She'd nearly killed him with that absurdly large sword of hers, yet he'd still managed to survive the week. "I was surprised, Cairma has always kept to herself before save Daemon. He may not survive the night yet though."


"Well, Aran does have that way with women. They either go to great lengths to beat him up, or they spend their evenings mooning over him." Rosheen grinned at Vasya. "Did you hear what happened with that trainee’s mother? What was her name again… something Marn, I think. I thought I’d die laughing when I heard her scream ‘Who’s your Da!’ at him." They went through a fairly difficult turn, but much to Rosheen’s surprise Vasya was keeping up without looking like it cost him a lot of effort.


The former being Ginae, Vasya had to wonder whether Ginae would be Aran's most likely cause of death sometimes. Especially after she broke his hand, he wasn't the sort to let himself be discouraged. Vasya was fairly certain Aran didn't trouble him out of choice as much as from how Vasya had 'encouraged' the man to behave himself. "I'd be surprised if he keeps to a single bed. He's turned up to guard duty on a number of occasions from outside the walls as opposed to the barracks."


"Which is better than not turning up at all, I suppose." Rosheen had covered for Aran quite a bit in the past, but Vasya was a little more strict about showing up for Guard Duty then the other captains were. Rosheen found herself smiling slightly at the thought of Lyv giving Ralleigh grief, just because he had noticed that she was late for Guard Duty. Giving Vasya grief was seen as a very bad idea throughout the yards. Rosheen smirked slightly. She honestly didn’t know why. The man was all sunshine and rainbows.


"So… Are we ever going to talk about what happened after my Blademaster ceremony, or are you going to keep acting like a surly bear whenever I so much as think of having a decent conversation with you?"


Stumbling, Vasya managed to recover as Rosheen mentioned decent conversation. He hadn't expected that question so early if at all. Scowling for his feet having betrayed him, he took the next turn a little sharper than he should have. "What do you want to talk about?"


Rosheen smiled sweetly at Vasya, pretending to ignore his little stumble. At least that proved that the direct approach had some effect. "How about… the thing that’s been bothering you for the past weeks? Because it’s starting to annoy me, so you should just get it off your chest and move on."


She was blunt, and light help him he was no innocent lad. Still, it felt a bit awkward to say what he was thinking, something that showed in his movement. "On one hand you're under my command, if I show any favour to you or someday wish to promote you, I can't do that without throwing doubt on you. On the otherha-"


Refraining from the urge to swear as he stumbled again, Vasya decided to just get it out there. "I'd like to see you again. We had fun and that doesn't happen often."


"I knew it." Rosheen said, somewhere between a laugh and a half grunt at trying to catch Vasya before he tripped. People always went on and on about how women were unable to keep their work separated from their private lives, and here Vasya was, all torn up because he thought their little tumble interfered with his judgement. "You know, you were the first person to frown at me when Aran lost his blademaster duel. And yet you have him a second chance. I doubt you did that because you happen to think I have such nice hips."


"I’d say that’s some pretty solid evidence that says you’re handling the whole I'm biased because I slept with one of my soldiers thing rather well." She grinned at Vasya, who seemed to be recovering from his stumbling swiftly. "Besides, you’re already seeing me again. I wouldn’t have accepted your invitation if I didn’t think you were man enough to handle the situation."


"Idiot." Managing to recover from a particular bad bout, Vasya continued. "Its not my judgement I'm worried about, its everyone elses. If I give you a command and we're together, even if you were the most brilliant leader to be found you'd have people with doubts. If I'm to give you a command, I can't give you those problems to go with them."


The dance was coming to an end, so Vasya spoke swiftly. "So, its your choice. I wanted you to know that much before we go any further if we do. With me, you'll have the doubts that would go with it." The band finishing on a high note, the swirling came to an end for at least a moment. Not that they wasted anytime, launching into a somewhat more strident tune.


Light help him.



Vasya Paranov



Rosheen Tahn Sakhr


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  • 1 month later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

The dance was beautiful, and she impressed herself as she found the steps rather easy to pick up. So worried about her own performance she didnt' feel the urge to step on Aran's shoes. The music was beautiful, and everyone else was dressed beautifully, but she started to notice, now that Aran had broken her open a little more to notice things around her, the chemestry of the room seemed a little different.


