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Lodging complaint against DM WoT forum and its members.


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I'm sure when the book comes out and disagrees with one of your theories, you'll be on the first flight to Utah to get BS to make the correct changes, and beg for forgiveness. Obviously, he must be in the wrong


Obviously. I mean just look at his initials.


I did really want Taim to be Demandred though.


So did I. Lol.



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I'm always amazed at how I can hold on to my pet theories in the face of overwhelming evidence against them.



I know how you feel benr. ;)


I'd think less of anyone who didn't though. *nod*


It's not like it's important to be right or wrong about these books.

If you enjoy them, and enjoy discussing them, that's what's important.


I do notice that some people who've discovered the series late, like say around Winter's Heart...they do get overwhelmed more often because of the sheer size of the series, and reading all of those novels in one go can get to be a bit too much to absorb.


Then you have a bunch of people who've been waiting for each of the novels for over a decade...

For people like this (myself included) it can get pretty intense, the involvement in the details.

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