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Taron Seil's arrival (attin. Mot)


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Taron looked over the gleeming splendor of Tar Valon from the back of his horse riananan. The horse had been given to him by the Theifcatcher he had lived with for a few months in cairhein the thiefcatcher was also the soruce of the Bow, Quiver,belt knife and Cloak he wore. That also ammounted to everything he owned which was perfectly alright by him Taron was used to living such a simple life. After two years of travaling, seeing the great cities,learning to defend himslef with knives and bow rather then the aweful chunky,long broad sowrd his father had tought him to use.The time had finaly come for him to end his journey and begin a new one as a warder trainiee.


Taron rode down to the gate ahead of him not caring to see the name. and addresed the gaurd there "hello my name is taron i seek the Warders yards in the White Tower."

the gaurd replied "why of course young sir the towers just down that rode and the Misstress of Trainiess should set u up right nicely for warder training." "thank you" Taron said as he rode on.


Making it through the streets proved slow on horse back but Taron dident mind he enjoied the sites and prepared himslef for his metting with the mistress.


Ariving at the tower one of the gaurds told him where the yards were and which house was the misstress's while a groom took riananan to a stable.


Marching straight up to the door Taron knocked three times and waited for a reply while flourishing his knives which had become a habit when he got nervous.

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Thera was sitting in her office with the shades drawn and a fire blazing on the hearth. The days had not yet grown so cold, but the fires warmed her spirits, as well as her body. In the bright light of her room, the small silver ring on the third finger of her left hand shone, and the tiny stone sat within it cast sparkling moats of light around the room.

Ever since that night, and their imposed separation she had started at the ring often, thinking about the days to come. It was only a few more weeks, but the weeks felt like years without him by her side.


Three sharp raps at the door pulled her from her solitude and she quickly tucked away the other ring that had been lying on her desk. Quickly she pulled out the stack of papers that required her signature and took up a pen. “ Enter and be quick about it! I have work to do.”


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"come in and be quick about it i have work to do" said the misstress of trainiees more then enough command for Taron to come in put on a smile and give her his best leg which was considerablly good that thief cacther did seem to know a lot one of the other things he happened to knwo was to be mindful of his surroundings scanning the room quickly for exits before turning back to the lady looking into her eyes and finding a woman whop knew well how to defned herself and another thing that he couldent put a finger to. rising from the bow Taron said "hello my lady and how are u  on this fine day?"

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Her eyes lifted to the door as it opened, and she sat down her pen. It had been weeks since a new recruit had arrived and this one looked about as raw at they come. Oh yes he wore the weapons and the top knot of a solider, but that only made her job harder. The more they thought they knew of their weapons when they arrived the harder their lives were. Perivar could attest to that.


"Hello my lady, and how are you on this fine day?"


With a glare Thera slapped her hand down hard on her desk, the sound resonating through the room. That pulled the child up from his ridicules bow. “My name is Mistress Thera, not my lady and you will address me as such. Now sit down.” She barked. “ And I will hear nothing of your Borderland pride and how you have to stand.” She pointed to the chair in front of her desk and waited for him to obey. “Since I am in a fine mood this glorious day I will give you some advice.” Thera put her elbow on her desk and leaned forward with fire in her eyes. “Forget everything you think you know of your weapons and trust that I know more than you and we will get along fine.”


Leaning back in her chair she crossed her arms and fixed him with a level stare. “Tell me what you are doing here, where you came from and why you came.”

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with a crack theras hand came down hard on her desk My name is Mistress Thera, not my lady and you will address me as such. Now sit down.” She barked. “ And I will hear nothing of your Borderland pride and how you have to stand.” She pointed to the chair in front of her desk and waited for him to obey. “Since I am in a fine mood this glorious day I will give you some advice.” Thera put her elbow on her desk and leaned forward with fire in her eyes. “Forget everything you think you know of your weapons and trust that I know more than you and we will get along fine.”


used to people thinking he had a borderlanders overnflated pride with him still after two years learning how useless it was. Taron sat quickly and told her "i admit i know very little about my weapons just what a thiefcatcher decided to teach me, so we should get along splendedly shouldent we?" thinking quickly wether or not he should give an honest answer or not Taron decides after a few seconds of thought to give honest answers "i came from Saledea but havent been there for two years, i left when i was fourteen to join  the warders to fight the shadow and protect woman even tho thats not the purpose of the warders i thought it was a great palce to start and so im here to become a warder misstress Therea." Well he thought wyrly it was a version of the truth anyway. Wondering wether or not she could figure out that his story was  only bits and peices of the truth he stetled down to wait for her reply.

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Most stories that she heard were only partial versions of the truth and usually what was left out was not enough to cause harm, but if it was she dug it out of them soon enough. “Perhaps I did not make myself clear, it takes a little more than a smile to get along with me.” Her face was stone calm, but inside Thera was laughing; one boy had managed very well with his smile.


“As for being a warder, that is a long road and one with uncertain end. What you train for here is to be a Tower Guard and to protect the whole of Tar Valon, not just the Sisters that live within these walls. One thing we do with every action is appose the Shadow, so it is well you believe as you do. Now if you truly want to get along with me as you claim to then you must remember three things. While you are a trainee my words are law, I won’t tolerate rule breakers or liars, and above anything else you will show proper respect to your superiors. Which includes myself, Tower Guards, Warders, Sisters and anyone else in these yards. No more of your cheeky comments either. They are a quick way to earn punishment. Do we understand each other?” Thera waited in silence never breaking her hard stare. When he finally nodded she reached into her desk and pulled out the roster.


