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Your Presence is Requested (Attention Zaire)


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The world as Aramina remembered it, was changing. The world always changed and as often as she tried to leave the White Tower, things managed to twist away and out of control. In most people the thought might have been frightening, but for Aramina, the world was what it was and the only thing she could do was try to influence events in her own favor. So far, it had worked. Her personal eyes and ears always kept her up to date and she had enough scattered in the world to make even a Blue Sister envious.


Caemlyn was always good for news and as Aramina had made her way there she had come to pick up news for another as well, someone she might almost call a friend if she would ever call anyone a friend again. There were other reasons to visit as well, seeds to sow and influence to gain. Which was why she was sitting in her best dress, dark green with climbing vines and flowers, sipping tea after a fine dinner. The people around her were nobles if not from a very prestigious house they at least had the change to grow. Their current head was smart and Aramina hoped with some careful grooming that they might become more than they currently were.


It was the girl beside her that held her interest really. Long, wavy brown hair and big eyes that regarded her with a questioning look. Her mother's request had been quite simple and surprisingly forthright. "Can you take my daughter for study at the Tower?" It had surprised Aramina and she drank from her tea quietly to think of what to say in answer. The angles always came into her mind and they always came first. Her work was done in Caemlyn. There was no reason to stay any longer than she already had. It would cost her nothing to bring another girl to the Tower if she could channel. In fact the Green Ajah would gain a little prestige over finding another girl to join their ranks. With so few girls coming to the Tower anymore, it was always good to see a new face coming in. None of her work here had been secret either so there was nothing to gain by leaving her behind.


Aramina smiled lightly at the girl. It was always strange to her that people she met in the world thought of her as a warm, easy to smile, person when those that knew her best rarely saw any of the warmth that she demonstrated to the people outside the Tower. In fact, among her peers she was thought of as cold and manipulative, rarely showing any emotion on her face. The world wouldn't understand the caution that she lived by though and the Tower was the only place Aramina had ever lost her carefully constructed disinterest much to her own personal distress. It had cost her years in training and it was something she had vowed never to do again. Looking at the young girl before her she wondered if this one would suffer for her time in the Tower, or if she would be better for it?


"So, Zaire Sharimaei, you would join the women of the White Tower?" Aramina asked softly. "Would you spend years of your life in study, dedicating the rest of it to the good of the World and the White Tower?" She asked. The girl had not spoken to Aramina directly yet and Aramina waited to see what her response would be.

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Unbelievable. That her mother would resolve to sending her to the White Tower was unbearable to think about. Years of ignoring Cemedarin's instruction on 'How To Be A Lady' all worth nothing now that she had to study in the White Tower and become Aes Sedai, or else be banned from Caemlyn and leave her brothers and father forever. Either way she would probably never see them again, but becoming Aes Sedai left room for a chance.


It was rather uncomfortable to sit across from an Aes Sedai, with that smooth, all-knowing face. With her mother on the other side of her made her want to empty her stomach. Still, she sat up straight and inclined her chin like a noblewoman. She tried to meet Aramina Sedai's eyes, but she was struggling enough to not look away from that face.


She almost jumped when the Aes Sedai finally spoke. "So, Zaire Sharimaei, you would join the women of the White Tower? Would you spend years of your life in study, dedicating the rest of it to the good of the World and the White Tower?" She said it lightly, but it still held a certain tinge of tightness. Zaire wanted to jump across the table and hit the woman. Actually, she would have rather punched her mother. Why couldn't I just grow up like Jem and Deyel? The woman was awful for making her go to the White Tower. When she saw who Cemedarin had dragged in for dinner, she tried to run away then. It ended by Cemedarin pulling her into her room by her hair and sitting her down on the bed.


"You will do this, Zaire, or you will shame House Sharimaei. You would not take my lessons earlier on so now you must recieve the consequences." Zaire sat on her bed with her arms crossed, looking at the floor. A tear slipped down her cheek and she hastily wiped it away. "You will do this or you will leave!"


At that Zaire jumped up from the bed and faced her mother with her fists at her side. "You wouldn't do that! Not to your own daughter!" Her mother stood up and planted her fists on her hips. "I will do as I must to keep you from destroying House Sharimaei!" She collapsed on her bed and waited until she heard the door slam to cry. She cried for knowing she would be leaving her family. She cried for having to get ready and face the Aes Sedai.


