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to unlearn (attn Perivar)


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Perivar was a student Corwin had taught once before and he knew a small bit about him before he got a notice that Perivar wanted to learn more about using both of his hands as weapons.  Corwin waited for the boy under a tree and fingered the straps the boy would soon be using.  Once the boy showed up, Corwin threw a practice blade to him, but made sure to pay close attention to him to see which hand he used to catch.  Corwin had watched him a couple days before to see just how good he was so he could judge the first level of the boy's training.


Once the boy finished approaching, Corwin told him to put that arm behind his back and Corwin went around and strapped the arm tightly to his back.  You will not use this arm until I tell you that you can.  If you do, I will break it, and if you have it Healed I will break it again.  Now I want you to use your weak hand an go through every form you know.



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Perivar had gone through his mornig fitness routine though he skipped his daily forms for once.  Today was a day for learning.  The sun's illumination crept through the city though it had yet to break over the building surrounding the Warder Yard.  It was warm today with occasional breezes of cool air coming off the river.  The sky was near cloudless so there would be no break from the sun's heavy glare.


Perivar could feel her, that ball of emotions nestled in the back of his head.  He could feel a hint of...not anger but annoyance at something or someone.  If it was someone he hoped it was not him.  Now that he was her Warder, he was able to sleep in her room in the Green Ajah Quarters.  The annoyance was probably directed at him though.  For all of the benefits of them living together there was one drawback.  She ran a tight ship, everything in perfect order and he was a, what did she call him?  A pig, no it was something far more pungent yet he couldn't bring it to mind.  Well he would try to be neater, for his own good but it did not come easy for him. 


He brought his thoughts back to the matter at hand.  She was fiercesome and passionate about fighting the shadow and he needed to be the best swordsman that he could be.  After their skirmish in Shienar he knew he needed to improve his skills.  Sure there had been six Trollocs he faced at once though in her service he knew there would be times when he would face steeper odds.  He had managed to kill four and cutoff the hand of a fifth but the sixth one had struck him a good blow.  If not for her healing and the benefits of the Warder bond he would have been finished for sure.  He needed to be better, that was why he was here today.


Perivar found Corwin sitting at the base of a tree.  He offered the man a respectful nod though the man tossed a practice blade at him in response.  He caught it with his right hand.  It was his dominant hand after all.  As a boy in Arafel he had been taught to dual wield though his right had always been his dominant hand.  The dual wielding ended the day he came to Tar Valon to train.  It seemed to him that it was a time for change.  Well things had come full circle and now he would learn to dual wield all over again.


He put his arm behind his back as order, there was no doubt that it was an order.  Perivar raised an eyebrow as Corwin strapped his arm tightly to his back.  You will not use this arm until I tell you that you can.  If you do, I will break it, and if you have it Healed I will break it again.  Now I want you to use your weak hand an go through every form you know.


Corwin's no nonsense tone and his demeanor said he would do just as he said.  With a nod Perivar went through the forms left handed.  A few times he had practiced the forms with his off hand though nowhere near as often as with his right.  Most of training though had been either with a bastard sword or with sword and shield.  It was only recently that he began fighting with sword and singuata though he had used it mostly as a buckler for blocking instead of for its potential as a weapon.


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Corwin stood there and watched as the boy went through the forms. The boy wasn't near as bad as most were.  In fact he was a little decent.  But he had a lot of room for improvement.  Still he had a bit of skill.  Untieing the straps, Corwin told him to try doing two forms at once.  The boy obeyed and was naturally not the best, he needed to get the hang of using both at once, and coordinating them, but that would come with time.  Corwin then told him You will practice with both weapons constantly.  I will not see you without them, and you will begin practicing doing beginner forums only with them.  Also your weak hand will hold your sword.  Now begin.  Corwin wanted to test the boys limits, now was time to see how far he could be pushed, if he could go without hurting himself, that would save a lot of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perivar was happy to have his arm untied.  He went through the forms as instructed then listened as Corwin told him that he was to fight with both weapons constantly.  He wanted him to work with the basic forms only until he became proficient with them with both weaopns.  It would just take some adjustments to make the forms work with the singuata, some would simply not fit at all.