What pulled her eyes away the most was Daemon. With his wife, the man changed. Drastically. And if there was one things that she didn't understand was the change in him. That man NEVER smiled. And yet she still felt a twinge of envy for it. Furrowing her brows, Aran must have caught her confusion as he took a slight mis stepp, barely missing her toes, buit still throwing her off balance.


"Watch your feet, Aran." She spoke, more as a tease to cover her own destracted mind. "You have done so well, I'd hate to have my expectations of your failure come true." She chuckled half heartedly. "But you know, As much as i would love to dance all night, i wouldn't mind a break to have a drink before i fall from dehydration. Shall we?"


Cairma motioned for the bar as the song ended and started to strick up a slightly quicker song that she wasn't entirely sure she could keep up. Not without a rest for a song or two. Bet or no bet, no one should be able to dance all ight without a rest!!


But even as they worked thier way to the Bar, she coudlnt' help but feel more and more comfortable and yet nervous around Aran. He seemed to have recovered a bit better from her hit to his ..pride. Feeling guilty she didn't want to make any more of a big deal of it. But with the way her mind is going, only light will tell how the night will go. Flushed, she started up a conversation.


"The music is amazing, and the steps fairly easy. Not any worse than what i did as a child." She smiled warmly at Aran, ignoring the warning signals in her mind. "And this place.. Despite the pains of getting here, i'm having a good time. Thank you Aran." She smiled brilliantly, taking her drink and taking her time sipping it.




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  • 1 month later...

Grinning as he put his drink back down, Aran leaned forward on the table as he spoke. "Me too, I've always been a bit partial to dancing... You're not too bad at it either." Laughing at the look he got for his jab, he took another sip of his drink as she retorted. It was in that way they passed the time as they gave themselves a chance to rest their feet, several dances passing by in relatively quick succession.


A lull in the music caught Aran's attention, turning to find the quartet was now being joined by others. A pair with drums, a lute and at least one tamborine amongst the newcomers, Aran had a feeling that things were going to become more lively. "Not that I mean to rush you, but I think things are about to get more interesting. Finish?"


Draining their mugs, they made their way to the floor once more, as did others who had seen the new players taking their places. The tune they struck was a sharp contrast to the earlier pieces with its faster pace and wilder beat but Aran soon found himself moving with a comfortable ease, the earlier rest had done wonders for his... mobility.


Cairma likewise seemed familiar with the dance, unlike Vasya who Aran spotted over his partner's shoulder. He'd have to say something the next day, because for now there was no chance with his hands full, keeping his attention on Cairma because a slip could easily land either of them on their backsides.




Tower Guard

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Guest Arie Ronshor

That you are gonna save me

Somehow I got a notion

Just a little affection on this cold and windy road

Save me, from a state of un-emotion

Just a little affection on this windy road


Finishing her drink, Cairma allowed Aran to take her onto the dance floor, and he swept her away into a rather complex dance. Laughing, She followed along easily, being careful of her feet that were following just as easily to the steps as if an expert. The score ended and the band started anouther song with a similar tempo. Just about to Take her around the dance floor again, Cairma felt anouther hand on her side. A tall young man, maybe a few years senior to her smiled and nodded in greeting.


"Mind if I cut in and escort this beautiful young woman onto the dance floor?" He asked, flashing Cairma a brilliant white smile, that almost caught her off guard. Aran passed him Cairma's hand. "Gladely, just watch your.. well feet." Cairma ignored the look between the two men as the newcomer swepted her into the dance floor, pulling her close whenver the song allowed it.


"I'm Ryan. What's your name?"


"Cairma." She smiled politely. She wasn't all that cmfortable around other people, and she felt rather shy ancing with someone she dind't know. Was he even from the Yard? She wasn't sure. He must be. "I don't think we have met before."


"No, probably not, but i have seen you around the yard. That sword of your isn't commonly carried around by someone yoru size. It's impressive to say the least."


Cairma blushed and teased a little back, still on a bit of an emotional turn around fro mthe afternoon with Aran. "It's just compensation."


"Because of the other man? Boyfriend? I'm sorry to here."