Zaire took a deep breath and looked at her mother, who was glaring at her. She knew she was growing impatient, waiting for her to answer Aramina Sedai respectfully. She opened her mouth and almost croaked at the words that came out. "I will join the women of the White Tower and spend years studying and dedicate my life to the good of the world and to the White Tower." She said it kindly but with a hint of dusgust. What am I doing? Giving my life to become Aes Sedai. Light! Bloody mother of mine!

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Aramina prided herself on her ability to catch what others thought was beyond notice. The way her eyes darted to her mother and her brothers. The tone of voice that, while proper in both word and delivery, left some hint to the correct ear that the words were forced. Cemedarin Sharimaei might think she could send her daughter packing to the White Tower to learn how to behave, but they had no time for spoiled children that didn't have the spark. And Aramina had no time for a woman that couldn't control her children any better than that. Cemedarin thought her daughter was beaten, but Aramina didn't believe it. The girl saw something in this venture, some way to work this to her advantage and Aramina wasn't about to get pulled into it. She rose from her seat then.


"If you'll excuse us for a moment." She said with her small smile still intact. "There is a test that I need to give the child and it is best if we are alone so she can concentrate."


Aramina didn't wait for their approval or even for their studdered answers. She took the girl by the arm and walked out of the room and didn't stop until they had reached the study. The doors closed behind them and Aramina's smile disappeared, leaving her with her natural neutral expression. "You have no more desire to be at the White Tower than I have of dragging you there against your wishes." She said in a quiet voice. "What is this game that you and your mother are playing, and why have you brought me into it?" She asked.

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The way the Aes Sedai looked at her after she answered the question was painful. She thought she might skin her alive right there. It was when she was dragged from the room by her arm that she got even more scared then she expected to. Aramina Sedai closed the door and rounded on her.


"You have no more desire to be at the White Tower than I have of dragging you there against your wishes. What is this game that you and your mother are playing, and why have you brought me into it?" It was a quiet voice, but more cold than before. Zaire gaped at the woman. She did not know what to say, let alone breath properly. It was like she had read her thoughts. Aes Sedai...


"I-I am sorry Ae-Aes Sedai. My mother wants me to study in the White Tower. I will admit; if it was my decision I would not go. I go because I have to."

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"I-I am sorry Ae-Aes Sedai. My mother wants me to study in the White Tower. I will admit; if it was my decision I would not go. I go because I have to."


Aramina nodded. "There are two things to address here. First, I would not take you to the White Tower unless you can channel, a thing we have yet to test you on. Secondly, I would like to know what it is that you wantto do. What would you prefer to do, if you were not being asked to go to the Tower for training?"


She didn't mention that she would have the girl in the Tower in a heartbeat if she could channel. At this point Aramina just wanted to understand the girl and her motives.

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"...What would you prefer to do, if you were not being asked to go to the Tower for training?"


She's asking me? Zaire still couldn't breath normally and actually started taking spurts of breath. She looked down at the ground, shut her eyes and thought. "I...I do not know Aramina Sedai. If it was up to me, I would have Cemedarin shipped off somewhere." Her head shot up to meet Aramina Sedai's questioning look. "I mean, I...I think you can tell my mother and I do not get along well. She asked you here this evening because she wants me to become Aes Sedai... for our family. It seems I have upset her because of my... lack of noble customs."


It was a hearty answer. Still, she did not answer the Aes Sedai's question. 'What would you prefer to do..' She felt Aramina Sedai measuring her; studying her while she stood, playing with her fingers, adjusting her skirts here and there. She brought her head up to face the Aes Sedai's weighing eyes, one last time. "Please Aes Sedai. Even though I may not want to, I need to study and become Aes Sedai...for my brothers and Jawelam. And most of all for my mother. I need to get away from her, and I cannot let her win."

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"Please Aes Sedai. Even though I may not want to, I need to study and become Aes Sedai...for my brothers and Jawelam. And most of all for my mother. I need to get away from her, and I cannot let her win."


There was determination in the girl, Aramina thought as she listened to her words. Unsure of what to do in the world and with a mother who gave her only one option that she could live with.


