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Dedicated: Geirrin Hale (Completed Ash'aman Reqs)


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Name: Geirrin Hale

Rank: Dedicated


Strength: 38

Skill:    28


OP score breakdown:


Fire   = 8 (8 pts)

Earth  = 8 (8 pts)

Air    = 7 (9 pts)

Water  = 6 (7 pts)

Spirit = 9 (12 pts)


           (43 pts + 1 Bonus pt spent)




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Dedicated to Ashaman:


Learning Related Roleplay 1: The three (not) so wise men Complete  5 posts by me, 16 in total


Learning Related Roleplay 2:Time to Build Complete  6 posts by me, 9 in total


Using Saidin Roleplay: Something less destructive Complete 5 posts by me


Inter-divisional Roleplay:  Answering the Call Part 1 3 posts by me Answering the Call Part 2 7 Posts by me

Fire in the Sky3 Posts by me Complete


Duel an Asha'man:  Called to a Duel Complete 4 posts by me


Black Tower Feedback:

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Attention everyone!


*Trumpets, fanfare, and much ado.  Everyone stares in awe*


It is proposed that we raise Dedicated Geirrin to the most exalted rank of Asha'man, with all the rights, priveleges, and explosions that come with such rank.


All in favor say 'aye'.


*listens to aye's*


All opposed, shut up cuz this isn't a democracy anyway :D


*Bonks the official rubber stamp on Geirrin's forehead*


Congrats.  Here's your key to the liquor cabinet.  Oh, and the dragon pin.


And don't worry about the feedback form.  Jocelyn thought that one up, but I don't think she ever actually made it.  If you feel the need anyway, send any of us a PM with suggestions to make things better. :P

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