With the sword in his left hand and singuata in his right he stood in Lion on the Hill.  He held the form for a moment before he began going through the basic forms in front of Corwin.  With his left hand he flowed through the slashing forms while with his right he kept it to the thrusting forms, The Falcon Stoops, Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose, and The Kingfisher Takes a SilverbackParting the Silk with his left as he simultaneously did Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose with his right.  The Courtier Taps His Fan combined with The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback


Perivar used every combination that he could then repeated them again and again until Corwin told him to stop.  His arms burned like fire on the outside of the void yet on the inside it was barely noticeable.  Inside the void he felt like he could go on forever though he knew that when he stopped for the day it would all come crashing in on him.  One thing was for certain, tonight he would be sore. 

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Corwin stopped the boy after an hour.  The boy would have went longer, but he was pushing his body to it's limits.  All the better though, at least this boy will listen and do what I say without trying to put his own reason to his training.  Over the next month I expect to see you practicing with both weapons any time you are using a weapon.  If you have a teacher that tells you not to, tell them to find me.  Hopefully in a month you should be ready for more, but we shall see then.  Corwin dismissed the boy and hoped to see good things of him.  The boy would never see him watching, but Corwin would be there.


It was now time to test his responsibility.

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"Over the next month I expect to see you practicing with both weapons any time you are using a weapon.  If you have a teacher that tells you not to, tell them to find me.  Hopefully in a month you should be ready for more, but we shall see then."


"I will do as you say" He nodded respectfully "Thank you Master Corwin"  He said as he was dismissed. 


For the next month he trained with renewed vigor.  He had an Aes Sedai to protect, he had to be the best that he could be for her.  He trained harder than ever.  Each day when he returned to her rooms exhausted she eyed him curiously.  She would offer him healing though he felt as if that were cheating.  The benefits of the bond allowed him to train harder and longer than he could without it.  It was truly remarkable.


Perivar let Kabria think that Master Corwin was pushing him hard though he was pushing himself.  No doubt Master Corwin expected a certain level of commitment to the training but it was Perivar who took it to the extreme.  Kabria was a Green and would be placing herself in harms way, he had to be as tough and as skilled as he could be.  That was why he had sought out Master Corwin.  He was a master of the form that would help him be what he needed to be.


When the month was up he waited for word from Master Corwin to appear before him.  If he did not hear something by tomorrow than he would seek him out.

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OOC: This might not be the best cause I'm posting while in Chem, but here goes



Over the past month Corwin had watched the boy push himself more and more.  He trained until Corwin was out at night for his regular training, and Corwin could see exhaustion that most people didn't bring upon themselves.  It was shocking in a way, Corwin would see him in the morning, and come back hours later and see the boy in the same area training just as hard.  Yet every night he went into the Tower as well... Boy must be bonded now...


Once the month had passed Corwin was a bit anxious to meet with the boy again.  It had been so long since he had trained anyone with such vigor.  Going to meet the boy at his typical training area, and he was already there.  Well boy you've had your time.  Do you think you're ready to move on?  The boy gave him a firm nod just as he knew the boy would.  Lets see how you do then.  Subtly, Corwin eased his blades, if the boy was going to move on then Corwin was going to make sure he deserved it.


OOC: I'll let you decided if he's ready to go on.  Basically Corwin is going to strike the blades randomly to see if he can maintain the blades while he works them both

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Perivar met Master Corwin on the appointed day.  He arrived early eager to get underway.  As Master Corwin approached he asked Perivar if he was ready to move on.  Perivar gave him a firm nod.  He had trained harder than he ever had before.  If he was not ready to move on then he would never be. 


Perivar watched Master Corwin as if he watched a viper in his den.  Perivar drew his sword with his left hand and plucked the singuata from his belt with his right hand.  He took on the form Lion on the Hill with his sword held vertically and singuata at waist level waiting for the training to begin.

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For a bit the boy stood there in Lion on the Hill.  Corwin didn't know what he was waiting for since he had said he wanted to see how he would do.  But after a few minutes, Corwin figured he must be waiting on him.  Any time now boy.  Go through your forms.  The boy's reaction only confirmed that he was waiting on Corwin.