Cairma laughed outloud. "Really, i wouldn't know, but no, i'm not with Aran. I lost a bet and so i have to dance all night. He's making sure i do. Aran just couldn't let me stay at home." She muttered a little, concentrating on the next few steps as Ryan swept her into a spin and a dip.


Ryan smiled at her. "I'm sure that's it. But you clean up beautifully."


"Thank you." She blushed a little and he leaned in to kiss her cheek.


And than warning bells went off in her head and panic settled in. No one kisses her... ever. She held herself a little more stifly, but Ryan seemed not to notice as he smiled at her.. and then the glance of his eyes.. lower than her face.... to her...


She saw herself putting Beast over his head and giving the man a good consussion (sp?), but not in this dress, not in this room.. She couldnt' do that to Daemon and his wife. Thinking quickly, she dragged her small toe as opposed to stepping, and purposely fell onto her one side, Ryan barely catching her in time, convieniently having a hand under her arms and partially on her chest. Thoughts raced through her head as he pulled her up, and she favoured her one leg.


"Are you alright?"


"I'm fine," She lied, putting a little pain into her voice, even thoguh a sprang would only be a hinderance than hurt. But he didn't know that. "I think i spranged my ankle though."


"Here, "He supported her as they walked (and she limped) off the dance floor." Cairma swept her eyes back and forth looking for a familiar face that she 'trusted'. "Lets take you outside where it's cooler and i can take a look at it."


"it's fine, but outside sounds good." .. where i can beat you to a pulp without ruining the dance, you pompus son of a goat.....



They had only taken a few steps outside of the Inn when Ryan moved her alongside the building to where it was a little darker. Either he thought she was the dumbest female alive, or he was doing her a favour. With absolutly no surprise to the movement, she foudn herself pressed against the wall witht he man against her.


"I know that you dd not hurt your foot, Dove. A delightful destraction, and clever too." He smiled wickedly at her, a smile that could be taken as seductive, if she even cared one way or the other. Of which she didn't. "Couldn't have planed it ---OMPH!!"


Cairma's hand flew up between them, connecting witht he mans jaw as he was leaning down to kiss her. Surprise filled his eyes at the hit, and blood rolled down his chin. She guessed her hit brough hit tongue inbetween his teeth.


"Stay the bloody hell away from me." She said angrily. Holding out a hand deadly positioned to strike. Ryan was gripping his face, tongue too swollen to speak. But he didn't leave.. not just yet. he wasn't about to let soem woman beat him, not when he got so far.. so close..


Carima could see the arrogance on ethe mans face, and she knew that he wasn't goign to give up that easily. Who in the light was he, anyways? She had no intention to kill the man. She wouldn't. But if he pushed her, she would.


Light, she had fought so bloody hard to keep one part of her innocent, and she was damn well going to keep it that way!


He moved on her, and She swung out on him, he caught her hand, but with a swip of her leg, and a rip of her dress, she brought the man down to the ground, wretchign her hand free only moments before she went down with him. Stepping back, she watching him as she left the alley and into the lighted streets.


"Follow me and your dead.. " She growled. But he only stood up again, the hit barely phasing him.. And he stepped forward.







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  • 1 month later...

Watching the man fall to the ground at his feet, Aran put a solid kick in the man's ribs for good measure. He'd seen Cairma walking outside with a man he didn't recognise and he wanted to make sure she was alright. Not that he didn't doubt that Cairma could handle it, but in the process she'd managed to put a rip in the dress he gave her for tonight. That was going to take some wheedling to get fixed.


But that wasn't what his attention was centred on, rather he was more worried about Cairma. She was slumped against a wall, shaking... She needed to go home. Telling her to stay there, Aran ducked inside quickly to grab her cloak and his own. Ignoring a few glances he got his way from the dancers, he returned to Cairma and slipped her coat onto her. "Lets get you home, come on."


Cairma was lost as she watched Aran come out of practically no where to beat the snot out of a guy that she would not have second guessed at dropping. She would have taken great pleasure in dealing with slime like him. But, instead, she was shaking like a leaf and about ready to collapse. her emotions were on going up and down like the tide, and within 24 hours.


