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X3 discussion (Spoiler inside) READ AT OWN RISK


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Guest Segurant

I recommend to those who have not seen the movie but plan on it to just hit the back button and move along. You have been warned.


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Okay I was very cautious about this movie. From the trailers I thought they were trying to put in too much with just a short timeframe. Well I can honestly say that the trailers were misleading.


I do like the movie. I think it is better than the second but not as exciting and the first.





(start spoiler)




First of all someone please shoot Halle Berry! I could have done with her having a lesser role, but it is not enough to kill the movie. I was upset at the death of Xavier. The most powerful telepath in the world dies. I was thinking to myself, killing Xavier kills a lot of storyline potential. Hell killing off Scott Summers and Jean Grey takes away some of the storylines of the X-Men we all have read about. Of course the ending of the credit made me say "Holy Shit" out loud. People around me were snickering.


Also taking away Magneto's powers were somewhat depressing. He was a badass and how could you do that. But in the end, my faith has been renewed. I personally think that the "cure" only made the mutant gene dormant and that people can recover from it, maybe not at full strength maybe full recovery. No telling. With the way the movie ending, there is great hope that they will make another movie.


My favorite part of the movie was detailing the difference between Xavier and Magneto. They had the same goal just with two different views. "I like this one." comment by Magneto made me chuckle.

Guest Winespring Brother

I must admit I fell hook, line and sinker for all the parts of this film. I tried deliberately before hand not to get any spoilers or stuff like that, so when Jean killed the Professor, and in such a dramatic way, I can honestly say I had never been so shocked in my life! It was a real blood and bloody ashes moment, leaving my heart racing at hundreds of miles and hour


I really thought as the film was ending,

"well, this has to be the last one!"

because the Professor was dead, as was Jean and Scott. Rogue, Magneto, Mystique all no longer mutants. I was like, well no way can they make another movie dominated by Storm. And then you think Magneto is about to topple his king at chess, quite a strong image, and it moves on its own.

"Holy Bela!!!! The cure isn't permanent! "

I sat thtough the credits in shock, and then, like you said

"Holy Bela's Droppings in a Bag!"

He aint dead! and we all know that a Pheonix can rise again. So I went from thinking they had killed off 6 main characters to none in a few minutes. Wow!



It wasn't all good. Angel was a load of rubbish, Vinnie Jones made a poor Juggernaut, and there was far too little of Mystique for my liking.

Good performances though from Kelsey as Beast, and I thought Kitty was quite a cool character in this film.

Guest Segurant

I think Vinnie Jones was okay as Marko Cain, I just think he was poorly written.


I remembered last night my favorite part, Jean wrapping her long legs around Logan. I was thinking "LUCKY BASTARD!" I love long legs. Also I was thinking of Famke in Goldeneye. DEATH BY LEGS. That is how I would like to go.

Guest Winespring Brother
Also I was thinking of Famke in Goldeneye. DEATH BY LEGS. That is how I would like to go.


:lol: You have no idea how many times I have thought that myself!

Guest Majsju
Also I was thinking of Famke in Goldeneye. DEATH BY LEGS. That is how I would like to go.


:lol: You have no idea how many times I have thought that myself!


Well, who hasn't? :D


My main disappointment about the movie was that the stupid trailer tricked me, I was hoping there would be real Sentinels in it, not just a simulation in the Danger Room.

Guest Winespring Brother

That scene in the danger room was really good, but when it appeared it had me completely fooled. I was wondering what the hell had happened to reality.




Spoiler warning!



Apparently in Asia the scene after the credits was different, showing instead of the professor thing, a scene where Pyro goes back to school and makes up with Bobby. Yuk!

Guest Majsju

Eh...Ok...Kinda glad I don't live in Asia then :D


When I saw the danger Room scene, the first that came to mind was that episode when Kitty Pryde travels back from the future to prevent Magneto & Co from killing senator Kelly, since the scene looked a bit futuristic.

Guest Segurant

I wanted more Sentinels. You would think that they had to exist in order for the team to know what to program.


I just thought it was poorly done. You see eyes and then a severed head.

Guest Emperor

Good stuff. I thought the movie was pretty good, except for the parts with Storm. I was a bit shocked they killed off Cyclops so quickly, you almost forget about it by the end of the film. I mean it wasnt as dramatic as Prof X. Oh and Jean Gray is the most powerful telepath in the world Segs.


As for movie 4 which, after the big grossing of the 3rd could be a possiblity, I would like to see Apocolypse. However, more than likely, they will just do seperate movies for individual characters, like they are doing with Wolverine.


Overall, good movie. I mean the last scene with Wolverine and Phoenix was great!

Guest Segurant

From http://www.marvel.com/universe/Professor_X


"Professor X is a mutant who possesses vast psionic powers, making him arguably the world's most powerful telepath"


Who knows nowadays with some many different Xmen storylines.

Guest Emperor

Ok in the movie. Sheesh.

Guest Karana Majin

Ok, I saw this last night and went in with low expectations, having read reviews but no spoilers. Wow, was I wrong. I loved it! I love Storm, though. I thought she was great, I loved when she kicked that mutant chick's ass. (And we have never seen her just shoot lightning from her hands, that was badass)


I was a little disappointed by the change in the Phoenix storyline from being a roving alien that took over Jean, to it suddenly being something that Prof had kept locked up inside her. But Marshall, who hasn't read the comics, said it sounded way better this way to him after I told him about it. Still not sure. I don't like the idea of anyone being stronger than Xavier, except maybe Magneto.


And I cried when he lost his powers and when he was in the park, head down, like a beaten old man. Cried like a baby. And cheered when he told that punk Pyro off for his comment about Charles. Magneto is just SO interesting (and it helps that he is SO well played by Ian McKellan!) So dark, and yet you feel he has some goodness in him. When he turned away from Mystique, though, I almost fainted.


Personally, since being near the kid took away your powers, but then they came back, I feel that this "cure" is, of course, not permanent. I hope so. I was PISSED at Rogue.


And disappointed that there was no Gambit. I thought he was in this one. *sigh* And Angel left me cold... but I wonder if we'll see him getting it on with Moira soon? And that scene at the end of the credits left me with my jaw hanging open, too.


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