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Eh, i can't. Still having comp trouble, and i can't access any of my stuff :S


Umm... As for theme, how about Samhain?


Wikipedia page


Give it a read, there's plenty of referrences: Start of the 'dark half of the year', the boundaries between the worlds of the dead and the living fading for a day... Take your pick i guess ;D

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ah we're doing a somewhat joint theme this year oposed to last year, with superheros and villains, so i sugest we pick a book or movie as a subtheme to that


some to think about i could see would be Narnia or His Dark Materials as more rescent consepts that has a wide range of choises in them of both sides, and have both animals and humans


for older consepts there would be Oz, maybe old disney ones as a general theme with mickey and donald's nepheus on one side, and  Black Pete and Magica de Spell on the other side




other sugestions? the sigs are to be displayed from the 24th, so we shouldnt use too long to find one if we are to have time to make the sigs

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ok in lack of response i am droping collective subtheme


instead for those i make sig for i\ll use the background of our banner, and similar fonts


if you want a sig please post here


here are examples of those i done so far








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