The night chill was quickly shielded with her coat that Aran brought back, but yet she didn't feel warm. Only nervous. Obliging with his direction, she allowed him to head her back to the yard. "I'm sorry I broke the bet.. I did have a good time.. " She looked to her feet, still unknowingly shaking under her cloak.


Taking her arm as they walked back to the Barracks, Cairma's words got a small smile of reassurance from Aran as he replied. "You haven't broken the bet. It required you to dance the night away with me. If I'm no longer dancing, you haven't broken it, no?" Light but he was surprised to feel she was still trembling, maybe she hadn't fully recovered from their pre-dance antics.


She gave him a small smile with what might have gone with a shake of her head. "the logic in that is just stimulating... " Taking a deep sigh, the quiver in her voice caught her off guard, was she really shaking that badly? "And here I thought that I had to dance all night. It was never specified to be with you or not. But I could have remembered incorrectly. Not that I wish to disagree with your logic as it works fine by me."


She watched as the yards became more in sight and the other guards within view. "But don't let me keep you from the festivities." She gave him a tired smile "You can always go back if you wished to."


"I could." Aran waved to the guards as they walked through the inner gate. "But its too far to walk." Grinning, at the look she gave him, he continued. "Besides, the night isn't entirely over. When we get to the barracks, howabout we get changed then meet in the common room? Won't be much dancing but I'm pretty sure there's an open keg there that needs to be polished off."


Cairma thought on it. Really, she wasn't ready to her to bed just yet, not with herself shaking the way she was -hating to admit that fact at all- "That sounds like a good idea. Ale, cozy atmostphere and tolerable company .. sounds like a plan. Meet you there in ten or so." Cairma blushes a little sheepishly, "it might take me a moment to unwind myself out of this gown without ruining it... "


Aran smiled and got the door to the barracks for her as he spoke. "Not a problem. If you give me the dress tomorrow, I can have that rip fixed as well. But, ladies first." Aran gestured for her to walk before him.




Tower Guard


Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Undressed out of a dress in record time, the comfort of her own clothing was surprisingly soothing and a godsend. Doing her best not to dwell on the fact that she had nearly fell apart and the only reason she didn't was that Aran had pulled her away as fast as he did. But the confusion that tickled at the back of her head was starting to irritat her as much as it was throwing her off balance. Maybe a good swig of that ale would be just the thing that she needed. After all, with Aran, what could happen? After putting a knee to his groin -she winced inwardly with a healthy smile- would he really try anything with her?


Checking her face in the mirror, deciding to leave the paint on her face, she walked out and headed to the Common room. She had already placed the ripped dress in the box, along with the shoes and had it tucked away under her arm. She didn't even bother to haul Beast with her.. no point, she wasn't out for a fight. Entering the common room first, she took a seat, locating a very full keg, she poured to mugs full, and started to sip at hers.


"For me? Too kind." Grinning as Cairma looked up, Aran helped himself to the other mug as he took a couch opposite her chair. Practiced at shedding his clothes rather quickly, he'd nevertheless taken time to fold them carefully. Instead he wore simple grey woolen breeches and a shirt of the same material, clothes one could be comfortable in. "You feeling a bit better?"


Cairma smiled, taking in his grin and the foamy ale mustashe along his lips. "Much. It was a beautiful dress, but in no ways anythign like me. Give me leather over silk anyday!" She pushed the box with the dress across the table towards him. "It would take anouther extraodinary bet to get me into it again, After loosing to you i think i'm going to have to learn to pick my battles." She leaned back in her seat and drank from her mug. "Or never make wagers against you."


Aran grinned, not betting would be the smart thing, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun either. "I wouldn't say that, I thought the dress suited you. Of course, I picked it, so that might have something to do with it." Taking a sip from his mug as he smiled, he continued. "By the way, nice whiskers." Aran ran a finger above his top lip as he grinned at her.


Cairma blinked in surprise and licked her lips, finding the foam of her own ale crowning her lips. She chuckled and licked them off, running her fingers to check to make sure she got them all. "Arrogant. Very arrogant." She shook her head, feelign more of her old teasing spirit become her. "Your just so full of it, Aran. Not that you would ever deny it." her bold smile grew a touch soft. "Pity. Your kinda nice, when you want to be."