Aramina had been given an option once. Live in a small village for the rest of your life, or leave your safety and move into the wide world. In the end she had become Aes Sedai but she had known none of that at the time. She had gone to live with an Innkeeper in Tar Valon and had been found by an Aes Sedai by chance. Had she been given other chances she might have gone elsewhere and lived a happy, but unimportant life. This girl was faced with something Aramina understood even if her face didn't show it.


She nodded at the girl. "Perhaps time in the Tower would give you direction if nothing else, a way to work around your mother. perhaps you would learn from us and find that you want to become Aes Sedai." She looked the girl over one more time. "Yes, I think you would do well if you could train yourself to stay at your task. We just need to test you now to see if you can channel. If you are sure?"

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Am I sure? Of course I am sure! This was not the response Zaire was expecting from Aramina Sedai, but it was better than anything else. The worst part had not even begun yet. The testing. If Zaire could channel, it was great. If not, she didn't know what Cemedarin would do with her. Send her away to become a servant of some sort most likely.


She bowed her head. "I am sure, Aramina Sedai. Please." She waited for what was to happen next, her heart pounding, her breathing becoming harder. Her knees were becoming weak. Her whole life depended on the next few moments...

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It was, perhaps, cruel of Aramina to draw this out. However, she casually pulled her necklace off and took her time examining the fine emerald stone that dangled in the center of a floral setting. Smaller emeralds gathered around to make the face of the flowers. The workmanship was quite good and it had become a favorite of Aramina's over the years. The jeweler was one of her favorites in Cairhein and was in fact one of her eyes and ears. A good man Aramina had stumbled upon in a time of need. The necklace itself had been something she had comissioned him for when he had little business and no prospects. The work had been exquisite and quick and Aramina had done him a service by wearing it around and commending his services to the Ladies she had met. He was as loyal as a warder now and he kept her in touch with the happenings of her homeland. As well as kept her in stock of some very increidble jewelry.


She held the necklace out to the girl. "I want you to concentrate on this stone in the center. Don't think about anything else or look at anything else. Block everything else out except this stone." She said in a smooth, even voice. "Imagine light infusing you, imagine it infusing the stone itself. Imagine..." She continued on with her words and eventually dropped off, watching the girl and the stone. Finally, it happened. Just a flicker of light coming from the stone, but it hadn't been from an outward source. The flicker had been the Power and it meant the girl was bound now.


Bound, but not one of us. The thought brought up a serge of determination that still made Aramina take a deep breath. Years after she had reached the shawl and the thought of that time still stung. The thought of failure, still stung. It had been a necessary evil, she understood, and she doubted any of her Green sisters ever looked back on it in a fond way, but she was a stronger woman for it and she would not curse the woman who did it to her, no matter that she had seen others do it.


She shook the thoughts from her head and turned her attention back on the girl before her. Not truely a child, but she would be one now in the White Tower. "You have done well child." She said with a small smile. "You can learn to channel. How long do you need to settle your affairs and leave for the White Tower?"

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It didn't help any that the woman was stalling, looking at her necklace for what seemed ages. When she finally held it out to Zaire, she was almost relieved. "I want you to concentrate on this stone in the center. Don't think about anything else or look at anything else. Block everything else out except this stone. Imagine light infusing you, imagine it infusing the stone itself. Imagine..." When she said it she felt like she was going to fall over. She emptied her mind, which was difficult to do, seeing as her mother was always there.


She concentrated so hard on emptying her mind except for the stone on the necklace. She felt everything flood away and she felt the stone. She felt something bubbling in her, trying to get out. She didn't know what was supposed to happen with the stone, or herself, but her breath caught when the stone lit up. After seeing the light in the stone, and looking up to Aramina Sedai, who was looking at the stone herself, she felt tied to something. Bound. To something, but what she did not know.


Aramina Sedai looked at her finally and said, "You have done well child. You can learn to channel. How long do you need to settle your affairs and leave for the White Tower?" This time when the Aes Sedai spoke, it was with a smile, and Zaire actually felt the smile. She suddenly felt different about the Aes Sedai. However, she felt emotionless, her face was like stone. She showed no emotion, she just stared at the Aes Sedai.


