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Requirement Rules & Guidelines for NOVICES


- All Novice Requirements are a Minimum of 4 Posts (with exceptions stated below) and 1000 words per said novice for each Thread

- The Intro to Saidar class may be done in 4 threads, with only 1 relevant to the Class post needed per novice per thread.

- Share Posting is allowed but still requires the 1000 word minimum each.

- Solo posting (ie only you post in the thread) is only allowed in the 3 Arches and 1 other thread (either Homesickness, Recovery or Character Centered RP). The minimum word count of 1000 is still required, but it can be done in 1 post.


1) the word count:


It is a minimum of 250 words per post, unless you are:

a) Doing a solo post (1000 word minimum)

b) RP'ing with an Accepted (for instance Meet the Mentor) who needs to do 6 posts (you can then split the 1000 word minimum over 5 or 6 posts)

c) Doing a share post.



Novice Requirements


  • Novice Quiz
  • Arrival: Meet the MoN
  • Either Meet the Mentor, or Meet the Roommate
  • Novice life: - Organize an Rp with 1 or more Novices or Accepted about daily life in the Tower.
  • One OP Related RP taught by an Accepted, Aes Sedai or assigned Mentor
    * Introduction to Saidar
  • Choose 3 of the Following:
    * Freeday- Organize an Rp with 2 or more Novices or Accepted, about a specific activity that takes place during your Freeday.
    * Homesickness - Adjusting to life in the Tower, your character reflects on missing home. (How does she deal with the loss of her family?)
    * Chore RP - A chore given by either an Accepted or Aes Sedai - the chore must be role played.
    * Recovery - Your character must deal with a minor/major set-back or loss and must find a way to deal with it. (Will she approach a fellow N&A, Mentor or another Aes Sedai?)
    * Prankage!  - You character has been involved in a prank of some kind! (How will you deal with it. Are you the prank-er or the prank-ee? Will your thread include an interview with the MON for punishment? (suggestion: you can do the Chore thread as a follow up on this.)
    * Create your own Character Centered RP - An rp that centers around your character and not someone else, in which you learn something important about yourself - Must be approved by Staff.


  • Three Arches - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked.


  • Novice Interview - OOC.



update here:


  • Novice Quiz - COMPLETE







  • Three Arches - URL - Word Count - [Complete / Incomplete]


  • Novice Interview - OOC - [Complete / Incomplete]


  • 3 months later...

I've added the links in to the correct places, and in some cases added in how many posts you've done. I don't have the time now to read through all those classes to see how many posts you've done that are actually relevant to the class.


With regards to Intro to Saidar: Each novice is supposed to do 1 post per thread, minimum 250 words, and it should be about the class. You can edit your post in the Class 4 thread to conform to this. If you can do that with the other threads, I'd say do that to complete your reqs there.


With regards to the thread with Eqwina and Raeyn: You said you want that to be a Chore thread? I don't see anything like that there, but if you can convince 1 of them to post a few more times, you can turn that into a Create your own Character Centered RP req. Consider it approved by staff, if you can do that  :D


This is how you are supposed to report your reqs:


* Choice RP 1 - [Name] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]


* Choice RP 1 - [Name] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]


insert NAME OF RP, ie PRANK, here

insert URL link here

insert WORD COUNT here


[ insert AMOUNT OF POSTS DONE here / 4 ]



I will go back and do a word count and alter my post for the 250 wrd cnt.


The rp with Eqwina was supposed to advance into where she would have me do a specific chore. Its sorta stalled. We did talk a few times via pm but still, no word yet. *shrugs*


I'll get to those word counts & etc in a few days. Thanks Elgee  :-*

  • 1 month later...
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