"Of course I won't deny it, I wouldn't deign to give your most vile and odious slander credit." Grinning, he propped himself up slightly more on the couch so he could drink more easily. "So you had fun?"


Taking his cue, she brought up one knee to her chest, lounging more than just sitting in her chair. "Spending an evening avoiding your feet while in a dress that i was afraid would fall down, i would rate the evening a fairly good success, all in all." Stretching out her other leg on the seat, she found her back against the wall and herself fairly comfortable. "So, yes. It was fun. More fun than i ever thought it would be. And if it weren't for you, i would never have even had the thoguht to go in the first place. 'Fun' isn't nessicarily on my 'to do' list."


Stretching as he listened to Cairma, Aran laughed at the last. "That needs to change then. If you can't have fun, whats the point of anything else?"


Her brows slightly furrowed. Her voice lightly teasing. "Duty, honor. Both of which you seem to have none."


Cairma's dig brought forth a fresh burst of laughter from Aran. "I know, and I wear a crimson cloak no less, terrible isn't it? Besides, duty and honour is overrated, and far too much work."


She chuckled and drained the rest of her glass, repouring herself anouther. "Then, oh Great and lazy one, what to you recommend to one that values duty over fun?"


"Fun, obviously." Grinning, Aran finished the rest of his mug then frowned, the keg was entirely too far away. Getting to his feet, he began rolling the keg about so it was between the pair of them, and he'd be able to dip his mug from his seat. "Even lying down for an hour and just daydreaming, if you're not up for a game of dagger tossing or such. You might even take a liking to it." Success. Having the keg where he wanted it, he dipped his mug and took his seat again.


She scoffed mockingly, "Weapons practice is no fun. Although someone did make a wager to teach me how to throw them. But, being a wager, i'll bet it would just get me into more trouble than what it might be worth."


"Its only no fun if you think of it as practice. When you think of it as an extra bit of coin and competition, it becomes far more appealing." Grinning, Aran started working steadily on his mug with a long draw that hit the spot quite nicely. "But tell me, what would you consider fun to do? If you were to do something fun."


She winked, "Mocking you for one, is a lot of fun."


Aran grinned. "Then mock away my little mockingbird." He took a sip of his mug as he awaited her rejoinder.


Her nose wrinkled as she took tipped the mug to her lips. "I'm no bird... " She muttered and took a long drain. "And being 'yours' doens't seem like much fun either, not if it includes emotional roller coasters and a general unbalance." But the truth to it was that Carima needed her world shaken up, and they both knew it. But just how shaken was she? And how much would she be willing to admit to.


She held up her glass, "Heres to unbalance."


Aran lifted his mug in turn with a cheeky grin. "Here's to being able to walk without wincing."


Cairma laughed at his grin, clinking his glass with her and finishing what was left. "Touche." She chuckled, refilling her glass again. A hiccup caught her off guard, spilling part of her drink.. The surprise of the hiccups got her laughing.. "Damn... Drank too fast... "


Laughing, Aran grinned at her. "I was going to suggest we get the daggers out and toss a few, but maybe not. Can't believe you're struggling already." Draining the rest of his mug, filled his up in turn and started on it as she struggled with her hiccups and giggling.


"I'm not that much of a light-weight!" She hiccupped. She started to hold her breath and took anouther couple of swigs to help her control them. They started to get a little better... barely. "And i certainly would not turn down a game of daggers just becasue you think i couldn't handle it."


"I know, thats the dangerous thing about it." Grinning at the face he got, he got to his feet. "Give me a moment, I'll go get my daggers." It was only a few minutes before he'd returned, ten daggers in hand. Five with black pommels,five with white. Offering the ones with the white to Cairma, he pointed to the couch sitting about ten feet away from the mounted rings. "Sit down there, good place for us to start." Tossing his own daggers on the right half of the lounge, he began rolling the keg over to it so they wouldn't have to get up to refill.


Waiting patiently for his return, she finally diminished her hiccups and started on her next glass knowing that as soon as she stood she would feel the effects of what she had to drink. Slowing down a little would be good at this point. But that would require common sense. And having a hang over in the morning didn't seem all that bad to having a good night tonight. As Aran returned and handed her the daggers, she watched as he moved the keg and lounged again in the seat. "Planing to wake up drunk again? You better not wake me the way you did a second time..!"




Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard



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Laughing as he took one of his daggers in one hand and his mug in the other, Aran tossed his first blade at the board rather casually, scoring a two. "Why not? I can run faster."


Cairma laughed as she picked up the dagger and gave it a good toss. It hit the board completely wrong and scarttered to the ground. "Oh snap.. a few more drinks seem to be in order for me to get my wrist back."


Taking his next throw, Aran managed to bury the dagger solidly for a three before he spoke with an easy grin. "Yeah, you should watch that, a limp wrist is never a good sign."


She sipped her drink and tossed anouther, pegging a two. "I would assume you have experienced this to know."


"It does seem that we do we share in common." Smirking, he let fly and grunted as the dagger bounced off the innermost ring. "We should just paint the rings on the wall instead of use rings."


"And give you the satisfaction of an easy win?" She winked at him playfully, finally getting hte movent of her write and hitting the 3rd ring, the dagger vibratting a little from the impact. "Truthfully, can't say i have.. On the limp wrist, that is." She smiled ever so sweetly at him while topping up her glass that was only half full. "Only a good hard and a well practiced wrist for me."


Aran laughed. "You must work it alot then." Four points, the dagger would probably take a little to pull it free. Draining his mug, he dipped it for a refill as he spoke. "You're falling behind mockingbird, time to finish and refill."


"All work and no play makes Cairma a very lonely girl." She took another toss and got another two, but at least it stayed it the board. Probably would take a good pry to get it out. Stickign her tongue out at him, she drained her glass and refilled . "What a horrible influence you are." She twirled her last dagger arnound her fingers.


"Maybe Cairma should fix that at some point." Tossing his last dagger, he managed another four, he'd won this round. "Might as well take your last throw, and you can collect the daggers since you lost this round."


The last shot bounced off the 2/3rd ring with a resounding clang. Groaning a little she pulled herself up from the lounge, expecting herself to hobble a little from the ale. Blinking a little as she stood, she moved to pick up the fallen daggers and than to pull out the ones in the board with ease. "If there was anyone I felt comfortable to 'fix' that, than I would." Taking her seat, she passed the black handles back to Aran and took her seat, taking anouther drink of her ale, feeling a little more safe about her ability to consume the amber liquid. "There just aren't many that come knock on my door."


"Of course there aren't, you hardly speak to anyone. Need to be a bit more social before you'll be able to find someone. Will have to do it soon too, you're getting old you know." Grinning, he took his daggers out of her hand and tossed for a two. Truth be told, he was older than her, but as far as he knew she didn't know that.


"Old?!?! Old?!" She pouted a little with a twinkle still in her eyes. She aimed and took a shot, getting a three. "I'm not old. Still quite young by most standards, and you must be around the same mark as I." She tilted her head and looked at him with a different look. As if seeing him a bit differently. "I know nothing about you. After spending the whole day discovering so many of my weaknesses, I think it would be only fair for you to tell me a little more about yourself." She tilted back her drink." And it better be more than just your age."


Aran laughed as he tossed his dagger, landing it only an inch away from Cairma's for a three of his own. "Yes, I suppose it would be fair wouldn't it?" Aran grinned at her before sipping at his mug.


Her next dagger had wriggles it's way into a one slot. Keeping her drink to her lips, she looked to the daggers. "Well?"


Another two points came his way with a quick toss with his other hand. Looking at her with confusion, the glint in his eye betrayed him. "Well what?"


Chuckling, she tossed the last inch of her drink onto him. "You're awful, you know that, Aran."


Looking down at his chest, he looked back up at Cairma. "That was a bit uncalled for, don't you think?" Aran had a bit more in his mug than her and she quickly found herself wearing it while Aran had a satisfied grin on his face.




Tower Guard


Cairma Vishnu

Tower Guard

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

The beer dripped off her face and down her top. Smiling from her own retaliation against him, Cairma laughed. Wiping her face with her sleeve and licking the ale off her fingers that had been up in defense. She smiled sweetly at him.


"Uncalled for? It's almost a farce coming from you." She picked up the daggers, pulling the deep one from the board with ease. Pointing the dagger at him, she winked with a tease in her voice. "And unless you want to see the rest of the keg over your head, you better start talking..! And i'd really hate to see so much ale be wasted on you."