What was to happen now? She would go to the Tower and learn, become Aes Sedai, but would she really be able to return to her father and her brothers? Or was she tied to the White Tower now. Would she arrive at the White Tower and realize she would have rather become a servant? Would she even become Aes Sedai?


"Child?" The soft voice shook all the thoughts away, but she remained emotionless. Just staring. "Yes Aes Sedai. There are no affairs to be settled. All I need is to pack a bag." She said it in a monotonous tone, with no emotion even in her voice. She would rather not give farewells to anyone. Even her father. She would rather just leave at that moment.

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"Child?" For a moment Aramina thought the girl was about to challenge her on the words, but she seemed to decide better of it.


"Yes Aes Sedai. There are no affairs to be settled. All I need is to pack a bag."


There was a change in the girl, something minute and puzzling. Aramina didn't like unsolved puzzles though. They had a ride to get to Tar Valon though and Aramina was sure she would get to the bottom of this riddle. "Good. Then we will be leaving tomorrow at first light. You can say your good-byes tonight if you wish and stay at the Inn with me so we can start on time, or you can meet me. It is your choice, but I expect you to be on time." She said in a no-nonsense voice.



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Zaire finally took in a regular breath. They were leaving tomorrow morning and she would never see her family again. She knew who it was, at the door. The woman on the other side of it. She had always been the kind of woman to eavesdrop on Zaire and her friends. Or even on her own husband. She was the kind of woman who needed to know everything, and anything that would help her get to the top, or be on top of things. She decided to be bold one last time towards Cemedarin. "Did you hear mother? We are leaving tomorrow morning. I will not be here to disappoint you any longer." She heard a shuffling on the other side of the door. She looked back towards Aramina Sedai. "If you don't mind, I think I will stay here tonight and I will meet you at your Inn at first light tomorrow morning. Do not worry for I have never been late before." She curtsied and turned to leave. She stopped and turned back. "Is there anything in particular I will need to pack or do before I meet you tomorrow?"

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Aramina refused to smile. The girl's pride was strong and it always boded well to have some spirit before entering the tower. It would be drilled out of her eventually to be replaced with something more refined, more tempered and stronger than before. The fact that after everything that had happened she still spoke out against her mother said a lot to Aramina about the sort of woman she would some day become.


"Is there anything in particular I will need to pack or do before I meet you tomorrow?"


It was said as an after thought as she reached the door and Aramina was tempted to make an exampe here and now about what was appropriate behavior before an Aes Sedai. However the girl's situation and the shock of her mother's pronouncement must have taken it's toll on the girl's reasoning. Aramina smiled instead, letting the emotions pass through her before answering.


"You need only bring clothes to see you to the Tower and any personal effects you wish to carry with you. All else will be provided for you when we reach the Tower."



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Zaire was about to collapse when she saw the Aes Sedai smile. She was sure she was in for it when she spoke to Aramina Sedai without manners. "You need only bring clothes to see you to the Tower and any personal effects you wish to carry with you. All else will be provided for you when we reach the Tower." Zaire kept all the emotions in the back of her head but kept the temporary air that she held, seeing as the Aes Sedai wasn't doing anything about it. This time.


She curtsied deeply, bowing her head with it, and said, "Thank you Aes Sedai. I shall meet you tomorrow morning, Aes Sedai." That might clear some of her unmannered actions. She waited for the Aes Sedai to release her to slip through the door and down the hall to her quarters.

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The next morning came bright and early. Especially early since Aramina had been about her business late the night before. She had left letters for her network of people with the Innkeeper who she trusted completely and had received messages back regarding her recent activities. Her eyes and ears had been picked over the years because they were loyal and quick to convey information, both qualities she had looked for in particular.


As the sun was about to began it's rise across the sky, leaving a wake of color against the midnight skies beyond it's reach, Aramina made her way down to the stables and had her mount readied. The stable boy worked efficently when he wasn't bowing and worrying about whether it was polite to turn your back on an Aes Sedai to work or if he was supposed to somehow bow to her the whole time. She brushed her hands over her green riding dress and walked outside to wait so he wouldn't have to worry about her. She tried to remember a time when she had worried over such things but couldn't. She had never been thatyoung. At least, when she had been she had already been schooled on proper protocal and would never have given off the air of uncertainty that the Stable boy had.


