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Called to a Duel ((Attn: Seggie))


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((For timeline sake this will be after the Inter-Div RP with the CotS))


Geirrin strapped on his sword belt as he looked around the barracks.  Nothing there held the answers for what he would face today.  All he was told is that he was to duel an Asha'man with the one power.  That was all he knew.  He had no idea who he was to face off against just that is was an Asha'man.  The sword at his side was purely ornamental at this point though they were required to wear it all times.  This is the day where it would be decided if he were worthy of being an Asha'man.  Butterflies the size swans seemed to be fluttering around his stomach.


Geirrin left the barracks walking with a purpose as he made his way to the training grounds.  He ran through all of the offensive and defensive weaves that he new.  Thought on which ones were more practical on a single target as opposed to multiple ones.  He glanced up at the sky.  It was overcast, dark clouds danced across the sky threatening to dump a deluge of rain upon them.  He pushed the thoughts about the weather away and went back to thinking on the weaves.


Geirrin reached the specified spot of the training grounds noticing the clump of black coated men assembled to watch.  One of that cluster would be his partner for the duel.  Which one he thought to himself.  He scanned the faces, some he knew by name and some not.  Geirrin stood there rigidly ready to receive his instructions and learn who he would face.


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A man dressed in black walked into the training circle.  The pins on his collar sign signified his rank amongst the men.  He stood before Geirrin, his hand on the pommel of his sword.


"Greetings, Dedicated," he said as he gave a short respectful bow.  "The rules are simple.  We will duel until one of us is shielded or has yielded this combat.  Any questions?”


Geirrin nodded, “And to whom am I sparring with?  Also are there any restriction on our used of Saidin?”


A smile ran across the Asha’man’s face, “The name is not of importance as your opponent on the battlefield is an unknown.  However, if you must know, my name is Tsingtao, Tsingtao Ming.”  Tsingtao began circling his opponent.  “Use what you know but beware of its Taint on us. Now prepare yourself, Dedicated.”  Tsingtao stopped in front of Geirrin again and drew his sword, leveling his hilt with his right shoulder.


Geirrin drew his sword and matched the Asha’man’s stance.  They stood in their poses for what felt like hours.  Tsingtao made the first move, charging his opponent.  Tsingtao whipped his sword to Geirrin’s left then to his right.  The sword seemed to dance in the wielder’s hand as it obeyed its master’s movements.  Their swords clashed, one striking as the other defended.  Tsingtao withdrew from range, returning the sword to a ready stance.  “Good,” he said. 


Geirrin quickly saw a light blue aura form in front of Tsingtao followed by a flash of light.  He felt a forceful blow to his chest as a rush of air hit him straight on.


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Geirrin had no idea what to expect.  A black coated man complete with his collar pins stepped into the circle with his hand resting on the pommel of his sword.  He had hoped that swords would not be necessary but it appeared that this would not be the case.  Well there was nothing to be done about that, it was part of the training.


Geirrin nodded respectfully to the man addressing him.  His words almost sounding clipped as if he would say what was necessary and not a word more.  He listened to the instructions and drew his sword taking the cue from the man called Tsingtao.  He took the guard stance holding his sword upright ever so slightly held to the right.


Geirrin had no idea how much time they spent holding their stances while waiting on the other to make a move.  Tsingtao charged striking out at Geirrin's left then his right.  Geirrin reacted as quick as he could manage just in time to deflect the blows.  The clashing of the swords still rang in his ear as Tsingtao danced out of range before Geirrin could strike.


The man's words were lost on him as Geirrin saw the glow surround the man.  Geirrin quickly embraced the source then desperately struggled with Saidin to form the weave to cut the other man's flows of air.  Air, Earth, and Spirit came together though it was too late.  A rush of air struck him in his chest like a blacksmith's hammer taking the breath from his lungs causing him to stagger backwards.  Geirrin knew he needed a moment to catch his breath so he quickly wove flows of Earth into the ground creating an earthen barrier between the two combatants.


Geirrin recovered quickly then circled to the right as Tsingtao was moving left to meet him.  He had a weave ready which he unleashed at his opponent.  The thunder clap sounded near his opponent's head meant as a distraction.  Geirrin seized the opportunity and rushed in striking at the Tsingtao's left side with his sword though Tsingtao deflected the blade almost effortlessly.


Both combatants wove flows of air which passed each other enroute to their targets.  They both staggered back as the flows of air struck home... 

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Tsingtao crashed to the ground from the blow.  "This guy adapts quickly," he thought to himself as he gasped for air. He glanced towards Geirrin and noticed that he too was slow to get up.  Slowly he stood back up.  There will be no doubt that both will be sore tonight.  He tightened his grip on his sword, and he charged the Dedicated once again.


Embracing the power of Saidin, he started a weave of Fire.  Tsingtao unleashed a fireball toward Geirrin.  As anticipated, Geirrin rolled away from the incoming missile, but his dodging landed him in the path of Tsingtao’s sword.  Tsingtao released hold of Saidin, instead relying on his skill with the sword.  Their blades danced a deadly performance as each man tried to gain the upper hand.  The strain of his muscles forced Tsingtao to jump away to regroup.


Landing a safe distance, Tsingtao surrendered to the One Power again.  He could feel the Taint flow through him.  He didn’t want to reach for Saidin, but knew it was a good idea.  Sure enough it was the right choice.  He watched Geirrin starting a weave of Spirit.  Tsingtao quickly gathered the powers of Air, Earth, and Spirit to cut the flows from Geirrin.  The thought of a shield keeping him for Saidin ached through his body. He concentrated harder to keep conscience from the Taint.


Gathering his remaining strength, Tsingtao produced an Earth weave, causing the ground underneath Geirrin to shake.