Aran laughed. "I'll do you a deal. Put down the daggers and sit down and I might have something to say." Holding his mug up at her, he shook it side to side as he continued. "Oh, and splishy splashy, refill."


She shook her head and put her hands on her hips, leaning down towards him in his seat. "And what makes you think i would fill your glass like a regular serving wench." She clattered the black daggers on the table and took a seat. "Fill it yourself."


"Well, as far as wenches go..." Trailing off to a cheeky grin, he looked at her for a moment before refilling his mug. Turning sideways on the lounge so he could lay back, he put his feet on her lap as he spoke. "So, where to start... I'm from Foregate in Cairhien, which no doubt explains why I'm such a lout." Grinning, he took a sip of his mug.


Cairma took a swig of her drink, tossing a dagger - inevitably getting a 1 -. "Lout, indeed." She muttered into her glass with a smile, knowing full well that he could hear her. "Cairhien lout to a insufferable Tower Guard. Let me guess, the Nobles had enough of your cheek and sent you here for edttiquiette classes?"


Cocking his head to one side in thought, a broad grin split Aran's face. "Something like that. Its not like I tell trouble to come my way, I'm just very misunderstood is all, people really don't get me you know? Because I'm too fabulous I think."


The ale was barely able to stay in her mouth at his last sentence. Forcing the drink down she coughed with a sly glance at him. "You really like to think that, don't you. That your fabulous." She smiled thoughtfully, sipping her ale. "Not that you aren't. But trouble seems to attract you, or you entice it. One or the other. Why?"





Cairma Vishnu





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Laughing, Aran held up a hand as she spoke about trouble. Something had been said which was far more important. Closing his eyes, his voice was somewhat strained as he spoke. "Wait. Wait there Cairma. Could... could you just say that one more time."


She looked at him with wide innocent eyes. "Say what again? That your trouble?"


"No no... Before that. One more time." It was as if nothing else mattered but that line.


Cairma quickly caught on to what she admitted and her cheeks went bright red... She did NOT just say that out loud.. to the one person that would use it against her. Profusely she shook her head and laughed. "And build up that ego any more than it already is, I should think not! Once is more than enough!"


"Oh! Oh!" Protesting even as his eyes now betrayed his inner laughter, Aran continued. "Tease me will you? Ah, it matters not, what is said can't be unsaid right? Its alright, you aren't alone in think I'm fabulous, its just another thing we have in common." Grinning, he took a sip from his mug.


Cairma shook her head and took a drink to help her control her inner laughing fits. "Just take a shot, already." But there seemed to be an underlying tone in his voice that she couldn't help but catch. softer, maybe? She doubted it. It was Aran and his Ego.


Taking a knife, he lazily tossed it for a two. Finishing the rest of his mug took a little effort, but when it was done he sat it down on the ground beside him as Cairma threw a blade for three. Responding by landing one of his own an inch away from hers, he spoke on. "You know you want to say it."


Finishing of her mug, she felt her cheeks warmed more from the alcohol than the teasing, "Say what?" She smiled innoenctly.


Lifting his left leg from her lap, he used his big toe to prod her in the ribs gently. "You know exactly what, don't play coy." There was an easy grin on his face as he prodded her again.


She smiles sweetly, tossing a dagger for her first four. "Careful where you put that toe.. I just might have it removed." She said with a playful tone, enjoying him prodding her for information, like she had something over him.


Tossing a dagger for another three, Aran prodded her again to show what he thought of that threat. "You don't have a mean bone in your body. A knee of mindnumbing pain and a fist of fury perhaps." The last was said with a whimsical smile.


She gave a gallant shrug with a wink, "Nothing more than you have already asked for." She took a shot and chuckled to herself. "As for a mean bone, I suppose not, but I'm not all that nice either."


Tossing a dagger lazily, he managed to get himself a one. Frowning he took a drink before he spoke. "I wouldn't say that. Between chasing me with your gatebreaker and dropping me like a bad habit, you're otherwise quite nice as long as you talk a bit and smile every now and then. Make a habit of it and you might be surprised."