As she looked back to the Inn, she noticed a small figure coming closer. She smiled to herself as she recognized the girl from the night before. Aramina had been expecting her. Right at the break of dawn of course, not a minute earlier because she wouldn't want Aramina to think she was anxious or eager and not a minute late to make the Aes Sedai angry with her or offend her either. This one showed some promise, Aramina thought, if she could be schooled to her way of thought.


"Good morning Zaire." She said with a slight nod of the head. "It is good that you are on time. A fine trait for a novice , which you will learn if you show up late to any of your classes at the White Tower." She said.



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Zaire had woken up too early, she thought, in order to be ready and to the Aes Sedai's Inn. Not a minute late, but not a minute too early either. She didn't want Aramina Sedai to think she was over eager to leave or to go to the White Tower.


She walked down the streets, a chilly morning, the sky painted beautiful colors, looking for the Inn where Aramina Sedai was waiting. When she turned a corner, she squinted her eyes to see Aramina Sedai outside of a stable. She slowed down her pace a slight bit, whether because she was having second thoughts or because she didn't want the Aes Sedai to think she was running, Zaire didn't know for herself.


"Good morning Zaire." She said with a slight nod of the head. "It is good that you are on time. A fine trait for a novice , which you will learn if you show up late to any of your classes at the White Tower." She said.


"Of course, Aes Sedai. Like I said I am not late for anyone. It is one thing I find to be very disrespectful, Aramina Sedai." She had butterflies in her stomach, realizing that this was it; she was leaving Caemlyn soon. The place she had grown up in and loved. And now she was leaving it to become Aes Sedai for her mother. She tried to hold her stomach so that she didn't empty it anymore than it already was.


"Aes Sedai, I would like to ask you something." She waited for Aramina Sedai to gesture her to go on. "Well, Aes Sedai, I know you must think I'm stubborn, after last night and all, but I wondered if, on the way to Tar Valon, that you might teach me some things?" She dry-scrubbed her hands and played with her skirts while she avoided Aramina's gaze and added, "Not about Aes Sedai magic, but about.. manners I will need and any other things that might help me?"

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"Of course, Aes Sedai. Like I said I am not late for anyone. It is one thing I find to be very disrespectful, Aramina Sedai."


The girl was obviously having trouble this morning. Considering what Aramina had seen the night before she wasn't surprised in the least. To the leave home for the White Tower was one thing. To leave because you felt you were being forced was another. It was something Aramina hoped to change by the time they reached the Tower. Only time would tell is she would be successful. She thought the girl had a good character though and that was lacking sometimes. It was the character that made the Aes Sedai, not strength in the One Power. Sirayn Sedai was the true testament to that and Aramina had yet to meet an Aes Sedai that could match the Green Sister in sheer presence. Aramina hoped that Zaire's character was enough to get her through training and to see that the White Tower was not just some sort of enforced servitude.


"Aes Sedai, I would like to ask you something. Well, Aes Sedai, I know you must think I'm stubborn, after last night and all, but I wondered if, on the way to Tar Valon, that you might teach me some things?"?"


Her nervousness took over again and she refused to meet Aramina's eye. Her hands ran across her skirts and wrapped around each other as she continued. "Not about Aes Sedai magic, but about.. manners I will need and any other things that might help me?"


Aramina nodded. "Of course. Protocal is very important in the world and in the White Tower as well. We can discuss these things as we ride, along with any other questions that you have." Aramina said as the stable boy came out. He had two horses ready for them as Aramina had requested and she gave him a coin for his trouble. He smiled and nodded and helped Aramina mount up quickly, then moved to take Zaire's things and tie them to the back of the other horse. When the girl was mounted they began their way out of the city.



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Zaire followed the Aes Sedai's lead through the streets of Caemlyn to the city gate. When they were through the city gate and on the road to Tar Valon, Zaire finally spoke up. "Aramina Sedai, how long does it take to get to Tar Valon from here?"


The Aes Sedai looked at Zaire out of the corner of her eye, studying her with a small smirk. Why, Zaire had no idea. She sat her horse, waiting patiently for her answer. "It should take no longer than (ooc:i dont know the actual time so if u wanted to tell me and ill edit it in?), child." She said it calmy, with a voice that said Zaire should have known.