“Your name and city of birth.” Once the ink was dry on the page she closed the book and looked Talon in the eyes. “You are committed to us now, and I intend to see that you see your promise through to the end.”


Thera gave the boy a small smile, hoping to show that she was open to questioning. “Do you have any questions before we continue?”


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hmm the smile ussally works even where the bow fails a hard woman indeed and a very interesting one oh yes i am gonna enjoy gettting to know her Talon thought to himself.


“As for being a warder, that is a long road and one with uncertain end. What you train for here is to be a Tower Guard and to protect the whole of Tar Valon, not just the Sisters that live within these walls. One thing we do with every action is appose the Shadow, so it is well you believe as you do. Now if you truly want to get along with me as you claim to then you must remember three things. While you are a trainee my words are law, I won’t tolerate rule breakers or liars, and above anything else you will show proper respect to your superiors. Which includes myself, Tower Guards, Warders, Sisters and anyone else in these yards. No more of your cheeky comments either. They are a quick way to earn punishment. Do we understand each other?” Thera waited in silence never breaking her hard stare. When he finally nodded she reached into her desk and pulled out the roster.


stupid country lout he thought to himself of course not everyone gets to be a warder no wonder the smile and bow did nothing she obviosuly thinks ur a country born commenor who learned to bow and thinks it will get him anywere time to change that thinking hwo was the real question. Wait u idiot foucus uve been spacing!!! say something good something good lets see what did she say last


Thera gave the boy a small smile, hoping to show that she was open to questioning. “Do you have any questions before we continue?”

hmm a smile well then maybe she wasent all ice The only queston i have misstress Thera is wether or not i can continue to train with my knives and bow thinking about his dream of learning to weild the ashandarei Taron decided to take a chance "mistress Thera uhm.. how long has it been do u think since anyone has learned the ashandarei? do u think i could find someone to teach it to me?well he thought u have already taken the chance now all there is left is to wait.

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“In the yards you will be trained in the use of many types of weapons. I myself am an expert shot with my bow and I am never out of reach of my knives.” With a flourish she pulled the one from up her sleeve and tucked it away. “You will find that most warders are more than just swords men.”


Thinking she had satisfied his questions Thera stood to gather her cloak and was surprised when he spoke again. Before Melenis had come to the yards it had been some years since Thera had even seen an ashandari. “ If that is what you choose to learn there is a woman here who can teach you and a few others besides.” Perhaps setting up a meeting between him and Melenis would be a smart idea she thought to herself.


“Now,lets take a tour of the yards so I can show you around.”


OOC: Just RP me showing you around the yards and your impressions. Ask questions if you like.



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“In the yards you will be trained in the use of many types of weapons. I myself am an expert shot with my bow and I am never out of reach of my knives.” With a flourish she pulled the one from up her sleeve and tucked it away. “You will find that most warders are more than just swords men.”


Surprised to see the knife in Theras hand Taron almost had a knive out from sheer instict before he had time to think and move his hand away from the seeth. Then doubley surprised that there were people to teach him the ashandari Taron practicly jumped from his chair ready to see the yards and begin his training.


The tour of the yards was not extreamly time consuming Taron had few questions besides asking after how intense the training was and how long it took to become a full tower gaurd or warder. In no time at all they were back in Theras study and Taron was awaiting the dissmisal he was sure would come soon.

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The young man was eager, like most were, and he was able to keep his cheekiness contained for the duration of their tour so Thera was willing to let is pass. She lead him through the practice yards and over to the kitchens. She showed him the way to the Library and to the Barracks, pointing out the Bath House and the Stable. She had given this tour a thousand times and for the 999th she thought about passing the duty off to one of the older trainees.


Tossing her cloak over her chair she had Taron sit down one last time for today. “ You have seen the yards and you know the rules. Your training will begin tomorrow at first light, which means the rest of the day is yours…after you run your laps.” She reminded him of the dirt she had pointed out that surrounding the entire training grounds. “You will complete 100 laps around the yards, and do not think of shirking, I will know. You are dismissed.”


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Tossing her cloak over her chair she had Taron sit down one last time for today. “ You have seen the yards and you know the rules. Your training will begin tomorrow at first light, which means the rest of the day is yours…after you run your laps.” She reminded him of the dirt she had pointed out that surrounding the entire training grounds. “You will complete 100 laps around the yards, and do not think of shirking, I will know. You are dismissed.”


ready to try his 100 laps out in the yards Taron rose and did another bow before leaving before Thera could say anything with a simple " yes misstress" Taron all but ran from the room with a broad grin cracking on his face. Outside the room Taron considered if he was gonna be able to run these laps hmm the only way to get thro it was to summon the void his father had tought him and tune it out.


Running the laps was grueling even with the void a hundred laps was more then anything he had ever done before. There werent even any pretty grils around to look at while he was running just plain old running. Around 20 laps his legs started to shake and the sweat coating him began to get uncomfrtably cold by fifty Taron was waboling and on the seventy fifth lap he started falling five times on that one and the next five and then ten or more times on every one there after. The result being him stumbling off to the sleeping quarters Thera had mentioned on legs that had no interest in supporting him anylonger and falling short of the barracks and sleeping right there on the hard ground. His last thought before sleeping was well wasent this just a spiffy first day.

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