She paired upi her last throw with a third three, and inclined her head towards him, fighting anouther blush, "Wow, Aran. That was actually rather decent of you to say. A compliment from the Faboulous Aran. Next thing I'll know you'd try to kiss me."


"The thought crossed my mind, but I like being able to walk." Grinning, he tossed his final dagger. The grin turning to a scowl as it bounced off the innermost ring, he sighed as he got to his feet. "Your win, my fetch. We'll have to have a deciding match at this rate." The daggers came out as easily as his grin returned.


"Your fetch.." She smirked a little, growing steadily light headed. "I rather like the sound of that.." She watched him pull out the daggers.. "A deciding match to see who wins? I would think its just for fun."


Pulling the last dagger free, he scooped up those on the ground and gave her her five before taking his previous seat, with his legs on her lap again. "Tell you what, throw your five, then I'll throw my five. Any stakes?"


She fiddled with fabric on his pants in thought. "I'm not very good at thinking up wagers. Maybe because it comes from not wanting anything." She poured herself anouther round. "What sort of wager are you thinking of? And be honest.. "


"You don't want anything? Oh, well why wager then." Grinning, he pointed to the board. "Tell you what, throw your five first, and I'll try and match or best it from there. You're already on a roll, I wouldn't want to spoil it."


She took a throw getting an easy three. "No wager. Who are you and how much have you had to drink?" She tossed again for anouther three.


"You can't wager if the other person doesn't want anything." Watching her get another three, he grinned. "You improve with drink, maybe we should just keep you drunk all the time."


She wrinkled her nose, and tossed for another three. "A drunk Cairma is not always a happy Cairma.." She said tossing anouther for a two, playing with the last dagger in her hand. "Maybe I should rephrase what I meant. I'm not prone to want for fear of not getting."


Grinning, Aran refrained from tossing his daggers. "Well, since we're getting you doing new things, lets add one more to it. Want something, what do you want? Last chance before I toss these daggers."


She held up her last dagger. "Still one more for me." She looked at the board, and spoke without realizing it. "And a kiss would be a fair wish. Never had one, wouldn't mind someone who knows what they're doing show me.." She took the last toss for a three and avoided looking at Aran, hoping he couldn't read her thoughts.


A small voice at the back of Aran's head told him that her wish was a very very bad idea. After how many mugs however, that voice's words were very slurred and more closely resembled a 'mememanmenenma'. Grinning, he shook her lap with his feet as he spoke. "If I win, you have to carry me to my room on your back. If you win, you get your kiss, fair?"


Cairma's eyes bugged a little, but she swallowed her gasp with decency and turned to smile brightly at him. "Then you better win or else."


Laughing, Aran threw his daggers one after the other. One, one, one, one, one, a grand total of five, all of them forming a semicircle on the lower half of the lowest ring like a smile. "Well, would you look at that, strange how the wheel weaves like that isn't it?"


Cairma's jaw just dropped as the daggers each slid into the one slot around the board..... he had not even tried to beat her... five points... versus fifteen points... she won a kiss... only this time it was not the ale that made her red.


Laughing, Aran shook her lap again as he spoke. "Well, whats it like getting what you want? You seem a little overcome there, why I don't think I've ever seen you that red before." Grinning, he kept his teasing friendly. "So, you still want that kiss? Huh? You'd better sit over here then." Smiling, he swung his legs over the side and patted his lap.


At this point she was split into two. Not like she usually way, but more her newly energetic self was urging her to take his invitation, while the other half of her was telling her to apoligize for the obscenity of it all and challenge him to another game.. Choices, choices... She did like him, after all, and after the pain she put him through earlier, maybe it wasn't so bad for him to see a soft side to her 'lack' in personality.


Taking a deep breath she moved to the end of her seat, paused, and than stood up.. She 'thought' she could stand on her own, but her legs turned to gel and she fell more into Aran's lap as opposed to just taking a seat.. "Well.." she muttered.. "I was going to be graceful about my win, but.."


Catching her with his torso and right hand, Aran didn't bother wasting time. Cupping her face with his free hand, he cut her off with his lips instead of words. Not with force, but gently, even as he let his right hand trace its way down to rest at the small of her back.




Tower Guard



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