They rode on another several minutes when Zaire thought she had her first Tower-related question. She was still nervous in front of the Aes Sedai. The women who used to taunt you when you were a little girl, if you did something wrong. Clearly they didn't seem as bad as your parents made them out to be, but they were so mysterious that you didn't know what to expect next. Will I become an Aes Sedai like that?


"Aramina Sedai, I know you must think I have little respect for authority, seeing the way I speak with my mother, but I want you to know that I have all the respect I need to show to a even a queen. But I do ask, is there a certain way to present myself to the Amyrlin Seat, or this Mistress of Novice's you spoke of?"

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"Aramina Sedai, I know you must think I have little respect for authority, seeing the way I speak with my mother, but I want you to know that I have all the respect I need to show to a even a queen. But I do ask, is there a certain way to present myself to the Amyrlin Seat, or this Mistress of Novice's you spoke of?"


"It is not a Queen you should show respect to. She demands it and it is given. It is to the people who do you a kindness for no reason that you should respect. The people that care for you when they have no cause to and the people that are in the shadows of the great. These people deserve your respect though few will ever recognize them for what they are. Give respect where it is due, but remember to look harder than everyone else. Let that be your first lesson to become an Aes Sedai." Aramina said. her own history was far from illustrious though she now commanded respect. People would have been foolish to take her as nothing because she had no name and she had learned the lesson quite well.


As to the respect you show the Amyrlin Seat, it is not likely that you will meet her anytime soon. She is busy and will not trouble herself with a novice. Though if you do see her you keep your tongue unless she speaks to you. When in doubt, look to your fellows for they will know their place as well as you should. For the Mistress of Novice the protocal is not so strict. She is Aes Sedai so you will be respectful at all times, though she is there to help you so you should feel free to speak to her whenever you have questions or concerns."



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Zaire listened intently, and when Aramina Sedai was done, she nodded silently and continued her gaze on the road ahead. They rode for 3 hours or so with occasional small talk about a passerby or an animal off in the distance. When it started to become dark, Zaire became curious as to what you did next. She had never been outside of Caemlyn, except to travel to her family's summer home in the west of Andor.


"Aramina Sedai, are we going to stay at an inn or are we going to camp out? I will do either if I have to, I am only curious, Aes Sedai."

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"Aramina Sedai, are we going to stay at an inn or are we going to camp out? I will do either if I have to, I am only curious, Aes Sedai."


Aramina looked at the girl. The good part of this was that she hadn't tried to keep up small talk along the way. She asked questions when she had them and Aramina didn't mind them. She'd been on trips before though where people tried to keep up steady talk the entire time.


The bad part was that she hadn't been out of her own city before and was therefore completely in the dark about what was happening. It was not unusual. In fact Aramina hadn't been outside her own village before her mother's death, so many years ago. It had ended the innocent part of her life and introduced her to thw World of Tar Valon and then of the White Tower.


"There is a village close by." She answered as they rode on. "We'll stay at an Inn. An Aes Sedai is always prepared to sleep under the stars and you will spend more time than you wish doing so, however when you have a chance I always suggest an Inn. I prefer the comfort of the bed to the stars, though I suppose some of my Green Ajah Sisters would think me weak for admitting it." She added with a small smile.


It wasn't long before they could see the Village Aramina had indicated. She had travelled the area often enough to know her way well and she rode steadily to her chosen location. She dismounted in front of a small Inn but it was well kept and clean. The food was good, in fact Aramina thought the cook would do well in Tar Valon if she could just convince her to set herself up there. She was barely in the door before the Innkeeper had her hustled upstairs and in a room. Aramina insisted on sharing one with Zaire, in part to make sure they were safe and in part to make sure the girl didn't run home.


She unpacked a few things as they settled in and let the serving girl in with their dinner. As she took the tray and got ready to eat she looked across at the girl. "Normally I would indulge in the common room to see what sort of talk there is, but this place tends to get rather rowdy sometimes and I would prefer to pass with little notice." She explained.