As the boy began to go through his forms, Corwin's swords began striking from weapon to weapon of his.  AS he went back and forth, Corwin was pleased to see the boy could hold onto his weapons, and after some time, the boy even seemed to want to adjust to different forms.  The boy is better than I thought he would be.


Good. Now, I want you to come here tomorrow.  First we will go over more altered forms.  But after that, you are going to practice until your arms collapse.  I'm sure you've already noticed it's draining after some time with two weapons.  Tomorrow we will build your endurance.


Tomorrow was going to be a long day.  It had been some time since he had went anything more than an hour.  But this wasn't going to be as hard on him as a real spar, so he wasn't too worried.  He could only imagine what was going through the boys head though.  Corwin still remembered the long days with Imrahil.  The man was gone now, like so many others, but Corwin was still grateful for the harsh training.

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Master Corwin's words sprung him into motion.  He was waiting on his instructor who was in effect waiting on him to begin.  Perivar went through his form while Master Corwin struck his weapons apparently seeing if he could maintain his hold on them.  He had been working on the other forms and wanted to go into them though Master Corwin had said for him to stick to the basics for now.


He listened to his instructions then thanked his instructor as he was dismissed for the day.  Tomorrow promised to be grueling.  Kabria already thought he was overdoing it, training from sunup to sundown each and everyday since their return from the Borderlands.  Training 'til he collapsed was going to irritate her to no end but she would have to understand, he hoped she would.  It was what he needed to improve, Master Corwin knew what he was about.  The man was a Blademaster after all.  It was exactly what Perivar needed.  To continue down the path of becoming a highly skilled fighter.  To be worthy of her trust in him and his abilities.  To make sure that he would be as prepared as he could to serve and protect her.  It was his sole focus.


The next day Perivar arrived early as always eager to get underway... 

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Corwin roused earlier than he thought he would, out of the corner of his eye he saw movement and saw that it was Perivar.  His nightly training was out of the question now with recent developments with Eqwina.  AS a result, Corwin had begun training in the mornings, thus there was no need to go back to bed before.  Sitting under a tree though, he had looked forward to resting, but it seemed the boy wanted to start early.


Nonetheless, he had told the boy what was going to happen.  Drawing his Katanas, Corwin waited for the boy to come near and taught him the altered forms of the rest of his sword forms.  If he was going to make the boy collapse today, he was going to have everything in his arsenal.  Fortunately the boy picked them up quickly... a bit too fast it seemed sometimes, but Corwin didn't push him to find out why though.  If the boy was pushing himself, well Corwin wasn't going to fault him for it.


It was a few hours later when Corwin felt the boy knew the forms well enough that it was time to exhaust him.  Well let's see how long you can last boy.



OOC: feel free to NPC Corwin in the fighting some.  You would be the best judge as to how good he'll be right now.

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Perivar absorbed the new forms that Master Corwin showed him.  He had been working on the intermediate and advanced forms yet still Master Corwin taught him a trick here and there that made his movements more fluid.  He worked with Master Corwin for a few hours making sure that he had all of the forms down.


Master Corwin told him it was time to see how long he could last.  Even with the added benefit of the bond there was still a limit to what the body could endure.  Perivar gave it his all, conservation energy by fluid motions and using forms that flowed into one another.  Wielding two weapons at once certainly took more out of you but you could attack two different targets at the same time.  The benefits of taking out two opponents at once made the drawbacks worthwhile.  With enough training the extra effort would not even be noticeable he thought.


Perivar flowed through the forms as best he could yet nothing he did would let him touch Master Corwin though he thought he had come close a few times.  He felt that the Blademaster could touch him with his blades as often as he liked.  Perhaps it was not so but he felt that was the case.


It seemed like they sparred for days but it could have been mere hours.  He was bruised and bloody, he could feel Kabria's frustration coming through the bond.  She was coming closer yet they were not done, he needed more time.  Perivar would continue until he could not lift his arms.  He knew his movements had slowed but still he went on.  Up 'til now he had kept both weapons moving and had kept a decent guard.  At his skill level he could not expect more for himself.

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