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Geirrin rolled away as the fireball cast by Tsingtao flew past him.  He could feel the heat coming from the fireball threatening to sear him as it passed to crash into the light nows what.  It had come so close that he would not be surprised to see his black coat smoldering.  Light that bloody thing had been close he cursed.


Coming up from the roll he was met by Tsingtao's blade, he deflected it slightly suffering a gash on his left arm.  If he hadn't deflected the blow it would have been far worse.  As it was it stung like fire and he was sure blood was trickling down his arm.  They danced back and forth.  Hacking, slashing, , thrusting, and parrying for his life.


Tsingtao was a better swordsman and had more weapons at his disposal when it came to use of the power.  Geirrin was strong with the power for a Dedicated though his knowledge of the weaves and the speed at which he channeled were not on par with Tsingtao's.  Geirrin needed to do something.  He struggled with Saidin weaving a flow of Spirit which he directed at Tsingtao.  The weave began to settle in though Tsingtao quickly wove flows of Air, Earth, and Fire cutting Geirrin's weave.  The flows of his own weave crashed back into him sending him staggering to keep his balance.


As Geirrin tried to regain his balance Tsingtao began channeling flows of Earth into the ground causing it to shake violently.  Geirrin tried to cut the weave though the shaking earth bounced him about so much that he lost control of the source.  Geirrin continued to bounce until he was bounced from the patch of the ground.  He could still feel the vibrations as he struggle to get to a knee using the sword for support.  Geirrin knelt there breathless eyeing Tsingtao hoping for a few moments of respite.

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Tsingtao concentrated on the Earth weave, but the wretched feeling from the Taint was starting to overtake his senses.  He released his weave and sprung into action.  With this sword raised, Tsingtao let out a battle cry as he closed the gap between Geirrin and himself.


Geirrin leapt into the air to meet Tsingtao's onslaught.  Their swords clashed creating brilliant sparks with each blow.  Each combatant did their best to get the upper hand.  Each combatant still embraced Saidin.  Each combatant was extremely tired.


Tsingtao swung his sword to Geirrin's right.  He followed up with a strike with a series of moves.  His sword quickly went from the right, to the lower left, back to the upper right.  Tsingtao pulled his sword back for an overhead blow.  Each move was blocked by Geirrin.  Tsingtao continued his attack.  His thrust found its mark as Geirrin cried in pain.  Geirrin stumbled backwards to avoid Tsingtao.


Tsingtao stalked his wounded prey.  Tsingtao would cast a weave of Air knocking Geirrin around the yard.  Geirrin tried to strike back with a weave of his own, but Tsingtao would distract him with a forceful push of air.  The blows were more like punches at this point.  Tsingtao continued to stalk Geirrin.


Geirrin knew he had to stop Tsingtao.  He really wanted to win this contest.  He decided the time was now to strike.  Geirrin leapt forward faking an attack.  Tsingtao took the bait by dodging out of the way.  Geirrin turned to face Tsingtao.  Inverting his weave, Geirrin quickly channeled a weave of Spirit and launched his Power at his opponent. 


Tsingtao went wide-eyed at this run of events.  He dropped his sword and bowed his head.  “I yield to you in this combat.” he said.  “You have shielded from the source, thereby winning this match.”




OOC:  Sorry if this sounds a bit confusing, I’ve been drinking and the post looks good on my end.  Must be the beer goggles.


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Tsingtao gave him no respite, with his sword raised the man charged in with a shrill battle cry.  Geirrin lept to his feet to meet him.  Swords clashed raining sparks that fell carelessly to the ground.  Geirrin held onto to saidin, it was the only thing allowing him to remain standing.  His arms were burning and felt like lead weights.  His movements were slowed as if he were fighting under water. 


Tsingtao's blade flashed from side to side.  To stare at it would have made him dizzy.  Each time Geirrin's sword arrived just in time as it barely blocked the furious onslaught.  He was beyond exhausted, all he could do was attempt to defend himself.  He mounted no assault, he had no energy to do so.  For the same reason he did not attempt to channel.  His strength was fading and he had to keep a reserve in case he found an opening.  It was only a matter of time before Tsingtao's blade would find its mark. 


After the wild onslaught, the thrusting blade took him off guard.  Pain lanced into his upper torso between collarbone and shoulder.  His left arm went numb as a result.  Geirrin dropped his sword clutching his wound, his hand came back bloody.  He wiped his hand on his coat then rubbed it in the dirt so it would not be slick when he picked up the blade again.


Geirrin very nearly lost the source as Tsingtao began to beat him with clubs of air.  Desperately he clung onto the sword and to saidin as Tsingtao pummeled him.  In short order he would have to yield, his remaining strength was being sapped.  Taking in air seemed to take a ridiculous amount of effort.  One last attack and he would have to yield.


Geirrin prepared himself inverting the weave and holding it ready as he lept at Tsingtao.  The man dodged the attack though Geirrin struck out with the weave of Spirit.  He put all of his reserve into the Shield and stared wide eyed as it fell into place.  He glanced at Tsingtao who had the same look of shock on his face.


Tsingtao dropped his sword and bowed his head knowing that without the ability to channel the duel was over.  “I yield to you in this combat.” Tsingtao said.  “You have shielded from the source, thereby winning this match.”


Geirrin nodded then released the source.  As saidin left him the exhaustion struck him like an avalanche as his legs gave out no longer able to support his weight.  Geirrin knelt there leaning on the hilt of his sword with his right hand as he gasped for air.  He knelt there, bleeding like a stuck pig as his left arm hung limp as his side.  Someone called out for a healer, even through the gasps for air he somehow managed a small smile.  He had passed, soon he would join the ranks as an Asha'man, soon very soon.

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