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"Oh," Zaire mumbled while nodding her head. She straightened her skirts and set her things down next to her bed. She sat down and waited for Aramina to start eating first, then took up her plate. They ate with no conversation except for compliments on the food here and there. Finally, when Zaire finished, she looked up and noticed Aramina Sedai still eating. She took a sip of her water and waited until the Aes Sedai was done eating. She had spoken to someone while they were eating before and she got away with little less than a beating from her mother, saying it was one of the rudest things someone could do. "Aramina Sedai, you said back on the road something about A-A...Ajah?" She stumbled fluently on the word seeing as it was brand new to her. The Aes Sedai nodded her head and she continued, "May I ask what it is or will I learn about it in the White Tower? Well, of course I will. I'm sorry, I don't know why I asked, Aes Sedai." She stood up and curtsied, then walked to her bed and plopped herself down on the edge. She took out a picture of her father and her brothers that she had in her saddlebags and jumped when Aramina Sedai spoke.

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It was amazing, Aramina thought as she watched the girl. She was a walking contradiction. In her mother's house she had been arrogant and in the end, rather unruly, but here, far from home she was becoming a bit shy. These sort of things always fascinated Aramina. As an observer of human nature she was intrigued by it's intricacy.


She smiled at the girl then and set her hands calmly on her lap. "Don't be afraid to ask questions." Aramina said. "The Green Ajah is what I mentioned before. Within the White Tower are different... divisions." She said, picking her words carefully. "Sisters who ban together because they have a common belief or cause. There are 7 of these and we call them Ajahs. The White Ajah is concerned with logic, the Brown with knowledge, the Yellow with healing, the Gray with mediation and peace, the red, of course, hunting men who can channel, and the Blue who fight for causes in the world. And, the Green Ajah, who I mention last because it is my own Ajah. We of the Green Ajah are the fighters. We prepare ourselves for the Last Battle in any way possible." She said, trying hard to keep the pride out of her voice.


"The Ajah's try to work together to come to decisions that will benefit the Tower and all of mankind. But you will notice once you arrive that the different divisions are often at odds with one another or are squabbling over something. On the inside you see the disputes and the grievances, but as you know, the White Tower has always and will always been seen as a strong figure in the World. It is a common cause that all Aes Sedai work towards. We are much like a family that way. Indded, I think of my Ajah Sisters as more of a family than my own sister ever was." She said. There was no hint of sadness over the sister lost to time and distance, only the ever constant knowledge that Aramina would have walked away again, to fight for the cause she did now.


"As for other things you will learn in the Tower, you will learn about diplomacy, customs from other lands. You'll learn about history and geography. Military tactics and shadowspawn. And you will learn how to wield the One Power. The courses you take will be varied and you will get a very general feel of things before you begin choosing your own course of studies where you can dig into specific things closer." Aramina finished.



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Zaire listened so intently, she thought her head might spin with all the odd information. When Aramina Sedai started talking she turned around on her bed and put the picture in her lap.


She found it all so interesting for some reason. Despite the fact that she was so against this in the start, she began to become interested in it all. When she heard about all of the Ajah's she thought which one she would fit into, or want to join. She found Aramina's interesting, the fighters.


It also sounded interesting to learn about all the other things. The customs from other lands; She always wanted to travel. When her mother tried to teach her diplomacy, it was awful, but Zaire thought that hopefully it would be better to learn it in the White Tower. The word Shadowspawn made her cringe. Those were things you only heard in child's stories; Zaire didn't think they were real.


Finally, the One Power. She had always known about the Aes Sedai magic, as she called it, and had always been fascinated by it. Actually, she was more scared of it at first and never thought she could do it. Zaire wondered what it would be like to "wield" the One Power. How did you do it? And how could you possibly learn?


"It all sounds very interesting, but intimidating, Aramina Sedai. I look forward to learning about all of these things at the White Tower."

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"It's good that you find it intimidating." Aramina said. "It's is a hard thing you have set out to do, for whatever reason. The One Power is not something we meddle with half heartedly. It is a powerful thing, and as with all powerful things, must be treated with care and respect. The Sisters who teach you will certainly be drilling this into you." Aramina finished.


With dinner done, Aramina was ready for sleep. The girl was beginning to get curious, if her questions were anything to go by and Aramina took that as a good sign. They had more travelling to do in the morning though and Aramina was ready to see home again. She changed quickly and retired to sleep, hoping to the Light that the girl didn't snore.



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